Escaping the Imperial Base

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Kanan's POV

I was sitting in my cell thinking about what had just happened. I had been tortured by Imperials, then I was forced to watch Hera be tortured, even worse than I had. After her torture was done, she had more or less passed out, from either tiredness or fright. The more that I thought about it, it seemed more likely to be tiredness. The thing that angered me the most though, was not the Imperials torturing her. No, it was the Imperial officer enjoying torturing her.

My train of thought was interrupted by a prisoner screaming as they were dragged by my cell. My instincts kicked in as I jumped up and started running to help them. There was only one problem with that. There was a door in my way. I tried to slow down, but failed to do so, resulting in a loud crash, which was me running into the door. Smooth, Kanan. Smooth. There were steps outside the door, which slid open, revealing the steps belonged to two stormtroopers. They looked at me and laughed as I laid out on the floor, pretending that I knocked myself out. One of them bent down to check my vital signs just to make sure that I actually didn't kill myself by hitting my head on the door that hard. As soon as he felt that I had a pulse, he straightened himself up and signaled his companion to leave the cell. As they left, I had a sudden idea pop into my head. I got up from the floor and walked over to the troopers leaving the cell. I tapped one of them one the shoulder. They turned around and got a fist to the face. They fell to the floor as the other trooper turned around in the confusion. I took his arm and twisted it, then kicked him in the stomach. He fell to the floor as his fellow trooper got up again. He kicked my back, sending me flying across the room. I landed on the floor and twisted around, tangling the troopers feet up with mine. He fell to the floor and his blaster skittered over to my side. I picked it up and smirked. I walked over to him and smashed the butt of the gun into the side of his head. I did the same to the other trooper. I took the gun that I had "borrowed" and the troopers armor.

After a couple of minutes, I had changed into the troopers armor. I climbed up the stairs out of the cell and closed the door on the other troopers, who were still in there passed out. I walked around in the halls trying to find Hera's cell. Suddenly, an astromech ran into my leg. I was about to turn around and tell him off when I suddenly realized that there was something interesting about this one. It looked like Chopper! The droid beeped in excitement and guided me over to a terminal. He plugged himself in and told me the cell number that Hera was being kept in. I nodded and told Chopper to meet me at the elevator. He beeped a couple of times, then rolled off towards the left hallway. I turned and went the opposite way. Walking down the hallway, I kept repeating the cell number to myself so I wouldn't forget it. After about seven minutes, I found the cell number that I was looking for. I punched the button to the side and the door slid open. Hera was laying on the floor, most likely in the same position that she had been when she was thrown in the cell. She pulled herself over to the wall when she heard the door open and held her hands up over her head, trying to protect herself. I realized after a second that she thought I was a stormtrooper. I took my helmet off a called out, "Hera, it's me! Come over here so I can help you get out of here."

She looked up at me and smiled. Her lips started moving to ask a question, but I interrupted her. "Not now, Hera. Later. We need to leave this place."

She nodded her head and got up to her feet. As she walked over to me, I was stunned at how horrible she looked. Blood was stained on her clothes and she had cuts and bruises all over her face, arms, shoulders, and legs. She reached me and put her arm over my shoulder to support herself. After she got herself comfortable, she started walking. I guided her to the elevator and saw Chopper waiting at the end of the hallway. I told him to press the button, which he did. By the time Hera and I got there, the door was open and waiting for us. We stepped inside and I pressed the button that would take us to the ground level. During our ride down, I planned our path out of the base, which along the way we would pick up our weapons. As the elevator told us that we were on the ground floor, I started spamming the open button. In what seemed like forever, the door finally opened. I picked up Hera and carried her over my shoulder as I ran down the hallway to where the prisoners weapons were. Behind me, I heard hurried footsteps towards the elevators. I hid behind a wall and listen to the conversation behind me.

"I'll remember this!" one voice said, "What's your ID number?"

"It's AD-1142!" the other voice replied, "Eat my..."

His words were cut short by the elevator closing. I heard an impatient sigh from the officer. I decided to sneak out of my hiding spot and take a chance on being caught. Luckily, I wasn't caught, and Hera and I managed to sneak into the room. We looked through boxes and found two that were labeled with our names. We got our weapons out and attached them to our belts. A few minutes later, Hera and I were out in the halls of the Imperial base again. I was still carrying Hera though the halls of the base, while Chopper helped me know where to turn. Eventually, we reached the door that lead outside. Opening it, we were greeted by a single trooper keeping watch at their post. I ran on past while Hera shot them in the chest. They dropped to the ground dead. We ran past the open area which had been where the light had broken the night before. Still broken, I ran with Hera on my shoulder into the darkness in the spaceport. When I had decided that it was safe for Hera to walk the rest of the distance, I let her off of my shoulder and helped her walk back to the Ghost. We reached the ramp, which was still down. I helped her up the ramp and up the ladder to her bedroom. "Wash off and change," I told her, "I'll set the coordinates for empty space. If you need help, just yell at me."

She nodded and watched me as I walked towards the cockpit to steer the ship off of this planet. "Chopper! Program the coordinates to a patch of empty space."

Chop beeped in reply and started working. I flipped some switches and turned on the ships main systems. I flew the starship out of the atmosphere and asked Chopper if he had the coordinates ready. His beep confirmed my question and I pulled the switch to enter lightspeed. As the stars became longer I thought to myself.

Back where we belong. We're home.

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