Kanan Goes Grocery Shopping

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Kanan's POV

"Stay with the ship, Chop." I said as I let the ramp down.

I was greeted by the stone walls of a docking bay. I walked down the ramp and out of the bay. As I walked down the corridors to get to the open-air marketplace, I looked at the different people around. There was a human woman talking to a protocol droid, a pair of two Rodian men arguing, and a Twi'lek woman giving orders to an astromech. The sight of the latter gave me sorrow as I thought of Hera and her sudden disappearance. 

After a few minutes of thought, I was interrupted by walking into a Lasat.

"Sorry." I muttered, as I walked past them.

I got to the market after one last minute of walking through the spaceport. I looked at the list that I had grabbed before I left the Ghost. Walking towards the nearest stand, I started my shopping.

Twenty minutes later, I had all of my supplies and was heading back to the Ghost. Suddenly, I saw a familiar figure giving orders to stormtroopers. Hide! my mind instantly commanded. I obeyed and ducked behind a few crates pushed carelessly aside against a wall. As I watched, she gave orders to the soldiers under her command, telling the to take... someone prisoner. I was too far away to see who it was. The troopers walked away from me, while she walked toward me. I ducked as far into the semi-protective shadows as was possible. As she walked past, she stopped and looked behind her, as if afraid. After receiving a few stares from citizens, she dusted off her shoulder and continued walking.

A sigh of relief escaped my mouth as I stood up and continued my walk to the hanger. But of course, a rebel couldn't have a peaceful day. Stormtroopers, numbering fifteen, were chasing the Lasat I had bumped into earlier. At least they weren't after me for once. The Lasat ran behind a few crates that were neatly stacked on top of each other. With incredible strength, he pulled the crates down on the troopers. He then wiped his hands on his pants and acted like nothing had happened. I then heard another squad of troopers rounding the corner. Behind me, I heard single pair of footsteps that were rather lighter than the average stormtrooper. I slouched my back and turned to see an "old friend".

"Ah, Kanan... Jarrus, is it? So nice to see you again. I would ask you if you were still living on Gorse but, oh wait... there's not a job for you there anymore."

"Oh, Captain Sloane, how nice to see you on this lovely day. I was just doing a bit of grocery shopping. How about we call it a day and I get to leave." I negotiated.

"I could make you an offer," she replied, "Tell me where the Lasat went and I wont bother you... today."

Where the Lasat went? He was right behind me, last I checked. I quickly turned around an spotted him between some pillars, where I could see him, but Sloane, who was completely focused on me, could not. After making a hasty decision I told her, "He went that way," pointing my finger toward a hallway leading the opposite way of the fugitive.

Captain Sloane signaled her forces to follow her. As, she left the Lasat squeezed out of his hiding place and  walked over to me.

"Thank you very much, sir." he said.

His voice was deep and had a vaguely English accent. "Call me Kanan. If you are being hunted by the Empire, I'd best get you out of here."

He looked surprised as I reached for my comm and told Chopper to prep the ship for take off and to plot hyperspace coordinates for empty space.

"Come on!" I told him, tossing a few supplies to him and running to the docking bay. When we got there, I told Chopper to take off and go. I let the Lasat hop on first, followed by me. The hyperdrive powered up after we left the atmosphere and we shot into hyperspace.

"Wait, sir, why did you help me?" the Lasat asked.

"Because it was the right thing to do." I replied, hoping that if Hera were here she would agree with me.

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