Secret Date

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Kanan's POV

I was riding the speeder to the bar to meet my secret date. I was actually very surprised that Hera took the bait. Hera usually never believes me, but given my past history that I have told her, she doesn't have that much to go on to say that I never lie.

As I got to the bar, I drove around the streets looking for a place to park. My lips still tingled from my kiss with Hera. I wanted to relive that moment, but I couldn't. Things only happen once. Only once, once to make an impression. Once to make a point. I flashed back to when I met Hera. I was only interested in her because of her beauty, especially her voice, but then I realized the importance of the rebellion. The importance of everything I now did. The importance of saving people for starvation, from breaking people out of prison that had been falsely accused, the importance of helping supporters of the Empire to realize what the Empire is actually doing, the fault in their ways.

I broke out of my train of thought as I walked in the door to the bar. The voices of people talking, yelling, ordering drinks, and flirting were interrupting my concentration. The music that was blasting from hidden microspeakers made my eardrums throb. I looked around and leaned against the wall near the door. There was a mix of species there, including mostly Togrutas, with varying Twi'leks, humans, and, for some strange reason, Mon Calamarians. I looked and scanned the tables for the familiar face of the Togruta.

I finally found her sitting in a secluded corner of the room. I walked over, politely asking people to move out of the way, sometimes shoving and nudging, and made my way over. I slid down into my seat that she had been saving for me.

"Hey. What're we planning to do tonight, sweetheart?" I asked, wanting to know what she planned.

"We," she said," are going to talk about ourselves and get to know each other first before we get down to business." I started to worry about this "talk to each other..."

I held up my hand and yelled at the bartender to get us some drinks. In a few minutes, he came back with two drinks in his hand. He slid them ungratefully on the table and frowned, then waddled away back to the counter.

"I think you are a much better bartender than that...person." she said.

"Aw, thanks. So...introductions. My name is Ka...  Calernds Jarunds. My wife's name is Tezlie Jarunds. Um... I lived on Gorse, and then I wondered around in space for a while, and now I live here! That's all I can think of for right now." I summarized.

"Well, I lived on this planet my whole life. There really is no where else I could imagine of living. I love it here. My name is Ashlian Remeliz. I live on the other side of town in a cute little housing unit. I also think it would be awesome to see space, and I love your goatee." she said, taking her finger and twirling my goatee with it.

After a while, we finished of five bottles. I was woozy from all the alcohol. She was more than that. She was flat out drunk. She seemed a bit like her normal self, but just a little more daring and she seemed to like hitting on me more when she was drunk. She leaned on my shoulder and told me that we should go and dance. I refused, seeing that she was drunk and that she probably do something that would get us kicked out, which would be really bad considering that we worked here. I told her that I was going to drop her off at her house. She gave me a thumbs up and smiled, giggling in the process. I escorted her to my speeder and took her hand, offering to help her up. She took it and sat in Hera's usual seat. This made me think about the lie I told, and how I was limited on time. 


We walked in the housing unit and she closed the door behind me. I looked around. We were in a living room. There was a long hallway that extended into a doorway at the end of it. There was a door to the left and two to the right. She staggered up to me and pointed out the rooms to me.

"The room to the left is the kitchen. The one down at the end of the hallway is the bathroom. The one closer to the bathroom is the office."

 She lead me in the room on the right that was closest to us. She told me to wait in the room until she came back. As soon as she left the room, my wrist com beeped a warning. I looked at it, made a brief decision, and then turned it off. I watched as she walked down the hall into the bathroom. I fast-walked over to the door, only to find out it was locked. What! Why was it locked? Why did Ashlian want to keep me here?

I ran back to the room I came from, hoping that Ashlian hadn't seen me. I was going to get in trouble with Hera. Chasing a thief didn't take THIS long. Not this long at all. I tried to look normal when I heard her footsteps coming down the hall. When the automatic door slid open, I was stunned. I couldn't talk. She was beautiful when she...

She walked up to me and smiled. She started moving towards me as I started to get over my shock. There was no way that I was going to avoid this. No way in this galaxy. I closed my eyes, preparing for the worst, knowing that it wasn't going to feel like it...

Hera's POV

I knew something was wrong after Kanan refused to answer his com. I planted a tracking device on the speeder that we shared . I turned on a hologram of where the speeder was located and I gasped. there was no way that Kanan would do this. Not to me. He was on the other side of town, far away from the bar where we worked. He was at the house of one of the serving maids that happened to be a friend. And I knew that friends personality.

This was not going to end well...

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