The Vision

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Kanan's POV

Blackness. That was all I could see. Pure blackness.


The voice. The voice I never wanted to stop hearing, but yet at the same time I did. Voices that I never thought I would head again.


Voices upon voices kept coming. Some voices I vividly remember, others I have forgotten. Suddenly, the blackness turned to blinding daylight as I stood on a planet. I recognized it at once. This planet I swore I would never come back to. The planet where I lost my master and the only life I had ever known, the  Jedi Order, forever.

Downed trees and fallen warriors from both sides of the Clone War, Republic and Separatist, were scattered across the ground like a game of Dejarik. I watched as if it were a holofilm. Actual events that had happened in my life being played out in a hologram. As for me, it seemed like I was a hologram that no one could see as they all ignored my presences and just passed through me. I watched a fourteen-year-old version of myself deflected laser blasts and cut through droids. My boots were caked in mud, my face was covered in dust, my Jedi attire was torn, and there was the unusual sight of my hair being cut short, with the traditional padawan braid down the side of my head. I then watched as the Separatist general called his forces to retreat. My master and I were celebrating my first battlefield victory when the clone troopers started pointing their blaster rifles at us and firing lasers at us. The last thing I saw was my master and I deflecting shots. I hear her yell at me to run as I watched her be murdered by the clones. The men that I had been celebrating with a moment ago. The men that I had called my friends.     

The vision changed. I was in the middle of a dense forest, thriving with life and full of foliage. I walked forward and saw a footpath leading down a hill. I walked down the hill and tripped over a root and fell. Fell into nothingness. The ground had opened up and was swallowing me whole. Soon, I was in pitch black space with stars in the distance. Before I could take in surroundings, I heard a CLACK CLACK sound what I assumed was some sort of wood hitting the ground. I looked up to see someone I thought had died during the war. Master Yoda.

The shriveled up green man was walking toward me. I knelt down, not knowing what else to do and out of respect.

"Master Yoda, is that really you," I asked.

"Yes, Caleb Dume, me it is. Watched you for a long while, I have."

"B...but Master, how did you find me?"

"Through the Force, I have, Dume," explained Yoda.

"Master..." My words trailed off as he interrupted.

"Not much time, is there. Need to tell you this, I do. Buy a journal, you need to. In your future, great need, I see. Learn from you misfortunes, certain people could."

"Master...I...I don't see how this has anything to do with..."

"Warn you, I did about short time. Come, time has, for me to leave. Watch over you, I will,  Caleb Dume."

Yoda came close to my face before he hobbled away, putting his three-fingered hand on my face. He then turned around and I was enveloped in nothing but blackness again.

Hera's POV

I walked into the kitchen to start to fix our dinner when I heard a crash from down the hallway. I figured it was Chopper dropping something again. I turned back to my work and started cutting the fruits.

Once dinner was prepared, I went upstairs to get Kanan. As I walked down the hall, I saw Chopper rolling around.

"Hey Chop, you'd better be careful with those tools or I'll smash your domed head in with them."

Chopper didn't even reply, and just extended his metal arms and waved them around his head.

I rolled my eyes. Typical. I made my way to Kanan's cabin and knocked on the door. When I got no reply, I knocked again.

"I told you not to go too deep into thought," I half yelled, "You have five seconds until I'm coming in.!"

Still confused as to why he wasn't responding, I pressed the button that opened the door. At least it should have, but apparently Kanan had locked the door, so I had to put in the override code to get in. Once I got in the room and turned on the light, I screamed.

Kanan was lying on the floor. He looked like he was dead. I rushed to his side, thinking of the crash I heard upstairs earlier. That must've been him. I put my pointer finger and my middle finger to his neck to check his pulse. My other hand was on his chest to check if he was still breathing and my head was next to his mouth to se fi he was bleeding. His pulse was thready, and he was breathing sharp, fast, shallow breaths. His side was split wide open, to wide for me to handle. I broke down crying. I was a skilled healer. I was taught many things in medicine when I was a little girl growing up. It was to much for my heart to bear.

I picked up his limp body and carried him to the med bay with struggle. He was much taller than I was and was much stronger. I placed him on the bed and hooked him up to the vital sign monitor next to the bed and laid my head on his chest before starting to fix his side.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

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