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I was staring blankly at the notification.

2 hours ago?! How come I didn't check my phone!! 😫

I tapped on "read more" the moment I came back to my senses. And there it was, a message way longer than what I was expecting.


I think I didn't blink even for once, while I went through the emotions poured out in that message.

Should I call her?

Of course I should. But what will I say?


"What is so hard?"

Surprised at that voice, I turned my head to look at the person standing at the door.

"Y-Yoongi hyung?"

Y/N's  P.O.V.

"Did he reply?"


"No? But it's been around 2 hours."

"I know."

"Y/N... Is there still something you haven't told us?"

"I've told you everything"

"Think about it, you didn't miss out anything? Something not too big? Well, not too big for you.  Sometimes the thing least worthy to us may hold the greatest value to someone else."

"Y/N? Are you listening to me?"

I was not. I was thinking about the little conversation we had last night. I was rude enough to hurt someone. And now that I think of it, he hasn't texted me back ever since I sent that message.

"So that's true? He is ignoring me out of anger?"

"Anger for what?"

I told her about everything. While she was dead silent throughout my confession, everytime she nodded her head my guilt seemed to be doubled.

After around 2 minutes of continued silence once I had finished, she spoke up.

"If that's the reason he's not replying, it's not anger Y/N. It's worse than that. It's a mix of anger and disappointment and misunderstandings, which is a really dangerous one."

Her words seemed to be digging through my heart, a grave where I felt like burying myself forever.

What do I do now? 😞


"Y-Yoongi hyung?"

He came and sat beside me. His eyes had the look of curiosity and fear, mixed together.

"What's so hard Jimin? Just tell me if something's bothering you."

But I can't. Oh Jimin, how could you forget about this? He told you about it just yesterday! No, I cannot tell him right now. It'll hurt him.



"I- it's, It's Jungkook!"


"Yes!!! I mean...yeah. I'm so afraid about him. I just hope he gets better soon."

"So, you think worrying about him is hard?"

"What? Oh!! No no! By that I meant our rehearsals, choreography and all."

"I know I know I was just kidding. Well then, if you're really this worried why don't you just go and check on him?"

"Noona says he needs to rest right now."

"Hmm. I see. She's not wrong. But our Kookie will be alright, it's not the first time one of us is injured. Don't worry about it okay? If we all start worrying so much just think of how Kookie will feel. We need to cheer him up, instead. That's our role as his hyungs. Just like it's my role to cheer you up, too!"

"Y-yes hyung", I tried my best to cover my lie with an assuring smile. "Thank you."

"Anytime. Just, don't hide something from me okay? If there's anything bothering you, just let me know."

With that he left, giving me a last pat on the back. I sighed when I was sure he cannot hear it.

"I'm sorry hyung..."


I was judging his expressions ever since I entered his room. Something was wrong, and I knew it.

"It's been years I know you Jimin. How did you think that you'll lie to me and I'll never know?", was what I kept thinking of, throughout our conversation.

Maybe he doesn't want me to worry about him too much? Maybe that's why he wants to hide the reason of his sorrow?

But I'm here for him. We all are, we'll always be. He doesn't need to keep secrets.

I was debating my urge to say all of it aloud, when my gaze took my mind to another realm. I saw his phone, kept on his side. He forgot to lock the screen.

It wasn't much time till I recognized the name, under which there appeared a long message.

"Y/N...", I tried my best not to say, taking in whatever I could from that message without being caught.

"So this is it? He's hiding this from me?"

"I confessed all of my feelings to him. I didn't hide a thing. I even said that I'd be okay if they both get together, that I'd never be a barrier. Even then!! Even then he's lying to me?"

"I cared about you Jimin, I was worried about you! I've always wanted you to be happy. But you did this to me?"

Nevertheless, I put on a fake expression and pretended I was fooled. Seems like I'm better at lying than him...




It's all because of your love and support, which I wonder if I'm even worthy of.

You all mean the world to me, no lies.

BTW!!! Wondering what was actually there in that message??

I'll let you know, of course. But not yet😂😂 You need to read the following chapters too😉😉😂😂

P.S. I added photos/GIFs in between after a long time. I've been considerably lazy lately😂

Lol thank you so much again guys! Do vote and comment! XOXO

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