The journey part 2

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As soon as I freaked my emotions out Jimin covered his face with his mask once again and pretended he didn't listen. 

Jimin: I'm sorry?

I noticed my sudden words had gathered the attention of a few eyes.

Y/N: uh? nothing.

Was it an illusion? Am I dreaming of Jimin?

Jimin: uh...i must say I didn't expect that reaction. Firstly I don't expect you to know me since we are not quite famous in this place, and secondly even if someone knows me I don't expect them to shout like that.

I only half-heard what words came out from those plump lips since they were the ones who stole my actual attention.

*Is it a dream? Am I really sitting beside my bias? Oh gosh, he's even more handsome in reality. I wonder if he's a human or not. I---*

Once again my thought process was interrupted, this time by Jimin himself as he waved his hand infront of me as if checking im blind or not.

As I came back to reality I realized he was expecting an answer.

Y/N: I'm so sorry I shouted your name like that. I was just...surprised.

He gave a smile which could have absorbed all the feelings out of the sponge of your heart at once.

Jimin: I'm really happy we have an army here as well.

Y/N: but what are you doing here?

Jimin: Aah...a very old friend of mine lives here. Its been 10 years since we met so I decided to give him a surprise on his birthday. I made sure the news didn't leak.

You wanted to ask whether he met his friend or not and about that stuff but at the moment you felt quite silly to do that I mean you have just met him and he's not even a normal guy he is PARK JIMIN.

The silence between you two was broken as the plane took off.  You once again checked your seat belts and tried to comfort yourself with the situation you're in right now. But, no use. Stronger than the sensation of rising above the clouds was the sensation of butterflies doing somersaults in your stomach. You wanted to start a conversation once more with him, his voice was so soothing! Aah, but what to say?

You glanced at him and you noticed he was once again asleep. 

Did he really go to sleep that fast? I mean its just been a few minutes that's all.

Jimin: If you keep staring at me like that I wouldn't be able to relax, you see.

*Damn it he caught me! What excuse now?*

Y/N: oh no you're getting me wrong I was not staring at you its just... 

Jimin: just?

Y/N: fine! I was just wondering how you went to sleep that fast. 

Jimin: oh okay don't fire at me please, im sorry then.

*Oh no what am I doing? How could I shout at him? At HIM?*

Y/N: I'm sorry I shouted once again. :(

Jimin: oh no its alright. That was my fault

Omg he's such a mochi I---

Jimin: May I know your name? :)

Y/N: of course I'm Y/N. One of the biggest armys you'll ever meet :D

Jimin:How sweet.Nice to meet you      Y/N :")

Y/N: Please don't say that. Its a pleasure for me to be sitting right beside my ultimate bias.

Jimin: I'm your bias? Then I'm super lucky to be sitting beside an army like you.

His words turned my cheeks red, even more than his.

Jimin: Hey are you blusing? OMG so cute.

Y/N: no im not blushing.

Jimin chuckled and so did I. Oh god this better not be a dream.

Jimin: hey Y/N would you mind taking a selfie? I always take pictures with armys I meet. And also since this was a secret trip I haven't posted a single photo. How about posting a selfie with one of the best army?

As moments passed we (and particularly I) became comfortable talking to each other. Since I already knew so much about him and BTS our conversations were much more vivid than what the first-time-conversations are. We talked about the craze of armys round the world for BTS and how very proud we armys are of the boys' hardwork and success.

Y/N: Honestly Jimin, the way you guys have imrpoved yourselves make us all hella proud. We heartily pray for your success and that you never go down. Whatever obstacle y'all face remember we armys are always there to support you. You have given us rays of hope when we felt insecure in our lives and as for that we armys are ready to do anything for you 7. Thankyou for doing all this and for  being who you all are. Please, stay the same always.

I noticed his tiny eyes had got a bit watery by my statement. But he hid them nevertheless and looked at me with a grateful expression.

Jimin: thankyou so much Y/N. BTS is nothing without you all. It...really means a lot.

Y/N: fighting!

We both smiled. I felt something in between us. I don't know what, but something like a connection. Like an urge to say everything without saying anything. Like we can understand every inch of the other by merely looking. And it seemed even he felt  the same. However it lasted just for a  small moment and we were both back into reality.

After that he got busy with his phone and so did I, but yet I kept throwing glances at him. His head was bent and so his jawline was the only part of his face visible, the rest under the soft cover of his glossy blonde hair.

Some time passed on like that (in between he gave a few smiles to me which indeed brought butterflies in my stomach). But then, the least thing you would expect, happened. You got the call of nature. 

Y/N: *thinking to yourself* okay so, I'll just get up and walk to the washroom and he won't ask me right? Omo what if he does? What will I say? It will feel shameful. I wouldn't if he had been a normal guy but, he's not T_T. What to do?

You needn't question youself for long. The call of nature kept on intensifying and left you with no choice.

Y/N: *okay then let's do it* excuse me, I'll be back.

Jimin nodded his head and returned to his phone.

Y/N: *was it that easy? Damn it I'm such a fool ;P *

As you stood up and checked whether your dress was okay, a sudden bump came your way. The aeroplane shook enough to make you lose your balnce. But what worse can you expect?

Before you could process what just happened you found yourself sitting on Jimin's lap with his arm having the phone tightly holding your waist, your hands tightly holding on to his chest and your legs intervened in between his; a situation which redefines awkwardness.

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