Launch Team Call

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***cross-posting from my random book; apologies if they're both in your library and you just got spammed***

Salutations! It's needy Verity knocking on your door again. But this is a fun opportunity that, I hope, will benefit EVERYONE involved and forge some great relationships in the bargain.

What's a launch team?

The goal of a launch team is to get the word out. Word of mouth is how books sell! The launch team works together to promote the book online before the release date. They tell friends and family, discuss why they love it, build the hype -- and hopefully the sales.

Of course, it's not about the selling. It's about giving people joy through my words. That, and connecting with you guys, is what's most important to me. I've never done a launch team, and I don't pretend to know everything about them, but I think that if we make it about those two things, we'll be acing this thing.

What you do

- Read The Journey if you haven't already. I will send you the manuscript; see below.

(Why? Because your friend is a lot more likely to buy it if you tell them, "I read this and loved it!" than if you tell them, "The author is an awesome person and my friend and I know she writes good stuff." Plus, when you're asked why it's a good book, you'll be able to give an informed answer.)

- Join the Discord server for the launch team members to interact, discuss promotional ideas, make announcements, and geek out together. I'll private message the invite to you.

(Why Discord? It's faster and more interactive than Facebook, and many people here already use it. It's easy to use and doesn't ask for personal information. If you don't have an account, you'll be prompted to make one when you click on the invite.)

- Actively share The Journey on social media during the days/weeks leading up to the release date.

I encourage you to leave a review of The Journey on Goodreads and/or Instagram, but unless you have already committed to that via my ARC signup form, it is not mandatory. Especially if you don't have a Goodreads or Instagram account. That would make things difficult. XD

What I do

- Send everyone on the team a current copy of The Journey.

- Assign posting slots (you will be free to share/promote my book outside your slot, but I figure this will give some structure to people, like me, who need it XD).

- Create the necessary quotes/other graphics for sharing (again, you are free to contribute your own efforts here. More about that on the discord.)

- Host an exclusive giveaway for my launch team to thank you for all your hard work. Prizes are TBD but top prize will include a free physical copy of The Journey.

- Keep everybody alive and provide metaphorical cookies.


- August: prep work

- September: promotion

- October 1: Party???


If this looks overwhelming to you, I promise, we're going to take it slow. My highest priority is to make sure that

a) everyone knows what they're doing when the time comes

b) everyone is having fun and getting to know each other


c) nobody's friends get annoyed from seeing The Journey one too many times in their feed.

The biggest time commitment you will need is for reading The Journey. You're free to do that at your own pace over the next eight weeks. (release date is October 1, remember)

I'd prefer you read the whole thing (it's only 58k words, which is on the short end for a novel), but if you only get through 3/4 of it, I won't kick you or anything. If you don't have time for 3/4, you probably shouldn't sign up. XD




IF YOU HAVE NOT PREVIOUSLY READ THE JOURNEY, your computer/device/email provider must be able to open .pdf files. The only version I have of The Journey currently is the .pdf of the manuscript, and I don't know when I will have another option.

You must have a social media account to do outreach on. I do not object, per se, to you sharing on Wattpad, but it should not be your only outreach. The pool is smaller on this site: we are in the same circles, our friends are mutual. Plus, let's be honest, a lot of us are broke teens who aren't about to invest money in somebody else's success story.

You must be 16+. No, I'm not going to be showing R-rated films on the Discord server. I simply need to know that I'm working with mature teens and adults who can competently handle the promotional requirements of this project. I don't think it's fair to ask younger teens to commit to it. (There are TONS of mature 14- and 15-year-olds out there, and I know some of you, and you are all awesome. I hate making a cutoff but it has to happen somewhere.)

If you are under 18 and win a physical prize in the giveaway, you will need to acquire parental/guardian permission to give out your address. I might ask for your parent to contact me just to verify that everything is A-okay. If your parent is unwilling to grant permission, there will still be digital prize(s) involved.


Final notes!

If you read The Journey and dislike it, you are free to back out of the launch team. The last thing I want is the awkwardness/dishonesty of someone promoting my book when they hated it. XD

You can spread the word about this, but don't invite anybody unless you can 100% trust them to follow through on the necessary commitments, and tip me off about them first. This should be basic protocol.



*clears throat*

If you want to be a part of this totally rad launch team, comment "I'm in" or some variant, along with confirmation that you are 16 or older. Word of honor, guys. ;) XD I'm hugely looking forward to working with all of you!f

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