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When the light of day, had shine on lincoln's face, he awoke himself from the world of dreams, lincoln took a look around his surroundings and remembered he was still inside the room both himself and ronnie anne were staying at, lincoln noticed that ronnie anne was still asleep, he shack her till she was awake.

Ronnie anne raised up and rub her eyes, she too was looking around her surroundings, like lincoln, she remembered about the yesterday's events, and also remembered that she shared a bunk with lincoln, she look at lincoln and spoke.

Ronnie anne: what time is it?

Lincoln: I'm not sure, maybe eight or nine in the morning?

Ronnie anne: I gauss we'll be here for a while, and we got a lot to get use to, out here.

Lincoln: yeah, I thought of that too, we a least have a roof on our heads and a home for now, plus, everyone here is nice and helpful, I'm glad we're here a least, there's no telling if we survived out in the wilderness.

Ronnie anne: we are so lucky, linc, I hope everything will be fine, and I'm hoping my family and the mcbrides are looking for us now, my mom and brother, my whole family, might be worried about us?

Lincoln agrees, then he starts feeling sad about his own family.

Lincoln was very sad when thinking about his love ones, his fear of losing everyone he cares for, and possibly not seeing them again, truly made his heart heavy, he had tears running down on his eyes.

Ronnie anne had noticed the sad expression on lincoln's face, she placed a hand on his shoulder and spoke.

Ronnie anne: don't worry lincoln, your family is going to search for you too, they won't leave you on your own to die, I believe they do love and care about you, in their own weird way?

A minute later, hera Appeared and had both lincoln's and ronnie anne's clothes.

Lincoln: Good morning Hera.

Hera: morning kid, I brought you guys something.

So she gave Lincoln and Ronnie Anne their clothes.

Ronnie anne: you and Toby fixed them good.

Hera: Thanks, it's what we do.

Lincoln: thanks hera, we own you one.

So Lincoln and Ronnie Anne put their clothes on.

Lincoln: It's almost as good as new.

Hera: Almost?

Lincoln: you fix the holes and and everything.

Hera: Oh.

Both lincoln and ronnie anne had changed back to their previous clothing before, they were impressed of how hera managed to repair their clothes, they finished charging and spoke.

Lincoln: hey hera, thanks again for everything, and letting me and Ronnie anne stay for a while, me and Ronnie don't know what would have happen to us, if you all hadn't show up and saved us from those wolves.

Hera: My pleasure Lincoln, now let's go meet up with the others.

Ronnie anne: also, thanks for fixing our clothes too, and making those bunks for us, I wish we had something to give you back, for everything you did for me and linc?

Hera: It's fine.

Lincoln: you said to meet up with everyone else, what for?

Hera: For breakfast.

Ronnie anne: oh-ok, let's get some grabs then.

With that, they went off to find their friends.

Everyone but Rachel was waiting for them, hera, lincoln and ronnie anne had token their seats and Farah was preparing their food.

Lincoln: Hello everyone, where's Rachel?

Rachel behind you, little man.

Just then, Lincoln turned around and saw Rachel behind him making him yelp in shock.

Rachel: You're going to eat that?

Everyone where eating eggs and bacon.

And Rachel was eating the most of it.

While lincoln and ronnie anne were enjoying their breakfast,.Rachel was Devouring everything in front of her.

Ronnie Anne: Pretty hungry today, huh?

Jacob: pretty much all the time.

Ronnie Anne chuckled, then she went back to eating.

Farah: lincoln, Ronnie anne, how was your bunks?

Lincoln: It was pretty good.

Farah: now, you remember what we talked about work here.

Lincoln: What kind of work?

Farah: everything.

Lincoln looked nervous.

Farah: since you two are new and not used to do some hard work, you kids can do some handy jobs with hera and Toby.

Ronnie Anne: okay.

Farah: you kids can help with the farm.

Lincoln: That sounds okay to me.

Hera: think so.

With that, they went off to the farm areas.

Toby and lincoln were handling the crops, while hera and Ronnie anne were with the fruits and vegetables.

Hera was watering the plants, while ronnie anne was helping planting them on the ground.

Hera: You okay Ronnie?

Ronnie anne: I'm good, just a little tired.

Hera: Didn't you sleep well last night?

Ronnie anne: that, and I'm not use to work like this.

Hera: You don't live by any farms?

Ronnie anne: nope, I live with my big family, in a departments.

Hera gave a disappointed look.

Ronnie anne: I use to live at royal woods, but me, my mom and brother had to move in great lake city, I actually miss my old home.

Hera: then you should convince your brother and mother to move back there.

Ronnie anne: my mom wanted to move there, because she didn't what me to stay alone all the time.

Hera: You shouldn't let your mom make ALL the decisions.

Ronnie anne: I gauss, I don't know what to say, it's a bit of a long story too.

Hera: I think that once you see your mom again, you should stand up to her.

Ronnie anne: she's not bad, we were going to go back, but my grandparents, uncle, aunt, cousins, everyone did so much for us.

Hera: I see.

Ronnie anne: I miss my mom, I hope she and my brother is ok, they must be worried sick about me.

Hera: I promise you that they'll be fine.

Ronnie anne: I gauss, what about you?

Hera: What do you mean?

Ronnie anne: you and your parents, I'm curious about your relationship with them, like your mom.

Hera thought for a moment, it HAD been a while since she last saw her parents.

Ronnie anne: you ok there, hera?

Hera: Yeah, it's just been a long time since i've seen my parents.

Ronnie anne: when was the last time you seen them?

Hera: I can't remember.

Ronnie anne: what was your parents were like?

Hera: My parents were really the kind, supportive, and loving type.

Lincoln: hey Toby, how you all meet together?

Toby: We all met in school sometime after Hera and Rachel met.

Lincoln: how you all get here, and made this place?

He is 11 years old, has a white shirt with a silver fox logo, black pants and red Sneakers.Hera: Hey there.

Toby stop kicking the ball and look at the girl that spoke.

the girl smiled, and Toby approached her.

Toby: hi there.

Hera: Who might you be?

Toby: I'm Toby, haven't seen you before.

Hera: I'm Hera.

Toby: do you play soccer.

Hera: I kinda do.

Toby: you what to play with me?

Hera: Sure, but just for a little bit.

Toby: oki doki

With that, they started playing.

Toby is very skillful of playing soccer, scoring many points.

And eventually, he won.

Toby: you're pretty good playing soccer.

Hera: Thanks, and congratulations on the victory.

Toby: what you like to do now, hera.

Hera: I'm actually supposed to go meet up with my friend Rachel.

Toby: oh, ok.

Hera: Do you wanna come?

Toby: you mean it?

Hera: Sure, why not?

Toby was following close behind to hera.

Toby: where are we going?

Hera: Rachel wants us to meet us somewhere.

Toby: what is she like?

Hera: Well for 1 thing, she has a huge appetite.

Toby: really?

Hera: Yeah, you just wait and see.

Hera: Yeah, you just wait and see.

Toby: how long you two know each other.

Hera: nearly a month.

Toby: that's cool, what about you, what you like.

Hera: Mostly building stuff, and martial arts.

Toby: that's cool.

With that, they continued on their way.

After a short period of walking, they eventually arrived to their destination.

their destination was the park.

Rachel was eating a bag of potato chips, she noticed hera and greeted her.

Rachel: hey hera, what took you so long?

Hera: Sorry Rachel, I sorta made a new friend on my way here.

Toby: hi there.

Hera: Rachel, this is Toby.

Rachel: Nice to meet you Toby.

Toby: same here.

Hera: So Rachel, what would you like to do?

Rachel: don't really know, chilling probably?

But then they saw some playground equipment nearby.

Toby: look, there's a play ground there.

Rachel: SWEET!

Hera: what to play there, guys.

Rachel and Toby: Yeah!

Hera: let's play and have some fun.

With that, they went off to have some fun.

Hera was on the swing, Toby and Rachel were on the spinner.

Toby had to push the spinner, but was struggling due to Rachel's weight.

Hera came and helped Toby with it.

Toby: Oh, thanks. Man, your friend is heavy.

Hera: having fun, you two.

Toby: Yeah, except for pushing her on the spinner.

Hera: what about you Rachel.

Rachel: I love it!

Hera: this is a pretty cool day, we should do this more often.

Toby: You said it.

Hera: what you guys like to do now.

As the spinner slowed to a stop, Rachel noticed a piece of playground equipment that had a tunnel within it.

Rachel: hey guys, look what I found.

but before Hera and Toby could respond, Rachel started running towards the equipment.

Hera: what is it Rachel.

Toby: let's go find out.

Hera: what you found Rachel?

Rachel: I found a tunnel.

With that, she tried to dive inside but got stuck halfway.

Hera: not again.

Toby: Wait, this has happened before?

Hera: unfortunately, yes.

After that was said, they watched as Rachel struggled to squeeze into the tunnel.

Hera: let's help her.

they started trying to push Rachel in with their shoulders.

Toby: man, she's stuck good in there!

Hera: I know, but let's not blame her for this.

Toby: you think we'll get her out of that hole?

But suddenly, Rachel was free, after a some time of pushing with their shoulders.

Toby: finally.

Then they followed Rachel into the tunnel. Hera went first, then Rachel.

Toby: wait up you guys.

Then Toby followed the 2 girls into the tunnel.

They went though the tunnel, for a sort period of time.

But Rachel was having a hard time moving forward since her girth was just as wide as the tunnel.

Hera: you alright Rachel?

Rachel: Yeah, this tunnel is tighter than I thought it was.

Toby: do you need help moving forward?

Rachel: Nah, I got it.

Hera: I think, we're almost though the end.

With that, they reached the end of the tunnel.

on the other side, they found a slide.

Rachel: Wow, a slide!

Toby: is it safe?

Hera: Why wouldn't it be?

Toby: you think it's weird for a slide, in a tunnel?

Rachel: "Toby, we're out of the tunnel already."

Toby: but it's weird to find one out here like this?

Hera: Whatever.

Toby: so what now?

Just then, Rachel slid down the slide and had the time of her life.

Toby: you think it's safe?

Hera: Stop saying that Toby!

Toby: at least I know what's dangerous, and what isn't!

Having enough, Hera just pushed Toby down the slide.

Hera jump on the slide, and went down with great speed.

before long, all 3 of them were at the bottom.

Hera: well Toby, having fun now.

Toby: I guess so.

Hera: what to go again.

Toby: Yes!

Hera: what about you Rachel?

Rachel: Nah, i'll wait down here.

Hera: alright then, let's go, Toby.

With that, they went back up the slide.

(end of flashback.)

Lincoln: you and hera seem pretty close together.

Toby: We are now.

Lincoln: are you two a couple?

Toby: No, we're not.

Lincoln: be still pretty close?

Toby:(blushes) Kinda.

Lincoln: why not ask her how you feel?

Toby: I don't know about that.

Lincoln: I think Hera is cool, and you won't know if you don't try at least?

Toby: I'll try sometime.

Lincoln: I think Hera likes you too, I mean, you two are always together.

Toby: Alright I get it!

Lincoln: hey, i didn't mean to upset you, I was just saying!

Toby: Well then don't keep saying it after I say i'll try.

Lincoln: you seem to have some anger issues?

Toby: I guess.

Lincoln: what about everyone else here?

Toby: Yeah, they're cool.

Lincoln: you seem a pretty nice guy too.

Toby: Yeah, now let's get back to work.

Lincoln: or not.

With that, they went back to work.

After a long and hard work on the farm, everyone regroup they all sit down and rest together.

Ronnie Anne: great work guys.

Lincoln: Same to you girls.

They looked over at the girls, and they looked pretty out of breath.

Toby: you ok hera?

Hera: Yeah, i'm fine.

Toby: that's good.

Jacob: Rachel, please tell me you didn't have any snack breaks.

Rachel: maybe.

Toby: What did you have this time?

Rachel: some rice, apples, stuff in general.

Toby just groaned in annoyance.

Farah: Rachel, stop eating all of the hard work foods!

Everyone suddenly flinched from Ferah's outburst.

Rachel: sorry, I couldn't help it.

Lincoln: So what now?

Farah: some crafting work now.

Lincoln: what we craft this time?

Farah: the new rooms here.

Ronnie Anne: What rooms?

Farah: for you two.

Lincoln: But we just had our own room.

Farah: then built something with hera.

Hera: Happy to.

Farah: and hera, be nice with them.

Hera: alright kids, ready to craft some stuff.

Ronnie Anne: Sure.

Hera: let's go then, remember how to craft stuff, made of wood.

With that, they went up to the crafting room.

Hera, lincoln and ronnie anne were working together on different crafting projects, such as farming fences, and more.

Lincoln: So why farming fences of all things?

Hera: to keep certain animals out, like rabbits.

Ronnie Anne: What's wrong with rabbits?

Hera: they eat everything we planted and grow.

Lincoln: Good point.

Hera: sometimes Farah hunted a few.of them.

Ronnie Anne: How many exactly?

Hera: a lot.

Lincoln: I see.

Hera: you kids know how to hunt.

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne nervously hesitated.

Hera: I take it as a no.

Lincoln: Words travel fast.

Hera: can you two hunt any animals at all?

Ronnie Anne: I don't think so.

Hera: I think Farah should take you two with her.

Lincoln: For hunting?

Hera: yup, hopefully you kids won't vomit.

Ronnie Anne: We'll think about it.

Hera: Maybe, but she's probably going to let you two hunt with her anyway.

Lincoln: Let's just get to carving.

Hera, lincoln and ronnie anne had crafted many wooden objects, and placed the fences to their places, when they were finished, all three of them were resting.

Ronnie Anne: Wow, that was quite the workout.

Hera: yup, wait till you get as strong as me.

Ronnie Anne: Gladly.

Hera: ok, let's see Farah now.

With that, they went to see Ferah.

Farah: done already.

Lincoln: Yeah, thanks to Hera.

Farah: you two seem to be getting the hang of things here.

Ronnie Anne: I guess we are.

Farah: go ahead and rest up, then, I'll show you two some hunting training.

Lincoln: Thanks.

With that, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne went to find a place to rest.

Ronnie anne: it wasn't so bad.

Lincoln: can't argue with that.

Ronnie anne: wonder what Farah has planned for us?

Lincoln: I hope it's not TOO bad for us.

Ronnie anne: hopefully?

Lincoln: Yeah, hopefully.

Farah: you two ready.

Ronnie Anne: Yeah!

But at that moment, Rachel, Toby, and Jacob showed up as well.

Rachel: Oh, can we come along too?

Farah: feel like hunting some animals.

Jacob: Well it's mostly just for going on a nice little stroll.

Farah: come then, but bring weapons with all of you.

So the group gathered up their own weapons, and they started making their way into the forest.

Farah: you two kids, stay close and do as I say.

Lincoln:(gulps) Uhh, okay.

Farah was showing everything to both lincoln and ronnie anne, such as traps and tracking.

Ronnie Anne was amazed at this, but Lincoln was a little uneasy.

Farah: what's the matter kid.

Lincoln: Sorry, i'm just not easy with such dangerous stuff.

Farah: It's still important you learn this stuff, it can keep you and ronnie anne alive.

Lincoln: Okay.

Farah: move slowly and carefully.

So Lincoln and Ronnie Anne moved carefully around the beartraps.

Farah: stop.

They come to a sudden halt.

Farah: look, there's a deer.

They saw the deer eating from a berry bush, and it's antlers were enormous.

Farah: pointed a arrow to the deer, she release the bow's strings and shot the arrow on it's neck.

The deer fell to the ground with a shriek.

Farah went and ended the deer's life, giving it a merciful end.

Farah stap the arrow head in the deer's heart, ending it peacefully.

Lincoln: Wow.

Farah: remember to respect life, and don't let a living creature suffer, understand.

Everyone nodded.

Farah was skinning the deer, as well removing it's antlers.

Lincoln covered his eyes just in case.

Farah: open your eyes boy, you need to do this too.

Lincoln: "You're kidding, right?"

Farah: you what to learn to survive here.

Lincoln: Yes.

Farah: then look, learn, and do it, next one, one of you will do this too.

Lincoln: Okay.

Farah: let's go.

So they moved on.

Farah: there's a another one.

They saw a deer with smaller antlers bounding through a clearing.

Farah: lincoln, do it.

So Lincoln through a spear at the deer, and it shot him right in the side.

Farah: now finish it off.

Lincoln: How?

Farah: you know how.

Lincoln gulped nervously.

Farah: look kid, you have to do this stuff too, if you what to stay alive out here.

Lincoln: Okay, i'll do it.

Lincoln was hesitant, he did not if he could do it.

He started peeling off some of the skin, but it was pretty rough.

Lincoln finished and his hands were shaking.

Ronnie Anne: You okay?

Lincoln did not respond back.

The others started to feel worried.

Lincoln: I, I killed that deer.

Toby: Yeah, so?

Farah: toby: Shut up.

Toby just crossed his arms while giving a scowl.

Farah: this is your first time, it's understandable.

Lincoln: Yeah, understandable.

Lincoln's hands started shaking a little slower now.

Farah: can you finish this.

Lincoln: Uhhhhh.

Farah: get up.

Lincoln got up.

Farah: pick up your spear.

Lincoln: Okay, now what?

Farah: finish the job.

Lincoln looked at his spear nervously.

Farah: can you do it.

Lincoln: I'll try.

Farah: right on the neck.

so Lincoln raised his spear, and then stabbed it right into it's neck.

Farah: now remove the antlers, and skin it.

Lincoln: I thought I already skinned it.

Farah: not completely, now do it.

So Lincoln did what he was told.

Farah: now it's your turn Ronnie anne, next pray is on you.

Ronnie Anne: On it.

After some time of hunting, they found a lone wolf.

Lincoln started growing nervous again.

Farah: ronnie anne, lincoln, stay close.

They did so.

Farah: ronnie anne, take it down.

Ronnie Anne took out a bow and arrow, and shot the deer in the head.

Farah: now skin it.

Ronnie Anne dove right onto the deer and tore right into it.

Farah: That should do it.

Lincoln: okay.

Farah: time to go back home now.

Rachel was gathering everything as she was told

Lincoln: Uhh Hera?

Hera: yes lincoln.

Lincoln: Are you really making Rachel carry most of your supplies?

Hera: no, why?

Lincoln: She looks like she's carrying more than she can handle.

Hera: what?

Lincoln: I mean, look at all the weapons she's carrying.

Hera turned around and saw Rachel carrying many heavy objects.

Hera: Rachel, what are you doing!

Rachel yelped in fright while dropping what she was carrying.

Hera: why are you carrying all of that stuff, by yourself?

Rachel: I thought I could.

Hera: It's to much for you, you could had hurt yourself.

Toby: Oh leave her alone Hera, she's just trying to prove herself to us.

Hera give Toby a cold and dangerous look.

Toby just flinched and turned away nervously.

Hera: let me and lincoln help you out.

Lincoln: Wait, why me too?

Hera: because you're here, and not a jerk, like Toby!

Lincoln: fine.

Hera: let me carry the heavy stuff, don't force yourselves.

So Lincoln, Hera, and Rachel took their share of the load, and they started making their way back.

Hera: how you two are holding up?

Rachel: We're fine.

Hera: remember, don't force yourselves.

Jacob: Like we ever!

Hera: shut up jacob.

Just then, they heard growling from somewhere nearby.

Lincoln: what was that?

Ronnie Anne: I don't know, but I don't like the sound of it.

Hera: stay close.

so everyone moved a little closer to each other.

Hera: keep all of your guards up.

they did what they were told.

Hera: move slowly.

Toby: Like we don't already know that.

Hera: get ready.

Everyone stood still and prepared for whatever was coming their way.

Then Suddenly, large and dangerous bear, was right in front of them.

the whole group (Minus Ferah and Hera) screamed in fear.

Hera: don't show weakness, stand your ground.

Lincoln: How are we supposed to stand our ground against THAT!?

Hera: just do it!

Jacob: Not helpful!

Hera: hold!

The bear growled furiously, and the group did their best to stand their ground.

Hera: don't run, it will only make things worse!

But then, the bear roared loudly at them.

Hera: don't run!

But suddenly, everyone except Ferah and Hera ran off in different directions behind them.


The bear roared again, and Ferah and Hera were left with no choice but to run as well.

The beat was on the hunt.

Rachel ran as fast as her large body could, but she couldn't outrun the bear.

The bear was on hot pursuit.

Rachel: Go away, go away!


Rachel: Tell that to the bear!

Hera: NOW!

With that, Rachel started running towards Hera.

Hera shot a arrow on the bear.

but the arrow stuck to the bear's body, and it had no effect.

The bear on now chasing hera.

Rachel ran by her side just in case.

Hera: I have a idea, stay close.

Hera: over here!

Rachel: Over where?

Hera was climbing on top of a cliff.

Rachel: Oh, coming!

Hera help Rachel to climb up.

Soon enough, they were standing on a ledge that was a few feet from the ground.

Hera: Rachel, move it!

Rachel tried to climb further up the cliff, but she slipped and plopped back onto the ledge.

Hera was pushing Rachel though.

But her body was so heavy, she couldn't get her any further.

Hera: come on Rachel, push!

Rachel: I'm trying!

Hera: Rachel!

Rachel: What?

Just then, Rachel spotted that she was standing near a hole in the side of the e finds a hole in the side of a cliff.

Rachel try to go inside, only to be stuck.

But before Hera could go over and help her, the bear arrived.

The bear was growling at Rachel.

But just then, Hera took out a tall hammer.

Hera: Touch her, and I'll crake your skull open!

the bear just growled back at her.

Farah Throw a spear on it's neck, the bear was stunned by it, hera attack it's head with her hammer.

The bear whined and then ran off the way it came.

Farah: is everyone alright.

She called for the others, but nobody replied. Hera thought they were just too far away to hear her.

Farah: we better find them, now.

So she tried to pull Rachel out of the hole, but she didn't budge. She was wedged in way too tight.

Farah: this might be a problem.

Rachel:(from inside the hole) Please Hera, just go check on the others without me.

Hera: are you sure Rachel, what if the bear comes back?

Rachel: Just go!

Farah: hera, let's go, we need to find everyone, and fast!

Hera: Right.

With that, they ran off leaving Rachel wedged in that hole.

Rachel: Please take your time.

Then we see Rachel's front half in a massive wasp hive, and she's scooping handfuls of honey from a pool of honey that was just under hr chin.

more honey was dripping from the walls, and some even piled up on her back.

Rachel: this isn't so bad, this honey is great, take your time guys, I'm enjoying this honey, today is my lucky day, haven't had honey in awhile. man, I wish the times i got stuck like this, had some sweet food, like this honey, no point in going to waste, it's chew time.

With that, she continued gorging.


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