Chapter 1

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Humans mumbled as a young ginger and white kitten ran around the room with a ball of yarn. "Get back here you monster." The young kitten squeaked chasing the blue string when the master of the house picked him up. "Merry Christmas!" He understood from the man's voice.

The young kitten turned his head to try to look cute and started to purr. When all of a sudden screeching was heard. The kids of the master smelled of anger and hate. They started throwing things and one yelled. "I didn't want a stupid cat." The kitten looked confused why would anyone not want a cat. The man's mate picked the young kitten up and carried it to the door.

The kitten plopped in the snow as he heard the door slam. "Hey wait! What are you doing?" He cried clawing at the door as a old voice said. "So another christmas mistake." He turned to see a dark brown scarred tabby who's face seemed to never smile. "What are you talking about? The owner loved me that's why he chose me over the other shelter kittens."

The young male kitten said shuffling his paws and shivering as the snow caught in his fur. "No kid you were for his children. But those brats are so selfish it's happened every year. Last year it was a young puppy." He croaked as he glared at the bog brown door. "What happened to the puppy?" The kitten asked his head cocked and curiosity ran through his head.

"He was to friendly for the streets. Raised him as my own, but one day he crossed the streets with out looking." The tabby said looking at the busy New York streets. His eyes were filled with grief. "Cats can love dogs like humans do. Sometimes we love each other more then humans love us." The kitten felt sadness and went to approach the sad tom.

"Stay away!" He hissed as he backed up. "If your going to live on the streets you gotta live alone. Never to get attached to anyone or anything." Then the old cat disappeared in the christmas darkness. The kitten began to chase the tom, but the snow came down to fast. The only thing he saw was a large bow covered in snow.

"I-I gue-ess thi-is wi-ill d-do." The kitten said as he curled in a corner of the box. He was so cold and was so sad. He didn't want to be alone on Christmas was he a bad kitten. What did he do wrong? Was he not cute enough? His green eyes gazed off in the distance and he whispered. "Merry Christmas." The snow covering the box as he shivered in the box.

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