Chapter 14

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As we ride, I thought about Mark's words: 'I remember everything.' What did he mean? Everything? About what? This was no time to think about that. I mentally slapped myself several times. I need to focus on what was ahead. We rode until nightfall. We camped a little was outside the castle. It was probably a day and a half's journey away.

We set up camp in an oppen field with a stream running through it. After we set up, we sent a small group to get our dinner. I sat in my tent, pondering about what he said. I then felt something I haven't in a while.

I collapsed on the ground and faded into consciousness.

I was woken up by Mark shaking me while shouting at me. I woke up and raised my body with a start, only to slam my head on a nearby table.

"Are you okay?" he inquired. I rubbed my head and stared at him blankly at him. "I meant that you passed out and were asleep for several hours. What happened? Tell me. You can't keep doing this to me." He started to cry and he hugged me tightly.

"You know," I managed weakly, "If you keep hugging me like this, I'll eventually suffocate. So, could you please loosen your grip?" He slightly tightened and whispered:

"I can't. I'm too afraid that if I do, you'll collapse again." I eventually got my brother off me.

"I honestly don't remember what happened or what is happening to me." I responded. He pulled me to my feet.
I stared at him intently. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

"I hope so. Do you feel different? In any way?" I shook my head. He bandaged my head because it cracked and I was bleeding a lot. I rubbed the bandage and winced at theslightest touch.

What in the name of tarnation was happening to me? I may never know the answer to it. I decided to crash for the night.

I couldn't fall asleep due to Macey coming in that instant.

She checked my injury and frowned. "I don't think you should sleep yet. It looks like you have a concussion, and a bad one at that."

"Wait, WHAT? I can't yet? Darn it." I cursed. I only then realized that the 12-year old was still there and added "I'm sorry."

"Its alright. Though I'm worried 'bout 'im." she added, pointing at Mark. I stared at him. He was pacing outside the tent.

Darn this sibling love, its so deep that it hurts him.

I then saw the little girl and turned to my table. I sat in the chair and thought for a while. I rubbed my head and squinted my eye as I felt the familiar pain flare up even more then normal.

I couldn't take the pain so I walked outside and leaned o a nearby rock as I saw an entire life line pass by as fell to the ground, only to caught by a hand grabbing the collar of my shirt. I turned to see Cyrus to be the person who caught me. "Are you okay? You're dernched in sweat." he asked.

"Wheres my brother?" I asked as I turned away before I started to blush. I didn't wait for an answer, I already knew where he was. I walked towards his tent.

As I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes, I walked in and confronted my brother.


Sorry for late update!!! I needed a break and so I read some stories, and boy, they sure did inspire me to finnish the chapter.

I'm putting up a challenge:

If you could name and/or answer any of these things right, I'm willing of creating a character for you.

-If you can find one easter egg
-If you can find out any references
-If you can guess my favorite character (super hard, if you guess this one right, I'll let you create a partner for your character)
-If you can guess what is happening to Miranda
-And if you can find the number of different of anime in my profile

Ganbanta minna!!! Bueno serte!!! Good luck!!! Submissions are due by Chapter 30 (WARNING! I write and submit really fast)

Signing off,

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