Chapter 21

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Okay, time for a quick recap...

I was talking to Ryan, when I started to cough up LOTS, and I do mean LOTS of blood. I then passed out due to the loss of blood.

I woke up a bit later to find myself in the city hall. Not necessarily the best place on the planet, but it still was a nice-looking place. And I've seen some ugly places. Mark saw that I woke up and called for Gwen.

Gwen appeared several minutes later... She examined me, and sighed.

"I should've realized that it was poison... Well, I can't say that I'm not surprised." she breathed after an awkward silence.

"How would've I been poisoned? I mean, we all did practically the same... Thing..." I replied, my voice trailing at the end. I realized that my statement wasn't true.

"Yeah, the same thing," Mark replied, "...Except for the fact that YOU were jabbed in the stomach by Fallen." He sighed, turning away.

"Don't worry about it... I'll be fine." I lied, smiling. Of course I was lying. As a matter of fact, I felt quite the opposite. I hurt like I was being melted... Slowly but steadily.

"Stop... You're just hurting us all and yourself." Cyrus mentioned. He looked furious. He turned away and started to walk out of room when someone said "Hold on for a sec Cyrus."

He stopped. He quietly turned around and stared at the person who just spoke now. It was Mikala. She poke with assurance and confidence.

Cyrus just sighed and walked back towards us. He looked at me. He then walked up to me.

He hen pulled me into an embrace. Not awkward, but I started to blush intensely. He spoke into my ear something that nobdy heard, and I'm glad thatnobody head it. If my face wasn't blocked by him, I would've been caught by Mark. And I wouldn't hear the end of it. Well, at least he didn't notice my face.

He let go after ten minutes, one tear rolling down his cheek. He turned away and walked out.

And nobody tried to stop him. And nobody spoke as we heard the doors of the buildng we're in. And everybody was silent as they turned their heads towards me. My eyes widened after Cyrus left.

They all stared at me as I was still blushing intensely. I was now as red as a deep scarlet.

"Ummmmmm... Miranda? What.... Was that?" I turned to the speaker. It was Gwen. I regained control of myself. I smiled at her.

"It was nothing." I replied. 'Of course, that was a lie.' I thought. On the inside, I was freaking out. I was thinking thoughts like 'What was that?' or 'What am I gonna do?' I just shook my head. I can't think of that right now...

I need to focus on whats at hand right now. I'll deal with that ordeal later. I need to move foward.

I need to recover quickly. Ryan entered the room. "You're lucky that we have the anidote for Fallen poison. You could've died." he said. I just sighed. And I put my face in my hand. Everyone left. Everyone except Mark. He was silent for a long time.

And after a while, he decided to speak.


Gomenasai minna!!!

Sorry th I didn't upload any yesterday... I lost track of time with homework, stress of high school (yeah! Its hard), and I was too busy...

WARNING!!! Since the Prenomition and Prolouge are chapters, you have til Chapter 28 to submit... And I can't believe this... 100 READS!!! 7 VOTES!!! I LOVE YA ALL!!!

Hurry up!!! Time is running out!


Signing off,


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