Chapter 7: The End Of The War?

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"AHHH" France screamed as she was stabbed by a German Soldier. 

"France! No! We need backup!" UK said as he was shot by Austria-Hungary. 

"Looking for backup?" USA said as he shot and killed the German Soldier.

"ATTACK!!!" Philippines said as he beheaded and stabbed two enemy soldiers.

"Eww, that's disgusting," France said. 

"Come on! Let's Go!" USA said. 

"Look! More Reinforcements!" Philippines said. 

"ATTACK!" China shouted. 

"Gogogogogo!" Japan shouted

Shots were fired from nearly all sides surrounding the central powers. 

"FIRE!!!!" Montenegro, Romania, Portugal, Canada, India, Australia, French Indochina, Hejaz, Greece, and Siam said as they fired the Central Powers. All the nations that fired outnumbered the enemy. 

"AHH!!!" The Ottoman Empire screamed as he was shot in the arm. 

"Italy, why are you siding with them?" Austria-Hungary said. 

"I knew if I joined you losers I wouldn't gain ANY territory," Italy said. 

"Germany, we are outnumbered!" Austria-Hungary said. 

"My comrade, at least we die together." German Empire said. 

"I don't feel good," Austria-Hungary said as his flag changed into Austria. 

"Well that was unexpected," Austria said. 

"I surrender!" The Ottoman Empire said as he changed his flag into white. "No..." German Empire said. "GIVE UP!!!!!!!" France ordered. "Never!" "Then I will shoot you!!!!"

"Geez, okay, okay I surrender, I surrender. No need for anyone to get hurt..." He said. "No one??!!" The entire injured Entente shouted. 

"Finally, the war is over!!" Britain said and sighed, as he looked at all of the dead bodies that died during the war. 

"It is time for a treaty! Meet me in Paris to sign it." France said.

"Another Treaty Of Paris? Don't we have too many of those? Why not Treaty of Manila?" Philippines said. 

"Yeah, I'm getting kind of bored seeing-" USA said. 

"Seeing what?" France interrupted

"Nevermind let's just go to Paris," USA said. 

Everyone agreed.

"Let's name it the treaty of Versailles this time," France said.  

"Wait... What happened to my ol' buddy Russia?" USA worriedly said.

"AHHH!!! HELP ME!!!" Russian State said as he ran away from the Bolshevik Rebels.  

Me: Jeez this is a long one, the Treaty of Versailles has over 240 pages and contained 440 separate articles. I ain't writing all of that. 

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