The shift

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Right before Star finished his sentence, he got a *bonk* from... Dwagon.

Dwagon: that's what you get for shouting in the mic while we're having a voice chat hehe

Star: *ow*

Suddenly, a weird glowing aura appeared in the midair, and transform into two players.

[Alex joined the game]

[Steve joined the game]

Star: oh. so they were players eh?... HOLD UP- HOW DID YOU GUYS GET HERE?!?

Viper: Star- relax, they are just players...

Steve and Alex: Hello!

...And they had no response.

(hello i'm the author of this story, star. i just wanna ask if you enjoyed the story. this is the first time i write this so please give me some advice if i had done anything "wrong" hehe. thx)



Star: uhh... hello?

Steve and Alex: You guys sounds like a newbie in this game eh? Why don't we go together?

Viper: Uhm sure!

t o   b e   c o n t i n u e d  . . .

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