chapter 3: stealing the diamond

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after Juan stickmin, escaped from the red mesa penitentiary prison, he went back to his home.

Juan:"*sigh*well I know I didn't get the money, but at least I escaped from the police"

Juan stickmin, walked to the kitchen to eat some food.

he ate a sandwich with juice and sat down on his chair.

Juan:"I wonder what's on tv today?"

he then turns on his tv and sees the news about the museum.

Juan:"huh? what's this about?"

Mayor Fredrickson (on tv):"as the mayor! I hereby declare the Tunisian Archaeological Exhibit! open!"

as Juan stickmin, heard that. he had dollars signs in his eyes.

Juan:"ah ha! just what I needed!"

Mayor Fredrickson (on tv): "yes, thank you, yes,"

Juan stickmin, grabbed his scooter keys for his scooter.

Juan:"whelp! time to steal the diamond!"

(meanwhile at the museum)

it was quiet at museum at night time.

Konrad Conners, and Billy Barnes, were standing guard in front of the museum.

Billy Barnes:"ugh! this is so boring!"

Konrad Conners:"dude, it's just an night shift, and stop being annoying for once"

then both of them started to hear a scooter driving by.

Billy Barnes:"huh? what's that sound coming from?"

Konrad Conners:"wait! do you see someone driving an scooter? because I see one?"

as they looked closer. they saw Juan stickmin on his scooter driving very fast to the museum.

Konrad Conners:"hey! what do you think you're do-"

Juan stickmin, then crashed his scooter throw Konrad Conners.

luckily it did not killed Konrad Conners.

Juan stickmin, look around the building to find the diamond.

Zach Knut, was just standing there and then he saw Juan stickmin, as he looked confused.

Himbert Schult, came out of the modern art exhibit as he looked surprised.

Juan stickmin, then drived by Zach Knut,

Zach Knut:"whoa"*uses walkie talkie*"uh, we got a breach headed towards the medieval section"

security guard:"uh, Roger that. we're preparing to engage. over"

as Juan stickmin, was driving his scooter, he saw the exhibit being blocked by Billy Clud, Sam Turner, and Richard Wilkins,

Juan stickmin, got an shield and uses it.

Sam Turner, and Richard Wilkins, try to shoot him but the bullets just bounced off the shield.

Billy Clud, use his staff to hit Juan stickmin, but Juan stickmin, was still using the shield and hits Billy Clud, in the face!

Todd Slimmonds, was sleeping on the job because of all the hard work until Juan stickmin, drove by him broke the glass that holds the Tunisian diamond.

*alarm goes off*

Todd Slimmonds:*wakes up*"AH! I'M UP!"*hears the alarm*"huh? what the heck that is noise!?"

Juan stickmin, then uses a tow cable on the Tunisian diamond and drove off with the diamond on the back of his scooter.

then it cut to Ted McAdams, (you know. the guy from breaking the bank?)

and Jacob rose, (I'm gonna make him Ellie rose brother in this one ok everyone?)

and the two were taking about Juan stickmin, trying to break into an bank.

Ted McAdams:"...and after that, they just up and arrested him"

Jacob rose:"whoa, really?"

Ted McAdams:"yeah, that's when I decided I should probably get a different job. I figured night guarding is much less dangerous than driving a-"

then Jacob rose, and Ted McAdams, saw Juan stickmin, crashing through the door with the Tunisian diamond on the back of his scooter.

Ted McAdams:"crap..."

Jacob rose:"was that the guy who try'd to rob a bank?"

Ted McAdams:*sigh*"yep"

Jacob rose:"should we call the police to get him?"

Ted McAdams:*to himself*"maybe getting a different job was an bad idea"

Jacob rose:"what did you say?"

Ted McAdams:"nothing important"

(now back with Juan stickmin)

Juan stickmin, begins to drive away from the museum but he was being chased by Rupert Price, and Johnny Panzer,

Johnny Panzer:"stop right there theft! and bring the Tunisian diamond back!"

as Johnny Panzer, was about to shoot him, Juan stickmin, picked up a rock from the ground and throw it as Johnny Panzer's head killing him.

Johnny Panzer:"aaahhh!"*dies and falls down the police car*

Rupert Price:"no, Johnny!"*uses walkie talkie*"Officer down! Repeat Officer down!"

then a helicopter driven by Jack Sheen, came by and on the side of the helicopter was Samuel Mundy, preparing his sniper rifle.

Samuel Mundy:"skill always beats luck"*prepares his sniper rifle*

Juan stickmin, then uses the bubble shield he installed for his scooter today.

Samuel Mundy, then shoots at Juan stickmin, but his shots bounced off the bubble shield, he try'd again some times but they still all bounced off the bubble shield!

Samuel Mundy:"piece of shit!"

Juan stickmin, drived through a tunnel. but the cops were still on his tail.

Juan:"aww man. this isn't going so well"*looks in front of him and sees a broken bridge*"uh oh!"

Juan stickmin, stops his scooter next to the broken bridge then James Lancelot, and Rupert Price, got out of their police cars.

James Lancelot:"sir! place your hands were I can see them! if you do not comply, I will be forced to fire upon you!"

Juan stickmin, still said nothing or did anything! (everyone:"come on Juan stickmin,! do some thing!")

James Lancelot:"I'm sorry. but you leave me no choice, sir!"


Juan stickmin, kicks the Tunisian diamond off the broken bridge and it pulls the scooter along with Juan stickmin, to!

James Lancelot, shoots his gun at him but he misses the shot and sees Juan stickmin, fall down to the water.

James Lancelot:●_●"fuck!">:(

Rupert Price, looks down to spot Juan stickmin, but he could not find him.

Rupert Price:"dam'it! he got away"


Juan stickmin, got out of the water along with his scooter.

Juan:"wow! that was crazy!"*looks next to him and sees the Tunisian diamond*"oh yeah! that's what I'm talking about!"


Juan:"whelp! time to head back home! I might do some other stuff later!"

Juan stickmin, then drives his scooter back to his house with the Tunisian diamond on the back of it.



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