22 Good Friends

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As they entered the door to the Riptide, they pretended that they hadn't just spent the last five minutes necking in front of the bar. Chuck greeted them cheerfully, ignoring Lucinda's flushed lips. He served them drinks as they sat down and just as Raif began to bring up his behavior from earlier that day, Chuck waved his hand and told him to forget about it.

"Isabel managed to calm me down and reasoned with me on how everyone is entitled to having a bad day," Chuck explained.

Isabel,who was still hanging around the bar, took a seat by Lucinda to let her tired feet rest. "Raif, you have my permission to knock Chuck silly the next time he mouths off at you."

"I was kind of a jerk to him though," Raif replied.

"Well, smack my husband anyway!" Isabel insisted.

Seizing the moment, Chuck turned around and bent over. "Go ahead, Raif, I've always wanted to be spanked by you."

The four of them burst into laughter and Isabel fanned herself as she said through giggles, "Can I be next?"

They laughed some more, and Chuck began filling shot glasses with tequila. He slid them over the bar to them and on his count to three, they slammed them back. Isabel was the last one to finish, so per the rules, she had to down another shot. She shook her head after swallowing the second shot and held her hand over her chest as it coursed its way through her esophagus. As their laughter settled between them all, Raif decided to explain to Chuck and Isabel what had been going on for the last few weeks.

"Good grief," Chuck said as Raif concluded.

"I always knew that woman was a wacko," Isabel added as she ran her fingers through her long silky black hair. "My grandmother always warned me about people with dark spirits. Which is why I stay away from Eaddie Harlow."

"Well your grandma also said I had a dark spirit, but that didn't stop you from marrying me," Chuck replied and then turned to Lucinda. "Her family is Cree Native American."

"My grandmother never said that!" Isabel laughed. "She said our spirits were connected by an intense force. Which is why at the age of eighteen I left home and married this guy, against my parents wishes," she said bumping Lucinda's shoulder with hers. "Can you blame them? Chuck is six years older than me and I was the typical teenaged Alaskan girl, falling in love with a jarhead stationed at the military base in our town. Dreaming of adventure."

"Well it has been an adventure," Chuck winked to her. "Just a different kind."

"Eventually my parents understood that we were meant to be together. We balance each other out and we created really amazing kids." A glazed, slightly drunk and happy look spread across Isabel's face. "If my grandmother were here today she would agree with me that you and Raif have that same force. I knew it the day I met you."

"Oh boy here she goes again. Don't listen to her Lucinda, she said the same thing to our son's girlfriend and then they broke up two weeks later," Chuck said rolling his eyes. "That 'force' was just teenaged lust."

"Ok, Mr. Smarty Pants!" Isabel placed her hands on her hips. "They got back together during their senior year didn't they?"

"Ugh! Yes, unfortunately." Then he directed to Lucinda. "I don't know what he sees in that girl, but they're in love." He quoted with his fingers.

"Oh hush!" Isabel waved her hands at him. "They make a great couple and I'm happy as long as my kids are happy, so if that girl makes my son happy then that's what matters to me."

Chuck began pouring another shot of tequila. "Woman, you needed another one of these. Maybe it'll put you to sleep..."

"I hope it does! Then I won't have to hear your snoring tonight!"

For the rest of the night, if Raif and Lucinda were not chatting with Chuck and Isabel, then they were watching the married couple tease each other. Their back and forth bickering wasn't the kind that made you want to shrink back and give them space. It was the harmless kind and Lucinda couldn't help but be amused by their teasing. For a moment she even observed Chuck and Isabel, with a craving to one day be happily married and have a family of her own. She could see that with Raif, but for now, things were going to be rocky.


A few weeks later, a UPS truck pulled into Merrill's driveway, with its tires crunching over the gravel. The delivery man greeted him with a wave, announcing he had something for him and would leave it by the door. Merrill had not ordered anything so he surely wasn't expecting any packages. He took his gloves off, set them on the fence of the pig pen and walked over to the house to see what was waiting for him. Once he was inside his home, he set the package on the table and opened it with his pocket knife. Inside he found a cellular phone, a charger, an instructions booklet and then a letter.

"Dear Pop,

Please take this phone with you to Breeze Bay so we can call each other and so you can give me updates on how you're doing. Don't worry, I'm the only one who knows this number. DON'T FORGET to take it with you!



Merrill let out a chuckle and he shook his head at Sylvia's protectiveness. She was a lot like her mother, but stubborn just like him. A few months ago he would have thrown the phone into the trash or sent it back to where it came from, but his relationship with Sylvia had changed a lot over the weeks and the gift actually warmed his heart. He would be leaving for Breeze Bay the coming week and needed to get his house in order for Duncan.


Raif tapped his fingers on the counter in his parents kitchen. Even with the beautiful view from where he sat, it couldn't make him feel any better about the recent change in his life. He wasn't disappointed that he was a father, he was hurt and angry that it was kept a secret for so long. For the last few years he had been wanting to find a nice girl, settle down and start a family. He was thirty two and didn't like the thought of becoming a father years down the road when he would be too old to enjoy it. For a brief second the image of him being in his late sixties chacing after a toddler, twisted his insides.

However, with Lucinda in his life, he saw a good future with her and he could see her bearing his children. Raif was just scared that with everything she had been through, and with everything going on, that she might get cold feet and decide the relationship wasn't right for her. For the first time in his life, things were upside down and he felt insecure.

"Raif honey, did you hear what I said?" His mother, Celeste, asked.

"I'm sorry mom, I'm just a little off today."

Celeste reached across the counter. "Is Eaddie still harassing you?" she sighed. "I wish that woman would get a grip and just butt out."

"I don't understand what happened to Eaddie. She loved me so much when Rachel and I were dating, but after that it was like I became her arch enemy."

"Eaddie has always been a little strange," Celeste said. "You should've seen her in highschool. She was a diva nightmare! Anyway," she sighed again. "So what about this mystery woman, Lucinda, that you have yet to introduce me to? What does she have to say about all of this?"

"You'll meet her soon mom." Raif cracked a smile.

"But when? She's been in your life for almost three months and you keep saying you're both too busy to come up here and meet me."

"Her friend Merrill will be coming into town tomorrow night and I thought of bringing them here for some barbecue on the patio this weekend." Raif looked down at his coffee mug. "As far as all the drama is concerned, Lucinda has been great. She's been very supportive."

"But...?" Celeste asked, knowing that her son was leaving something out.

"But I'm scared it might be too much for her and she might back out... she's been through so much already."

"Like what?" Celeste began fidgeting with the placemat under her coffee mug.

"She went through a bad depression after her parents died and then again when she found out her fiancé wasn't such a nice guy. So now she has trouble trusting people completely and I..."

"Raif," his mother said cutting him off. "Are you sure she's ready for the things you're looking for in a relationship? Because this is bringing up red flags for me. If she has trouble with trust, I'm not sure if she'll be willing to commit to you with all of this going on." She made a circle motion with her finger.

"She trusts me. She does." Raif looked into his mothers eyes. "I'm in love with her."

Celeste gave a half smile. "I know honey, but this stuff with Rachel has all developed so quickly, so just make sure Lucinda feels the same way. Make sure she's ready to take all of this on. You don't want to make any quick decisions about the relationship, especially now that you're the father of a teenager. He will need to come first and Lucinda might not understand that."

"I know, Mom, but she does understand that."

"But Raif I'm simply concer-"

"MOM." He raised his brows, cutting her words short.

"Ok." She held her hands up. "I'll drop it, but back to my original question before we got off track. When will Rachel let you see him?"

"She said this weekend, most likely Sunday. I'm so nervous. I just want this weekend to be... perfect, you know?"

"Raif, that's a tall order considering we're dealing with the Harlows..."

"I know it won't be smooth, but as long as everything turns out ok, that's all that matters to me."

"Well, I know someone who's always managed to bring out the sunshine even during dark times," Celeste said as she reached across the counter again. "I'll give her a call." She winked.

Raif smiled, breathing some relief and kissed his mother's knuckles. Maybe the weekend really would be ok? Just then, his father Dimitri, walked into the kitchen dressed in head to toe golf gear right as his mother was leaving.

"You're here rather early!" he exclaimed as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Seems a little too early for golf." Raif pointed at his father's outfit.

"Just meeting the fellas for an early round at the golf course and then we're grabbing lunch."

"Is Rachel's father still part of that group?"

"Raymond Harlow and I know how to keep personal matters out of golf." His father paused from adding cream and sugar to his cup. "Maybe a little too well, considering he's never once mentioned having a grandson to me. Besides, he's the least of your worries. It's Eaddie that has the bark when it comes to her grandson, but she won't have a single say, legally."

"But she said she's been talking to her lawyer and they could make my child support payments retroactive to when he was born..."

"Nah." Dimitri waved his hand. "That woman can keep dreaming. Rachel is the mother of that child and Rachel is the one with the say in the matter. That girl is a lot of things, but she's good for her word, just like her father. If she says she doesn't need financial help with your son, then I'm sure she means it. From what Raymond has told men in the past, Rachel's job pays really well and she's living quite comfortably."

Raif leaned back in his chair and rubbed his face, feeling exhausted all over again about the issue. Dimitri took a long sip from his coffee and then stared out the window. Steam danced up from his cup while a few moments past between them. Then he spoke again.

"So, tell me about this, Lucinda-woman you've been dating. I've only caught a glimpse of her, once, when I stopped by the cafe. She's pretty. Has a nice smile."

Raif's shoulder's relaxed. "Lucinda is great. She's been such a help around the cafe and supportive with everything that's going on. She even convinced me to hire an employee and all week she's occupied herself with training him. He has experience with managing a cafe and is taking business courses here in town, so Lucinda saw him as a complete gem."

"But?" Dimitri arched a brow.

"But I can feel my pocket draining. I wasn't prepared to hire staff for the new season yet, however, I can't deny that being able to completely leave the cafe in someone else's hands, without worrying, feels good."

"Sounds like Lucinda knows what's good for you then?"

"She does! You and Mom are going to love her."

His father smiled softly, seeing how his son's prior mood dissolved and how he instantly perked up at the mention of the woman in his life. "Where's she from again?"

"Redwood Village, up by the national park. Apparently it's really pretty, like living in the middle of a forest," Raif replied.

"Yes, I've been there."

"You have?"

Dimitri nodded. "They have a beautiful golf course there, I went a few years back with the fellas."

"Oh... I didn't know that."

"Well, that's cause you're always busy with your cafe, but don't get me wrong, I know you work hard and I'm proud of you. It's just that we hardly see you sometimes. We don't live far, and you know how your mother gets..." He dropped his voice into a whisper. "Lately, if she goes any further than the local grocery store her anxiety spikes up."

"I know, Dad, I know," Raif sighed. "I need to make a better effort to come up here."

"Well, not just that." Dimitri set his cup down. "You work too much, which means that you're missing out on all the great little things in life. And that's not good, son. You need a balance to work and life. That's why your mother has been over the moon that you're dating someone. It's been a while since you've had a girlfriend, so don't blow it by putting the cafe first all the damn time. Ok? You give that woman a fair shot and take advantage of having a new manager around."

"I am."

"Ok, I believe you, but don't screw this one up." Dimitri wagged his finger. "Not like the last one."

Raif hung his head. "I thought we were never going to bring her up again?"

"Well too bad, cause I'm bringing her up!" Dimitri crashed his cup down onto the counter a little too roughly and coffee splashed onto his skin. "Damn it!" He shook off his hand. "It's hot."

"Here, I've got it..." Raif said, while reaching for a towel and as his father began washing his hands, Raif began wiping up the spill. "I know I messed up that relationship, but the Barrel Wave was in a rough spot, I almost lost the place and she just couldn't understand how all of my energy needed to go into my business. She wanted all of me, all the time and I just couldn't cater to her needs."

"She wasn't that high-maintenance, Raif. She was just young and stupidly in love with you."

Raif shook his head. "Maybe that was the problem. I wasn't in love with her yet. Not even on the cusp of it. I liked her a lot, I just wasn't where she needed me to be."

"That may be, but she sure didn't deserve to be broken up with in the middle of your cafe and in front of everyone... I didn't raise you to be the kind of man who does that. Not to mention the gossip that followed the incident. It caused your mom to have several panic attacks."

"I know, I know." Raif grimaced. "That's why I prefer not to talk about it. It wasn't my finest moment and the last thing I wanted was for my actions to affect Mom."

"Please don't let something like that happen again. I don't think your Mom can take another breakdown." Dimitri frowned.

Raif reached over and squeezed his father's shoulder. "I don't think you'll have to worry about that. Not with Lucinda. She's different. She doesn't really need me the way the previous women have and she understands that the cafe is my everything. She's probably the first woman in a long time, who I've felt drawn to without being able to explain why. The moment she walked into my cafe, I couldn't stop thinking about her and I wanted to be near her, as often as possible... does that make sense?"

"Yes, yes it does." Dimitri nodded. "It's the same way I felt about your mother when I first met her. So, my advice to you then, son, is to hold on tight to Lucinda. Give your Mom a wedding to fuss over and some grandbabies to spoil."

"Technically she already has a grandchild to spoil..."

Raif and Dimitri stared at each other for a moment, silence falling between them as the truth of it sunk in. His father finally looked away as Celeste walked back into the kitchen.

"Honey, you're going to be late meeting up with the guys for golf, and you..." She pointed as she went over to Raif and kissed his cheek. "Are going to be late opening up the cafe. So go on, the both of you!"

As Raif and his father exited the house, they walked down the pathway to their cars, side by side. They were similar in build and from the back Raif was the spitting image of his father as their arms swayed in unison. The morning was still crisp with a chill in the air, causing little puffs of fog to escape their mouths.

"Well son," Dimitri began to say. "I'm looking forward to meeting Lucinda. As long as she makes you happy, then I know your mother and I will love her too."

"She does, dad, she really does."

"Good, thats good. Then I'll see you this weekend?"

His father slipped on a pair of sunglasses and then climbed into his SUV, but Raif lingered for a moment to stare back at the house. Good memories were about to form over the weekend and he couldn't wait for Lucinda to be a part of it. He slipped on his own pair of sunglasses and felt prepared for whatever was to come. As long as he had his family's support, then he had nothing to worry about.

Or so he thought.

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