Chapter Fifteen - Wedding

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There was nothing that Gong-gi fancied, then a quiet night in. His experience in the music industry did not ease the burning sensations in his legs or soothe his migraines. All they needed was one flop record to be dropped, but the success only became bigger. He couldn't go to his favourite restaurant without being bombarded by fans or paparazzi. His social media feeds were full of love and hate comments. The only thing that kept him going was coffee and paracetamol.

Taeyang had been caught sneaking pieces of fried chicken to the trainees, which caused one of the choreographers to storm out. Gong-gi had been hoping it would be enough for Flo Glitz Entertainment to shut down, but who was he kidding? The company was making way too much money. The choreographer's real name was Kim Sook-ja but everybody called her Jessamine. He never had the chance to work with her as she mainly worked with girl groups, but she had spoken out against Flo Glitz and her company.

Everything Gong-gi could not say, Jessamine did. The TV was on at the cafeteria and everyone in the room was on the edge of their seats. Jessamine's statement to the press was filled with heartbreak and anguish. Her arms appeared uncontrollable and her lips were tilted. Those who didn't know her would think she was a madwoman. "This has gone on for too long. The K-Pop industry is not healthy. They're turning young kids into machines. They're being starved, exploited and deluded into thinking that they're not good enough."

The press had cut her short and zoomed straight into Flo Glitz with her sparkling tiara and dangling earrings. The world would be eager to hear what she had to say about Jassamine's statements. "I treat my idols like royalty," Flo Glitz announced. Gong-gi resisted the urge to laugh. Flo Glitz reminded Gong-gi of a farmer with his animals that he eventually brought to the slaughter. "It's all just one big distraction for the good news that has gone. People can now get married to whomever they deem worthy."

"That's great that everyone can get married properly now, isn't it?" Taeyang asked Gong-Gi. "Just like how we are getting married today."

As much as Gong-gi wanted to say yes, he couldn't bring himself to sugar coat anything. What was the point? "They don't really care about the LGBTQ community," Gong-gi said. "They only legalised it because they know they can make money out of us."

Both men appeared in suits. The list of guests was longer than Gong-Gi's arm. With the chapter of his first wife officially closed, he felt it was time to embrace the new life that was ahead of him. Everything he had done had led to this moment. As both men walked down the aisle, he felt a sense of belonging that he had never felt before.

As the guests looked on at them, Gong-Gi felt like a king on his coronation day. The music they had played uplifted his mood. He smiled, which made Taeyang smile too.
What surprised Dal Gong-gi the most was how people fell for it.

All the countries start to look the same. Screaming fans would wear their merchandise with pride. Gong-gi could just about recognise his own face on posters and magazines. Quotes that had been either twisted or he had no memory of saying. Taeyang was not the love of his life, no matter how many times the world told him he was.
Taeyang was a colleague; nothing more and nothing less.

Privacy did no exist, it never did. He missed his old life, but he couldn't bare to see his life without Taeyang. In a way, the guy reminded him of himself, especially when he's smuggling small pieces of chicken and chocolate in the women's dormitory.

Taeyang had no shame in doing it. Flo Glitz couldn't drop them; they were her bestselling act.  Despite the huge anticipation for their next full album, Gong-gi could see that the band would soon be coming to an end. They may sell enough just to escape the second album curse, but he could see fans complaining that the third isn't as good as the last two. Along with that, the constant trouble with the press and authorities meant the band wasn't sustainable. Many pop groups were lucky to top the charts.
Something in Gong-Gi's his quivering arms and his burning gut all told him this televised marriage ceremony was a bad idea.

"What's wrong?" Taeyang asked.

"I've got bad vibes about this wedding."

"Well I know they say it's bad luck to see the bride, but there's no bride here."

"It's just..." Gong-Gi paused. "Forget it. I don't want to stress you out."

"You're divorced, so it's legal."

"I haven't seen it in writing."

"In writing? You two have split up. And didn't you say your laywers were sorting it out?"

Gong-Gi shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe they've shown Flo, but not me."

"Anyway, let's get this show on the road."

Gong-Gi and Taeyong stood at the altar, holding hands tightly. They both wore traditional Korean wedding hanbok, but with a modern twist: instead of the usual pink and blue colors for brides and grooms, they had chosen matching outfits in shades of deep purple and indigo.

The ceremony was  officiated by Poe Tree of all people. What an honour it had to be for her. Gong-Gi could sense she had evolved from the screaming fangirl to a social justice warrior. He smiled at her, he admired the cuteness in her face now she lost some weight. She represented their fanbase who had fought for years to make gay marriage legal in Korea well before the band's conception. She started the ceremony with a heartfelt speech, praising Gong-Gi and Taeyong for their bravery and love.

"We are gathered here today to witness a historic moment," Poe said. "The first wedding between two men in Korea. May this union be blessed by the universe and the love that brought them together."

Gong-Gi felt a lump forming in his throat. He had never imagined he would remarry so quickly after the divorce. He couldn't believe he was going ahead with it, but if it helped people, then Gong-Gi was glad he could display his business relationship in a meaningful way. Taeyong squeezed his hand reassuringly.

Poe then asked Gong-Gi and Taeyong to exchange vows. Gong-Gi had prepared a short speech, but when he opened his mouth, his voice caught in his throat.

"I...I don't know what to say," he stammered. "I never thought this day would come. Taeyong, you have been my rock, my confidant, and my partner in everything. I love you more than words can express, and I promise to always stand by your side, no matter what."

Taeyong's eyes were shining with tears. He took a deep breath before speaking.

"Gong-Gi, you are the light of my life. You make me laugh, you make me feel loved, and you make me a better person. I vow to always support you, to be your biggest cheerleader, and to be your partner in everything. I love you more than anything in this world."

Poe then asked them to exchange rings. Gong-Gi had chosen a simple gold band, while Taeyong had a silver one with a small diamond in the middle.

"May these rings be a symbol of the love that you share," Poe said. "May they remind you of the commitment you have made today, and the journey you will embark on together."
After the rings were exchanged, Poe pronounced them as married, and they shared a passionate kiss. The guests cheered and clapped, and some even threw confetti.
Gong-Gi and Taeyong walked down the aisle, arm in arm, smiling from ear to ear. They felt like they were on top of the world, knowing that they had made history and that their love was recognized.

As they walked out of the venue, they were greeted by a rainbow of colors: rainbow flags, balloons, and banners. People were cheering and chanting, congratulating them and thanking them for being pioneers.

The limousine stood parked on the curb, waiting for Gong-Gi and Taeyang to enter. The driver had popped the trunk open, ready to load the luggage. Just as they were about to step into the car, a swarm of cops suddenly emerged from the vehicle, along with Gong-Gi's ex-wife, Mini-Rose. The two men froze, stunned and confused, as the officers quickly surrounded them.

Gong-Gi's face fell as he realized what was happening. He was immediately put in handcuffs, and his arms were bound behind his back. Taeyang tried to reach out to him, but the police shoved him away forcefully. The officers then proceeded to bind Taeyang's hands too, just to be safe.

The young singer was now on his knees, dazed and disoriented, with tears streaming down his face. He had never felt so helpless and alone in his life. Gong-Gi was his only family, his only friend, and his lover. Now, he was being dragged away, and Taeyang didn't know what would happen to him.

Elaine Jinx, who had been following the drama from a distance, clapped sarcastically, her face twisted in a sneer. Poe Tree, on the other hand, was sobbing, her arms wrapped around Taeyang's neck. She had always known that Gong-Gi was bad news, but she had never expected things to take such a turn.

As the police car sped away, Mr. and Mrs. Gang rushed to comfort their son. Flo Glitz, Taeyang's manager, was on the phone, trying to figure out what had happened and what they could do to help Gong-Gi. But Taeyang didn't hear any of them. He was lost in his own thoughts, wondering how he could have been so blind to Gong-Gi's lies and deceit.
Mini-Rose watched the scene with a smirk on her face. She knew she had won, and she relished the sight of Gong-Gi being taken away in chains. "As Gong-gi is still legally married to me, the marriage is null and void," she announced triumphantly, basking in her victory.

Flo Glitz showed her true colours to the world when she marched towards Mini-Rose and ripped her red wig off. "You bitch!" Flo Glitz slapped her cheeks twice on each cheek. "You just ruined the most important day in Korea's history!"

"You both made my life hell!"

"You brought it on yourself!"

"The band is over," Mini-Rose squealed pulling on Flo Glitz's hair. "My career will take off. Your empire will burn."

Flo Glitz spat on Mini-Rose's cheek. "You can't sing. Nobody wants an ugly chubby minx like you."

Mini-Rose cackled with laughter as she pinched the flab on Flo Glitz's stomach. "What's this?"

The two women began to exchange blows, but their fight was quickly broken up by the police. Taeyang watched in awe as a riot broke out in front of him. Fans were fighting police, and people were pulling him left, right and centre.
The paparazzi did nothing but film. 

The sound of the policeman's voice broke Taeyang's reverie. "Dal Gong-gi! You are under arrest for bigamy," he declared, as they dragged Gong-Gi away from Taeyang's grasp. The last thing Taeyang saw was Gong-Gi's tearful eyes, filled with regret and despair.
Taeyang watched in disbelief as his manager and Gong-Gi's ex-wife were hauled away in opposite directions, each shouting insults at the other.

He felt a heavy weight on his heart as he realized the full extent of the mess he was in. He had always known that Gong-Gi was still married, but he had never expected things to escalate like this. Now, the love of his life was behind bars, and he had no idea what would happen next.

As he stood there, lost in thought, he felt a comforting hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Poe Tree looking at him with concern in her eyes. "It's going to be okay, Taeyang," she said softly. "We'll get through this together."

Taeyang nodded, grateful for her support. He knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, but with Poe Tree, his fans and family by his side, he knew he had to be ready to face whatever came his way.


David Lee shifted in his seat uncomfortably, glancing around the room as if searching for the right words. "Taeyang, I need to talk to you about Gong-Gi."
Taeyang's heart sank. He thought that the wedding ceremony was illegal. The first gay marriage in their country had beeen a disaster. What kind of message would that say to the world. Tayang hoped he and Gong-Gi could somehow make things work out. Maybe one more album. "What's happened to him?"

"He's still in jail," David Lee said grimly. "The divorce proceedings hadn't been completed. Even if his divorce proceedings were complete, the union would still be null and voice because you're under twenty. Gong-Gi knew that, but he went ahead with the wedding anyway."

Taeyang felt like he had been punched in the stomach. He had known that Gong-Gi was taking a risk, but he hadn't realized that it was such a serious one. "What's going to happen to him now?"

"Well, there may be further charges," David Lee said carefully. "But even if there aren't, his reputation is going to be ruined. As for you, it can go eitherway. One one hand, people are going to say that you were in on it, that you knew the wedding was illegal and you did it anyway. On the other hand, your solo career might soar."

"But...but we love each other," Taeyang protested. "Doesn't that count for anything?"
David Lee sighed. "I'm sorry, Taeyang. I know you're hurting right now. But the law is the law, and you can't just ignore it. Gong-Gi made a mistake, a big one, and he's going to have to face the consequences."

Taeyang felt tears welling up in his eyes. He had known that his relationship with Gong-Gi was going to be difficult, but he had never imagined that it would end like this. "What can I do?"

David Lee put a hand on his shoulder. "You can be strong. You can be brave. You can show the world that you're not going to let this defeat you. And you can remember that even if Gong-Gi is in trouble with the law, that doesn't mean that your love for each other isn't real."

Taeyang nodded, trying to hold back his tears. "I'll try. I'll do my best."

David Lee gave him a sad smile. "That's all any of us can do, Taeyang. That's all any of us can do. And Mun-Hee will help you. Everybody knows her as Flo Glitz, but we know her as Mun-Hee, the most hardcore woman around."

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