Chapter Nineteen - Take Me Back To The Old Barm

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Taeyang had been to many countries through his work, but none had captured his heart like Norway. The Scandinavian music scene, the history of vikings, midnight sun and the pretty little houses by the docks inspired him. He had found a home away from home. The rural delights of Norway were miles away from the urban life of Korea that he was so used to, but the change eased years of tension.

Taeyang leaned against Gong-Gi's shoulder, admiring the Swords in Rock monument. The swords represent peace, unity and freedom. All three were something that Taeyang hoped that his music with Gong-Gi would create in their fandom. With thick shades, matching red face masks and beanie hats, it was impossible to believe there was a 14-year-gap between the couple. Only through listening to their accents and observing their body language could one tell that Taeyang was the junior.

After inhaling a cinnamon scent from Gong-Gi's neck, he whispered to him, "Take me back to the old barn."

"What for?" Gong-Gi asked as fiddling with his second wedding ring. To honour the memories of his ex-wife, he kept the first wedding ring below his new one.

Taeyang nudged his shoulder. "Just do it." He could feel his stomach fluttering inside as Gong-gi smirked at him. In his mind, Taeyang fantasised about making love in the old barn underneath a starry sky with celadon rays from the northern lights beaming down on them.

"Do you think you're the boss of me?" Managers for the band came and went, but none compared to Flo Glitz. Like gum on your shoe, she always asserted her creative control. They had remained on her label and she was the one who put the band together. They had their ups and downs, but they grew to admire her. Ruthless as she was, she had the best contacts and songwriters in the K-pop industry.

"I might be one day." Taeyang could not help but laugh. "I should channel my inner Flo Glitz."

"But it's cold in there..." Gong-Gi shivered, returning to the topic of Flo Glitz. He shook Taeyang's head off his shoulder.

"We'll warm each other up!"

"You're so naughty."

"Why is that?"

"I know what you're thinking, and we could get caught."

"We're in the middle of nowhere." Taeyang could tell that Gong-Gi feared that their honeymoon could be gate-crashed by the press. "They're not gonna get us. Unless..." Taeyang was about to say that he hoped his management hadn't leaked their location on purpose.

"The world has been my ass enough times already!" Gong-Gi was on a different train of thought. "At least the Norwegian fangirls haven't noticed who we are yet."

"Maybe we'll see the northern lights again."

"It's overrated. Just some fuzzy green lights. It's nothing like it is in the photos."

"You just haven't seen it at a good angle yet."

"I suppose we could go there tonight."

"That's the spirit!"

On their way back to the barn, several cars had driven past with rainbow flags. They had their songs on in the background. Still to this day, Taeyang got goosebumps whenever he heard his songs in public.

"We were a part of that!" Taeyang yelled. "We've made people all around the world embrace themselves."

"I guess."

"Given the choice, would you stay in this band or go back to Valentine Cookie?"
Gong-Gi made no hesitation. "Taegong, obviously!"

Taeyang was no longer a teenager - he was twenty now. Nobody knew him in Norway, but they all knew his name. Who were they to judge if their relationship was real or not? If it was just a ploy to sell records, then there would have been no point in getting married.

"Do you love me?" Taeyang asked.

Gong-Gi sat there in silence, his eyes cast down at the ground. Taeyang's heart ached at the uncertainty in Gong-Gi's response. He knew that their relationship was complicated, but he couldn't help but feel hurt by Gong-Gi's lack of affection.

For a moment, the two sat in silence, lost in their own thoughts. But then Gong-Gi spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. "I do love you, Taeyang. I just...I don't know how to show it."

Taeyang's heart skipped a beat at the admission. He had been waiting so long to hear those words from Gong-Gi, but he couldn't bring himself to believe it was true. "Do you mean it?" he asked, his voice trembling.

Gong-Gi looked up at him, his eyes full of emotion. "Yes, I do. I'm sorry for everything. I know I haven't been the best partner, but I want to make things right."
Taeyang's heart swelled with love and hope. He reached out and took Gong-Gi's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I believe you," he said softly. "And I want to make things work too."

They sat there in the old barn, holding hands and talking for hours. They talked about their past, their mistakes, and their hopes for the future. They talked about the challenges they would face as a couple in the public eye, but they both agreed that it was worth it if they had each other.

As the sun began to set over the Norwegian countryside, Gong-Gi leaned in and kissed Taeyang gently on the lips. It was a simple gesture, but it held so much meaning. Taeyang felt his heart overflow with love, and he knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be.

Their relationship may have started as a ploy to sell records, but to Taeyang, the love was and would always be real.

Whatever they did in the old barn stayed in the old barn. Taeyang felt a sense of peace wash over him. He wasn't sure what the future held, but he knew that he wasn't alone anymore. And that was enough for now.

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