Chapter Thirteen - Press Conferences

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Their first single, I'm A Boy, had gone straight to number one in many countries. In South Korea, it had only peaked at number 2, which made Flo Glitz mad as anything below number one was a failure in her eyes. As her weight was going back down, she was in a better mood. Before Gong-Gi and Taeyang even had the chance to celebrate, they were whisked into extra performances and promotional duties. All they seemed to do was work and sleep. One minute, they were in Busan, talking about their favourite brands of cereal, and the next, they're on a ferry to Japan for a night-time performance. The phone calls were constant. Gong-Gi wished he had time to enjoy the skylines and summer breeze. As they started touring around different countries and cities, everywhere started to look the same.

"Can you believe it?" Taeyang squealed, flicking through the reports. "We're number one in the USA, UK, Japan, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Russia and France!"

"It won't be long before China and Russia ban us."

"Let's not worry about them." Taeyang glomped him, squeezing his shoulders in the process. "I've had a really great time in Japan and all the other countries, but I like Japan the most. The fans over there are so kind. I love how colourful the trees are."
"Yes." The only way Gong-Gi could tell places apart was through the skylines and tinges in the air. Back in Seoul, they sat in a panel with an audience of some of the top journalists and news reporters in the country. Gong-Gi had a feeling that Taegong's songs would be a hit because of the scandals, but he never thought that mooning in the Vatican could gather that much attraction. He could only imagine what Flo Glitz had in mind for the next music video. He was certain that Lace and Leather would be the next single. The hooks were infectious and it showed Taeyang's vocal abilities in his best light.

"Come along now, boys!" Flo Glitz called them, waving her hands like a traffic warden. "The press are ready for your interview. And please Gong-Gi, don't be so rude and walk out like you did in that online interview."

"I'll behave if they'll behave," muttered Gong-Gi.

"Hey, it won't be so bad," Taeyang said. "You just need to get used to them again."

Flo Glitz was standing behind Gong-Gi and Taeyang as they held hands. A few people in the front gasped as if they had never seen two men holding hands together before. At least they weren't mooning or wearing clothes that left little to the imagination. Gong-Gi considered himself lucky to have thick skin, as it was the main reason why he was still alive. He gulped, squeezing Taeyang's hand as he was preparing himself for his first question. He hated interviews. It was always a big relief when they were over. He would rather take a seven-hour exam than do interviews, but alas, they were a part of the job.

"After all these scandals, why do your fans still love you?"

"I know I'm not perfect," Gong-Gi admitted. Leaning over to the microphone, he took a deep breath and glanced at Taeyang. "What I did was wrong. I should have been more honest about my feelings instead of bottling everything up. I know I've brought shame with my actions, but I also hope to bring hope and joy with our music."

"The lack of diversity in Korea's music industry is dire," Flo Glitz interrupted. Unfazed by the flashing cameras and stern glares from the journalists. Even though most of the glares seemed directed at Gong-Gi. He couldn't believe how Flo Glitz could behave so differently the moment the cameras were rolling. His soon-to-be-ex-wife had made the world see him as a villain. He was surprised that he had any fans left. "It was my idea to form Taegong, but the boys brought a lot of ideas onto the table."

"And the romance? Are you pushing the gay stereotypes to sell more products?"

Flo Glitz giggled and bowed. She patted them both on the back as if they were her children. "Whilst I do push the boys to be as romantic as possible, I can assure you that their relationship is 100% genuine."

"Are you in love with Dal Gong-Gi?" One of the reporters asked Taeyang.

Taeyang nodded. "Of course I am. He's the first person that I ever loved. And I'd like to thank our manager, Flo Glitz and the rest of Flo Glitz entertainment for believing in us and in our mission."

"What is Taegong's mission?"

"Our mission is to bring people together with our music." Gong-Gi had said the exact same thing in an interview with VALENTINE COOKIE several years ago, but he didn't care if people didn't like what he had to say. "I have two wonderful daughters who are the light of my life. I want them to know that it's okay to be yourself. I hope they can be proud of our music. I know that I must work even harder for everybody, especially the fans that always support us."

"I have a question!"

Heads turned and widened at the woman with her hand up at the back. Her light hair stood out from the grey walls. Taeyang's lips quivered as his head plopped on Gong-Gi's shoulder. It was Elaine Jinx. How did she get a press pass?

"Why are you all lying about Taeyang's age?"

"I'm almost eighteen," Taeyang replied.

"Almost eighteen means you're not eighteen! Don't you feel grossed out?"

"No, not really. We love each other and we want to get married soon."

"How can you all live with yourself lying to the public as your job?"

Gong-Gi shrugged his shoulders. "At least I have a job."

Elaine Jinx cleared her throat, a small smirk on her face. "My next question is for Flo Glitz," she said, her eyes flickering to Gong-Gi and Taeyang before returning to the manager. "There have been rumours that you're planning to replace one of the members of Taegong. Is there any truth to that?"

Gong-Gi and Taeyang tensed at the question, exchanging a worried glance. Flo Glitz's face tightened, her eyes narrowing dangerously. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't comment on rumours," she said, her voice cold and clipped. What rumours? Nobody had heard anything about these rumours until that moment. Elaine Jix had to have been making it up. It was clear from the smug look on her face.

Elaine Jinx leaned forward, pressing the issue. "But there must be some truth to it. Otherwise, why would the rumours persist? Is it because of the scandals? Are you trying to protect your reputation by cutting ties with one of your artists?"

Gong-Gi felt a lump form in his throat as he waited for Flo Glitz's answer. He knew that rumours were a common part of the industry, but the thought of being replaced by someone else made him feel sick. Taeyang's grip on his hand tightened, offering him a small measure of comfort.

Flo Glitz's lips pressed into a thin line, her eyes darting around the room as if searching for an escape. "I assure you, there is no truth to those rumours," she said finally, her voice strained. "I am fully committed to Taegong and their success."
The tension in the room seemed to ease slightly, and the journalists began asking more questions, but Elaine Jinx continued to stare at Flo Glitz, her eyes narrowed in suspicion. Gong-Gi couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settle over him, as if a storm was brewing just beneath the surface. He silently prayed that the interview would end soon, so they could escape the press and regroup somewhere, anywhere but there.


Gong-Gi and Taeyang stormed out of the press conference with Flo Glitz trailing behind them. The flashes of cameras and the sound of questions being shouted had finally died down, but the tension between the two men was palpable.

"What was that?" Gong-Gi snapped at Taeyang. "Why do you keep having to bring it up? Why did you have to tell everyone we're getting married?"

"Bring what up?" Taeyang asked innocently, though there was a mischievous glint in his eye.

"You know what I'm talking about," Gong-Gi growled. "Your feelings for me. You made me look like a fool in front of all those journalists."

"But it's true," Taeyang said, taking Gong-Gi's hand. "I do have feelings for you. And I don't care who knows about it."

Gong-Gi yanked his hand away. "Stop it, Taeyang. You don't know what you're talking about."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Taeyang's voice rose in anger. "You think my feelings for you are fake? That I'm just pretending to love you for the sake of the band?"

Gong-Gi didn't say anything. He couldn't deny that he had his doubts about Taeyang's feelings for him. He had sometimes assumed that Taeyang was just playing along with Flo Glitz's romantic storyline for the band. But the way Taeyang was looking at him now, with such hurt and betrayal in his eyes, made him wonder if he had been wrong all along.
Flo Glitz stepped between them, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "What we need right now is a little bit of drama," she said, clapping her hands together. "And I think I have just the thing."

She leaned in close to Gong-Gi and Taeyang. "You two are going to kiss and make up," she said firmly. "Right here, right now."

"What?" Gong-Gi sputtered. "No way."

But before he could protest any further, Flo Glitz had grabbed him by the collar and pulled him towards Taeyang. Taeyang's arms wrapped around him, and before he knew it, they were kissing. It was soft and gentle at first, but then Taeyang deepened the kiss, and Gong-Gi felt his resistance crumbling away.

When they finally pulled away, Flo Glitz was clapping her hands in delight. "That's what I like to see," she said. "Love conquers all, even in the midst of a scandal. Now, let's go celebrate with some champagne! Wait... you two have a concert tonight. Oh well, more champagne for me!"

Gong-Gi and Taeyang looked at each other, both of them feeling a little dazed. But underneath it all, there was a sense of relief. Maybe their feelings for each other weren't as one-sided as they had thought. Maybe there was something real there, after all.


Poe Tree sat on the edge of her hotel bed, scrolling through her phone, grinning from ear to ear. "Guys, you won't believe it," she said, turning to her friends who were also in attendance at one of Taegong's concerts. "I took selfies with so many super fans and people were loving it! I think I was becoming a viral superstar!"

Her friends smiled at her, happy to see her so excited. "That's amazing, Poe," one of them said. "You deserve it!"

Poe continued, "And meeting the band in person was everything I could have hoped for. They were so kind and genuine, not to mention incredibly talented. I'm so grateful for this experience."

She reached over to her nightstand and picked up the vinyl records that the band had signed for her. She held them close, as if they were her most prized possession. "I can't believe I have these," she said, looking at them in awe. "I'll treasure them forever."

Her friends nodded in agreement, happy to see their friend so happy. "You did it, Poe," one of them said. "You lived your dream."

Poe smiled, feeling grateful for the experience and the people she got to share it with. "I couldn't have done it without you guys," she said. "Thank you for being here with me."

She ended the call for her phone to charge. Poe remembered a tiny blonde in an orange coat entering the room opposite her. The neighbour resembled Elaine Jinx. Perhaps it was time for a visit. Somebody knocked, maybe it was Elaine.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT YOU B-... Wait! You're Taeyang's..."

Poe's heart raced as she recognized the man knocking on every door. She couldn't believe her eyes. It was Taeyang's father, Mr. Gang. What was he doing here? She took a deep breath and opened the door. As soon as she did, Mr. Gang turned around, surprised that someone had finally answered. "You're the first one to open the door!"

Poe's hands trembled as she confronted him. "You sold your own son for alcohol!" She couldn't believe that he had sold his own son to fund his addiction. She slapped him hard across the face, unable to control her anger.

Mr. Gang recoiled from the slap and raised his hands in defence. "That's not how it went down. I've been sober since he left," he protested.

Poe's eyes widened at the mention of Taeyang. She knew she had to stay calm, but the thought of Mr. Gang's betrayal made her blood boil. "He is not here," she said through gritted teeth.

Mr. Gang looked puzzled. "What do you mean? He had a conference here the other day."
Poe shook her head. "He's already left. Taegong is performing in Gwangju tonight. He would have left by now."

At that moment, Elaine appeared at the door, causing Poe's stomach to clench. They had a history of clashing online, and Poe couldn't shake off the tension between them. She tried to avoid eye contact, but Elaine had already seen her.

"If by pure coincidence, I do have a spare ticket to the gig in Gwangju," Elaine said.
Poe's eyes narrowed as she looked at Elaine. She didn't trust her, and she knew that Elaine had a hidden agenda. "If you hate the band so much, why do you keep attending their shows and watching their videos?" Poe asked, her voice dripping with suspicion.
Elaine rolled her eyes. "I'm a journalist. As a working adult, I have to do things that I don't necessarily like. You wouldn't understand that, Poe."

Poe took a deep breath and tried to keep her cool. She knew that Mr. Gang was Taeyang's father, and she couldn't deny him the chance to see his son. "Hey, let's be nice to each other, ladies," Mr. Gang interjected. "I think we should all go to the concert. When's the next train?"

"In 15 minutes," Elaine replied.

"Let's go!" Mr. Gang exclaimed, and Poe felt a knot in her stomach as she realised that she had to spend the evening with her least favourite people.

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