Chapter 01

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I don't judge people, in fact I'm the least judgmental person you'd ever meet. But there's just something about people with tattoos that irks me.

It sends this wave of annoyance and irritation down my spine that instantly ruins my mood. I mean why would anyone enjoy the feeling of needles piercing their skin over and over again and to what end? Just to have a diagram or quote written on your skin?

It's just insensible and shows how irresponsible you are.

"Relax Ellie, your glares can't erase the ink on his skin."  I snap my eyes to Kate, I send her a smile knowing she must have noticed my sudden change of mood the moment the tattooed teen walked through the doors of the big cafe.

I sigh swirling my straw in the pink drink. "It's just annoying you know? I mean, his skin used to be beautiful without those green, blue and black inks on them. Now he looks like a rag doll." She rolls her bright blue eyes a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

"I don't know Ellie. He still looks fine to me, tattoos or not." I send her a flat stare lifting the straw to my lips, she grimaces before drinking her green drink which makes me grimace. "Your pink drink is disgusting."

"Likewise your green drink." We chuckle a bit the smile vanishing from my lips when the tattooed guy walks past us paying us no regard, my lips twitch just to ask him why he decided to ruin it.

Would his mom be proud of him?

"Alright, let's leave before pull him by the ear and make him swear he is going to erase it!" She rises to her feet the edge of the table catches her floral top and I laugh before assisting her with it. "Thank God David doesn't have tattoos right?" My mood lifts once again at the mention of my boyfriend.

College made everything better for me, when I still lived in the boring town I was a loner. No matter how hard it was I tried I couldn't just have a friend, the longest I did have a friend was three days and that was because we had something to prevent.

But all that changed when I got to college, I got an amazing friend whom I share an apartment with not a week later, and I met David, the sweetest and most caring guy ever.

Whoever said college was trash never went to a good college.

"Yeah. It's like he was made for me. Y'know? I mean he is just perfect..." Kate gags, I roll my eyes at her, and the cool afternoon air hits my skin getting a sigh from me. We make our way to my car just as my phone dings. "Speaking of... David wants to talk." I say typing a reply to him.

"You know, when my last boyfriend said he wanted to talk, it was because he wanted to confess to cheating. I'd advise you not to reply now. Let's get home first and let me bring out all the cheap wines we have." She warns getting into the passenger seat.

I know she means no harm. That's all she ever does, jokes about everything she's like the perfect friend, but her words right now just brought fear to my heart.

What if David actually wants to confess to cheating?

The sentence: we need to talk never ends well.

When my parents said that, it was to inform me they were splitting up, and when my aunt called a few weeks later saying we needed to talk was to inform us of the death of granny.

So it's safe to say I'm not a fan of we need to talk sentence.

"What will i do if he actually cheated or wants to break up?" I say my palm resting on the steering wheel.

"Then you drink till you pass out and when you wake up with a hangover I'll laugh at you while offering you a soup." I scrunch my nose up to her at the brunette, she shrugs flashing me a cheeky smile. "But seriously, let's go home first then we'd know what to do."

I nod and place my phone on silence then proceeded to drive really slow, I could push up the reply only for a few minutes because our apartment isn't too far from the cafe. It only took twenty minutes for us to get home.

And when we did, I took my time getting down from the car, each step I take closer to the door makes my heart pound ridiculously hard.

I try to think about the things I could have possibly done to annoy him or any guy for that matter.

Was I too clingy?

Was I annoying?

Did I stay home too much?

Could he still be angry about the time I refused to go to a party with him?

Shit, I'm itching to yank my red hair from my scalp at my troubled thoughts. It's driving me insane, so I don't wait to get into the house before I send him a message.

Me: Yeah, what's up?

Then I wait, and wait some more when the three dotted lines appeared, my gaze is still locked on them as I push the door open to reveal Kate in a large T-shirt, a short, and a blanket, on the table is a bottle of some wine that has its name scratched out.

David: For the past months I have been horny as fuck.

My eyebrows furrow as I read the words, my heart beating in anticipation. "Come on just say it!" I yell at my phone.

We've been together for a year and a month and not once have we ever done anything past kissing, the one time we tried something I had frozen up and pushed him then apologized the next day.

"I'm waiting." Kate announces as she connects her phone to the speaker, I can only imagine her finger hovering over a heartbreak song.

David: I can't we can't have sex right and I am fine with that. Honestly, but for the love of all things pure please let's try something else. Maybe a blowjob?

"He is asking for a blowjob." I say to Kate and she drops the blanket and then proceeds to return the wine whispering.

"Next time buddy." She's crazy, so I roll my eyes at her and sigh as I type a response. "Don't agree to it if you're not ready Ellie." She yells over her shoulder as she climbs a stool to return the wine.

"I know Kate." I reply as I type.

Me: Look David...

I stop to think of a reply, but can't come with any. This isn't a conversation that should be discussed over a text, we needed to have a face-to-face conversation and I needed time to consider everything.

I mean he has been sweet and caring to me. Totally understood when I said I wasn't ready, but how long can he keep understanding? How long before he cracks and decides he wants to have sex.

Kate returns with another wine, "This one is for you. You need to drink something or..." I wave her off and she shrugs before taking the bottle to her lips. I wince, sometimes living with her is like living with a boy.

She can be messy and it sometimes gets me upset but I can't entirely complain since the apartment belongs to her I am just squatting with her with no payment.

"What I need is to go surround myself with drunk people. Whatever I feel at that moment will let me know what to do." I say switching my phone off.

"You want to go to a club?" I nod, her face falls knowing she can't go with me. Kate has a strange fear of clubs, she once let it slip that she was harassed in a club and plans to never return to a place like that. She hardly goes to parties because of it. "Aw man." She frowns deeply.

"Don't worry. I can go on my own." I cannot do that, I mean I can but it will feel weird, we do everything together since we met. It's like we complete each other, but this time I want to go on my own without her influence. "I promise." I reassure her and she pouts a bit.

"Let me get you ready then. In case you decide to go over when you're drunk," she winks at me then waggles her eyebrow I throw one couch pillow at her, and she ducks successfully with a laugh.

So by nighttime, I'm dressed by the one and only Kate Clark, "I'd marry you, you know that right?" I remember her saying after staring at her work.

My nervousness level spikes up as I drive closer to the bar/club. Kate isn't with me, I'm all alone dressed in a blue spaghetti strap dress that manages to make my boobs pop a little more than they usually did.

I step on the accelerator when I feel my mind considering turning back, a ton of things could go wrong if I went to the club. I could get poisoned from a drink.

"Gahh!" I lightly tap my head to shut up, then I park my car and alight it. The club isn't big which means there wouldn't be much people, the little the better.

My heels hit the ground as I walk in more, there isn't even a bodyguard waiting at the door to ask for IDs people just get in freely, "Low budget club." I mumble thank the heavens when I see few people in the club.

I make my way to the bar and order a drink, the lady stares me down before giving me what I ordered. "Lost a job?" She asks and I frown looking at my outfit.

"Do I look like I did?" I ask worriedly, Kate claims the dress is top-notch. "Is it the dress?" I ask pulling up the strap.

"No, you just have the wary look in your eyes, the dress is awesome by the way. Makes your red hair more pretty." A little blush makes way to my cheeks at her compliment, "so why are you here?" She asks, "Not that I'm complaining." She quickly adds and I laugh a bit.

"I need to be tipsy to pour out my worries to you." I answer and she clicks her tongue before disappearing only to return with a bottle of Jack Daniels.

"We don't often get redheads here so here's a bottle of jack Daniels—not everything because that's going to get me fired though." She brings herself cup and I nod a smile playing on my lips as she pours the drink for both of us.

Three glasses later and I can feel myself getting free, light, no thoughts in my head absolutely nothing just the bad loud music disturbing my ears.

"My playlist is better than your DJ's" I yell over the music and she laughs, for some reason she isn't drunk yet.

"Yeah? Mine too!" She replies, "My job is crappy." She speaks then releasing a sigh.

"My boyfriend wants a job." I frown at my sentence, it doesn't seem right. "No, a blowjob. Yes, he wants a blowjob."

She shrugs. "Let's do something we'd never do on a normal day."

"What? Like, speak to tattooed people?" I say jokingly expecting her to laugh but she isn't, my smile vanishes and I begin to shake my head. "No," I say.

She flashes me a smile before speaking. "I'll connect my phone to the speaker and you'll do something crazy. I might lose my job and you might lose...nothing, ah, wait! You might lose your pantie." She says, I take back what I said, she's definitely drunk.

"No—" she pushes a glass to me, and I gulp it again. "No, I'll be breaking my rules."

"And what exactly are those rules? Come on Red, I might lose my job."

"How am I sure you'd hold up your end of the bargain?"

"We'll go at the same time. See that guy over there—" she points at a guy in black shirt, my frown increases at the the inks on his arms. I squint when he picks a glass, he has on his fingers too. A huge skull on the back of his palm. His lips spread at the words the man next to him says, the man doesn't have much tattoos like him but that doesn't make any one of them better. "Give him your pantie."

I can't be blamed for starting a bit longer at the man with Stormy grey eyes that are like an unsettled sea, hair as dark as midnight--no doubt even darker when wet, and high cheekbones that make him even more intimidating than he seems, scythe-shaped eyebrows, a concrete jaw that only adds to the allure and an aura of dominance surrounding him. The dark inks on his tanned skin are extremely prominent under the club light. He truly seems dark and dangerous.

"That's wrong. It's wrong. So wrong that I can't do it sober." I say. "What if he—"

"No what if's. Hey Jack, give that guy a glass of jack Daniels and tell him to wait in the locker room." She snaps her finger at a brown haired guy who stares at her blankly.

"I'm not your bell boy or ball boy, whatever the fuck it's called. Lilly." She rolls her big eyes at him before pushing it into his arms, he accepts it then walks toward him.

Lilly gives me another glass, I push it away remembering I'll have to drive. "What do I gain from this?"

"It would make us very happy. I'd lose my job, you'd lose your pantie."

"Still not enough—"

"Red." She pleads, I can tell she's doing this for mostly herself, she wants to go down, do something crazy but doesn't want to do it alone.

"What do I have to lose except my pantie?" I ask, her eyes lit and she claps.

I see the man frowning before collecting the drink then turns to his friend who raises his hands and says something to him. The skull tattoo man gets to his feet and I notice he is very tall.

"I'll dim the light, and just hand it to him." She says.

I get to my feet and widen my eyes as the room dances, there's double of everybody and I shake my head a bit.

"I might have to go home after this." I inform her.

"Thank you." She says.

And so I do the dumbest thing ever, I enter the locker room. On my way there I had slipped off my pantie, the guy is on his phone so when the door open he snaps his stormy grey eyes to my brown ones and is about to speak when I stretch my hand out to him.

"Here. I am giving my pantie to you, make sure to cherish it forever." I say then hand my fist to him.

I don't bother to look on him only sending a tiny goodbye to my purple lace pantie. Then I leave the room before he can speak.

I get out and a loud leaves me as popping sounds along with moans fill the club. People stop dancing and look around the room in surprise and embarrassed gazes.

"My playlist is soooo better!" Lilly yells, I send her a thumbs up before I leave the club. She waved at me.

Now to speak to David...


How do you guys choose last names for your characters?

Also, I think we can tell Ellie is an overthinker in this chapter.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks.

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