Chapter 03

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If there's one thing I'm good at, it's pretending I didn't just embarrass myself in front of a stranger--twice for that matter.

Giving him my pantie and Insulting his pierced skin.

"You guys don't lookalike." I inform Kate that after the kitchen encounter with her brother I rushed to my room and then slammed the door shut hoping to forget what happened.

Like Maddie Perez once said; Out of sight, out of mind.

Kate bites her lips, and I nod for her to go on. They truly don't look alike, she has big blue eyes that make her look innocent along with beautiful light brown hair that often looks like a shadow under the sun.

Then there's her brother—whom she told me his name is Kaden, he has stormy grey eyes that look like a mirror that would be more than happy to show you how much of a fool you are for judging his tattoos, and then in place of her brown hair is his thick dark hair.

"We're half siblings—it's complicated." She quickly adds, the last part telling me I shouldn't press on the subject anymore since it's complicated. "I should have inform you since, it really skipped my mind."

"It's okay." I'll get used to him, simply by ignoring his presence and by avoiding him.

"Oh, and there's one more thing." She says moving closer to the point her foot touches my knees, we are sitting Indian style on my bed with my fluffy pillows on our legs. "Don't...don't get close to him. I mean, don't build any kind of friendship or relationship with him. I know he is very attractive but don't, just don't please." I let out an uncomfortable laugh but she isn't laughing, she looks dead serious so I nod.

It scares me, she's serious but it's funny she thinks id want anything to do with him.

"Of course Kate, you know how hard it is for me to make friends. And no offense but your brother has a lot of tattoos and that's a no-no for me." I waggle my finger.

It's true, I wouldn't even think about forming any kind of bond with him like he said he'd be gone soon and I don't plan on making friends with someone who doesn't plan on staying. It would only leave me with a broken heart and a night long therapy.

"Why though? Not that I plan on making him my best friend all of a sudden, but you just seem real... know."

Kate fidgets with her fingers as she speaks. "Everyone pretends to be my friend just so they could get close to him. And we manage to be friends before they meet him they forget about me the second they do. It's like a curse, once my brother is around I suddenly become nonexistent." She looks up her eyes getting glossy. "I don't want to lose our friendship Ellie." I pull her into a hug even though it's hard with my crossed legs, I pat her back softly, were so much alike!

"I don't want to lose our friendship too. I promise Kate, I wouldn't even breathe the same air as he does." I pull back and show her my pinky finger, it might seem childish, but that's what we need now. A promise to never leave each other.

She giggles as she wraps her own finger with mine. "That's going to be hard, you literally live under the same roof." I throw my head back and laugh. "Thanks though I appreciate it. And ill try to get him out of here as soon as I can." I smile at her.

"Best friends forever?"

"Forever!" And at that moment we are like little girls promising to stay together forever, it makes me happy that I have finally made a friend like her. All the more reason to ignore Kaden and my pantie.

There's no point in telling her we met at the club, all I have to do is tell Kaden not to tell her and we can all live happily ever after.

So when it's evening time, Kate decided to follow me to the party saying she'd be damned if she allowed me get drunk without her again. I couldn't be more grateful.

"Kate?" I call when I'm done dressing, and I decided against having her style me again. I know how fashion-obsessed she can be but I'm not entirely sure I want her to know what I had planned to do with David tonight.

"She's in her room." Her brother replies to me just when I enter the kitchen. Thank God she is, because I think it's time I have that conversation with him.

I see rummaging through the fridge. "Your fridge is dry as fuck." He mumbles then slams the fridge a bit too hard, I bite my tongue from snapping at him reminding myself I needed to calm down so everything goes according to plan.

"We got off on the wrong foot," I begin, he pulls out a bottle of wine and I frown wondering how he knew where Kate kept her wines then I remembered they are siblings, all the more reasons to get this conversation over with. "And I hope you don't use that mis—my mistake to tell Kate we already met at the club and what happened there. I mean you're her brother." I quickly add, "If you weren't her brother I wouldn't care." Lie.

"Tell Kate you didn't give me your pantie? No problem," he says and drops the glass on the counter harshly then proceeds to walk past me, "Oh and, even if you weren't Kate's friend, I still wouldn't fuck with you. You're not my type," then he leaves once again my cheeks burn up in embarrassment.

I clear my throat in the empty kitchen, that shouldn't have hurt a bit. But it did because it makes me wonder what exactly is his type.

Tattooed women with numerous piercings?

"Not my business." I mutter then return the bottle and glass he had brought out, something tells me I interrupted his binge drinking with my conversation but it was necessary to discuss that with him.

Kate appears in front of me wearing a black dress with high boots, her hair is packed up only a few hairs are scattered around by the side. I pick my purse on the counter but stop when Kaden descends the stairs wearing his signature black shirt and black jeans, except this time he has a black jacket that covers his arm tattoos, his fingers aren't without rings and his neck isn't with a bird chain.

I hate to admit it but he looks good...with his tattoos covered up, I'm sure the minute I can see his tattoos again I'll consider him disgusting.

"I don't have all day Kate," he says wearing his silver wristwatch she subtly rolls her eyes before turning to me.

The corner of her lips tugs up, "Nice outfit!" Kaden momentarily sends me a stare before walking out the door, I knew wearing high-waisted jeans with a turtle neck top would do. "I asked Kaden to drop us." She announces.

I'm tempted to ask her why then I remember this might be her way of bonding with him, according to her they haven't seen each other in years. So instead I nod step out too, the cool evening air blows against the exposed skin of my stomach and I consider changing the top, while it might have been long sleeved and turtlenecked it's still a crop top that stops just below my boobs.

Then I remember David, he would be so happy to see me in this. I don't bother to remind him I'd be coming because I want him surprised.

Kate gets into the jeep and I sit at the back wondering if I should text him. I'm sure he knows I'm coming, just doesn't know the time, and he did send the address so of course, he knows I'm coming.

We arrive at the house where the party holds, I see a few college students holding red cups, some are making out. It's your typical college party, I get off not bothering to know if Kate is behind me or not, I'm feeling really giddy.

I haven't seen David in a week not to mention I plan on agreeing to what he asked for today, "See you!" I wave absentmindedly before dashing into the house.

I wave at a few people before making my way to the kitchen, I grimace that those openly making out close to the stove. A lot of things could go wrong in their position but what's my business? I turn around and come face to face with a guy, I flash him a smile.

"Hey, you know where blonde David is?" I ask, he crinkles his nose before pointing at the stairs.

I wave at him and then excitedly run up the stairs greeting a few that greet me too, I open the first room I see but sigh when he isn't there.

There's another door, I open that one and it shows me the toilet with David inside...with another girl on her knees.

"Ellie." He says pushing the almost naked girl away from him, my smile freezes and my fingers around the knob tightens. "It's not a big deal."

"Of course not, it's not like she was just on her knees giving you a blowjob!" The girl quickly scurries out covering herself with David's shirt.

He steps closer to me shaking his head, "The same blowjob you asked me to give you? Are you serious David?" I scream.

"Don't fucking raise your voice at me! You're making a big deal out of nothing, it's not like I had my dick inside of her. You should be fucking grateful I stayed celibate for you!" His voice is filled with anger and I move back a bit when his tone keeps getting louder, "So don't you fucking dare raise your fucking voice at me!" I can't stay in here anymore, it feel like the bathroom walls are closing in on me.

"Uh...David, An—shit your girlfriend caught you this time?" I hear another person's voice, and I can only imagine it's one of his friends.

"You've been cheating for a while?" My voice is low and high almost pleading that it isn't true.

"It's not a big deal, it's only cheating if you caught me, but you didn't."

"Fuck you!" Then I run down the stairs ignoring the questions thrown at me, my throat feels heavy and my head is banging not to mention the wet liquid rolling down my cheeks at the realization that my boyfriend of a year has been cheating for a while and doesn't think it's wrong.

It's only when I get outside do I inhale deep breaths, "Ellie?" My palm is on my knees while I pant, "Who made you cry?" Someone pulls me to stand straight as he asks, I recognize the voice, and more tears just flow out of my eyes.

"N-nobody." I quickly lie, it's so embarrassing to have your boyfriend cheat and know his friends knew yet didn't tell you about it.

"Who fucking made you cry Ellie?" When I don't answer he lets go of my hand and then leaves, I walk to his car hoping he'd be there so he could drive me home where I can easily cry knowing someone had just left me again.

"Well, go on," The music has stopped, those engaging in their businesses now give their attention to us. Simply because Kaden has his hand around David's neck as he pushes him forward, a baseball bat sits on his shoulder as he nudges him forward. "Apologize."

David spits out a ball of spit mixed with blood, it's then I notice the thin trail of blood roll from his nostril, "Come on man, you're all making a big deal out of nothing!" David repeats, anger flashes in Kaden's eyes before he swings the bat under David's knees sending him to the floor.

David's screams sounds in the yard and I quickly run to them. Students are already pulling their phones out to take a video and I can only imagine the cops pulling over soon, I don't want to be responsible for Kate's brother being jailed.

"S-stop Kaden." I push out my hand and lightly touch his chest with my palm when he proceeds to stalk closer to David.

"What? You would protect someone that made you cry?" His angry eyes land on me, and I flinch slightly.

"No, but the cops might arrive here soon if you keep hitting him." I tell him, I can still hear groans leaving David's mouth, and brings a bit of satisfaction to me.

"It's sweet that you care about what might happen to me. But I'm not leaving here till this piece of shit apologizes to you, as he means it!" Kaden stands his ground glaring at David, the blonde flinches then opens his mouth.

"I'm sorry Ellie, I swear it was a mistake one I promise to never repeat." I hear a few snickers from across the yard and I turn to Kaden.

"See? He apologized. Let's go." I say, his eyes are still locked on David's figure on the grass and I tug on his arm so we could leave.

"You're fucking lucky!" He seethes before allowing me to pull him away.

Thanks a lot for reading!❤️

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