Chapter 05

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"...and Alexander the Great is known--" I zone out for the third time this week I have been having a hard time concentrating for a while now, and it's beginning to get annoying.

Something is distracting me, something keeps pulling my mind elsewhere . It's making me anxious, could it be because I haven't seen Kaden since Sunday? Could it be because I'd wake up early just to catch glance of him but I'd be met with nothing but his lingering cologne?

No, that can't be it. There's no way I'll be having difficulty focusing just because of someone I met a short while ago.

It still doesn't help that after that night he hasn't spoken a word to me, almost like he was avoiding me.

Is it something I did?

Did I embarrass myself in front of him?

No, bad Ellie, I shouldn't be thinking about Kate's brother after all I did make a promise to her one I ensure to keep. Maybe not speaking to Kaden is for the best, the more time we spend with each other the more I betray Kate, I can't do that to her.

So instead of thinking of the tattooed man I share a roof with I decide to focus on my aching stomach, it feels like million tiny soldiers are trampling on my ovaries.

I lightly bang my head against the table, the voice of the professor irritating me even more. In fact, everything irks me at that moment, the slow movement of the clock, the two girls gossiping behind me, and the guy secretly playing a game on his phone while a class went on.

Hell, a guy with tattoos a roll away irritates me. Just because I'm living with Kaden who has a million tattoos doesn't mean I'll finally understand why anyone gets tattoos.

I'm the first to bolt for the door the second the class is over, with my brown leather bag slung over my shoulder I palm my stomach whilst biting my lips as I make my way to my car.

Before I get in I feel my heart squeeze tightly as my eyes land on David, his arms around a girl's shoulders as he throws his head back letting out a deep throttled laugh.

It looks like we never happened like there was nothing between us. He presses his lips against her cheek and the blonde giggles, just a few days and he has moved on.

I don't know what hurts more, the fact that he can act like we never happened or the fact that I secretly hoped he wanted me back.

I drove myself home, staying in college would lead me to me losing my shit and bawling my eyes out—my stomach still hurts like hell by the way and I have a good guess why.

"Like I haven't had enough," I huff as I put on the pad on my pantie, that explains why my stomach hurts like hell and it's only about to get worse.

Does alcohol make period more painful? If it does then I prepare myself for some rolling by taking my blanket to the sitting room and a bag of chips on the table.

I wrap myself in the blanket allowing myself to fall asleep deeply, I wake up sometime later feeling worse I can feel beads of sweat form on my head despite the room being really cold, it doesn't help that my back hurts and I'm close to throwing my guts out.

God, my eyes are shut as I palm my stomach squeezing it softly.

"Do you have food poisoning?" I peel my eyes open at his voice, God, how can someone look this good—correction how can someone with tattoos look this good? His hair is ruffled, his buttons are undone and he looks tired. It's a good look on him.

"If you call bleeding from my vagina food poisoning..." I'm unable to complete my sentence at the pain, Kaden sits at the edge of the couch, his eyebrows pulled together and he looks almost worried.

He leans closer to me then pushes my hair off my face, "You're burning up. Does it always hurt like this every time?" He asks and I nod.

"Sometimes even worse," I groan loving the feeling of his palm against my warm forehead.

He frowns. "Do you take anything for it?" He asks softly, his stormy grey eyes are clueless it makes me want to giggle.

I groan a bit with a head shake, Kaden looks around uncomfortably also scratching the back of his head. "I'll be back." He says and disappears into the kitchen.

my lips are already pouted in displeasure as it feels like my knees, thighs, hell even my arms are being cut open. The feeling disappears for a minute when Kaden returns from the kitchen with a white mug and motions for me to sit up.

I do with a frown taking the mug from him, he sits by my feet staring at me. "My...uh, mom used to take that, she'd thought me how to make warm milk saying in case I ever got a girlfriend." A light laugh leaves his lips before he clears his throat and turn serious again.

A tiny smile plays on my lips as I take the mug to my throat, the warm liquid falls into my throat and acts like a cooler as it goes into my belly. It doesn't take away the pain entirely but it isn't as worse as before.

Kaden stares at me licking his teeth before sighing again, "Lay down." I stare at him weirdly but follow his order, "My mom used to make us place our palms on her stomach, she said the warmth helped numb the pain." He mumbles as he slips his hand under my shirt.

My eyelashes flutter like butterfly wings when his warm palm meets with my stomach, his cold rings make me suck in a deep breath as he stares at me.

His hand move in a circular motion and it's taking everything in me to not breathe because my stomach might seem bigger under his palm.

"Christ, fucking breathe, Ellie." I do, immediately at his order with a soft blush. He looks away but I'm quick to catch a tiny smile on his face that lifts the mood.

I clear my throat feeling a lot better from the warm milk to his warm palm and cold rings on my bare skin, God, it's heavenly and made me question why I didn't try all these while I was in high school.

I used to have painful menstruation that would lead me to miss school and just laying in my bed wondering what exactly I did to Mother Nature to deserve it.

"You said, us? You and Kate?" I start, he turns to me his hand pausing for a moment an emotion passes through his eyes but disappears just as he continues rubbing my stomach.

I take that as a sign that he isn't going to answer and decide something else because it's awkward to have your best friend's brother rubbing your stomach to help with period pains.

"That milk was really nice, what did you put in it? Do you have a special recipe? Oh! Oh—"

"God, are you always this chatty when you're in pain?" I press my lips together also biting my tongue at the annoyance on his face.

"I was trying to fill the awkward silence." I grumble looking away.

Kaden scoffs lightly pressing his palm on my abdomen, it's strange but it relieves the pain a lot.

"I enjoy the awkward silence."

"I don't."

"That's not my problem." I squint my eyes at him but give up because he's taking the pain away and who am I to complain?

"It's good to know I have to be in pain before I can get your attention." I say sleepily as I stifle a yawn.

Kaden looks at me, "You always have my attention, Red." I can only hope he doesn't see the blush on my cheeks.

"You always seem to have a reply, don't you?" He doesn't reply with words, but he does with his eyes and I look away once again.

Shutting my eyes I fall asleep with his tattooed hand under my shirt and his cold ring digging into the skin of my stomach.


"We haven't had a girl time in a long while!" Kate stumbles into my room on a Friday morning, she sees my good mood and waggles her eyebrows.

"I don't know what you're thinking in that head of yours, but I'm happy simply because today is the last of my period." Three days, that's how long mine lasts—sometimes I feel bad for those who have seven days, I mean imagine bleeding for seven days. I bleed for only three days and I wish to die.

"Spa day, tomorrow!" She snaps her fingers at me as I tighten my bun.

"Something else."

"Alcohol binging?" Kate proposes, I grimace.

"You're an alcoholic," my best friend shrugs falling on my neat bed, I stop myself from yelling at her.

It has a crease on the side she lays on, I roll my eyes.

"We haven't hung out in a long time," she whines.

I turn to her from the mirror, "I think it's my brother's fault!" She suddenly sit up, my eyes widen.

What does she know? Shit, does she know I have been speaking to him?

"We both don't stay at home because he is around!" She adds and I sigh before I pick my bag then make my way out of the room. "Where are you going?" She asks following me.

"Some of us have classes to attend Kate," I reply, my eyes dart to Kaden—his laptop on his lap and he types away without sparing any of us a single glance. "I have a delivery tomorrow, how about we go together and then we make a stop to get out favorite disgusting drinks, by the way only yours is disgusting not mine."

Kate's blue eyes lit up and she nods. "Deal!"

Saturday came faster and I couldn't be more grateful, I mean I said goodbye to wearing a pad, and said goodbye to the million soldiers throwing a party. Not to mention the beautiful weather, the sun is bright and the day is clear.

My mood doesn't falter even as I bake, however it begins hard to focus when Kaden walks in—I try to hide my stare as he drinks water.

His mere presence has my full attention and I can only hope he doesn't know it.

Okay! I finished watching Insatiable today and the ending totally messed me up😖
Have you watched the show? Did you enjoy the end?

Thanks for reading! Have a nice day/night

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