A Tale Long Ago

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"Um... Jaden?" Wendy asked as she looked over to Jaden who was bruised. "What is it Wendy?" He asked her looking to her. "Although we haven't seen much of Mister Trevor fighting... How does he?" Jaden paused for a moment and thought. "It's been forever since I've seen him fight but... He usually doesn't care. He once took down a gang of magic users that were robbers, but he didn't consider it a fight... The only time he did have a tough time fighting 10 people... But that was because he was hungry and tired..." "So he basically doesn't consider combat all that interesting deepening on the person?" Natsu said with the same thinking face as Jaden. "Yeah... You know..." Jaden nodded and smiled. "He's like an older brother. Always sticking out for me and all that."

"When and where did you two meet?" Lucy asked. "When did we meet? Well... Heh, I remember it like it was yesterday..." He began to explain to them what happened, while the author makes a flashback out of it cuz he's lazy or something, idk. (#brokethefourthwall) also from the pop of Trevor.
~~~~~~~[Flashback to 3 years ago]~~~~~~~
I was wandering the West of Fiore, looking around in general until I saw... "Hey mister..." A scrawny boy called out. He walked up to me and was in rags, his skin and hair dirty and bruised. His eyes looked sleep deprived and nervous. "Could you spare a jewel or two?" This made me sorrowful and depressed seeing the boy like this. "What's your name?" I asked him crouching down to his height. "Jaden... Jaden Kallow." He said looking down. "I'm Trevor Otaga." I smiled at him as he stood up. "How about some lunch? My treat." They boy named Jadens' eyes lit up in joy. "Really mister???" I nodded as I stretched. "Yup! Just call me Trevor? Ok?" Jaden nodded eagerly as he went to restaurant.

"Um Jaden?..." I said as I stared at Jaden. "Yeah?" He asked with a mouthful. "No offense but just because I said the foods on me... Does not mean you can eat nearly all the food here!!!" Tons of plates the size of boars were licked clean as Jaden wolfed it all down. He stopped and laughed. "Sorry!! It's just been so long since I've eaten like this!!!" I couldn't help but smile... I was something like that too. "So you have magic?" I asked trying to get him to talk without him eating more and more, making my wallet become as empty as a someone in a desert looking for water.

"Yup!! A take over magician! Do you have magic too??" My eyes widened. "Me? Yeah." "What is it what is it?????" He asked eagerly. "I'm terribly sorry but I can't show it yet to you..." Jaden then pouted while whining, "awwwwww!!!" "Sorry little bud... You have any dreams?" I asked him smiling faintly. "...... I want to join fairy tail." He admitted sounding shy. "Let's go then." I stood up. Jaden looked confused and ate some more food. "What do you mean?" I'm going to get us to fairy tail!!" I grinned and chuckled. Jaden was still until he began crying. He hugged me tightly while saying, "THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!!!!" I smiled at how he was.... At least he's gonna have a better childhood than me....
~~~~~~~[Present time, 3 years later]~~~~~~~
"So there you have it!" Jaden said smiling. Erza wiped away some tears and was smiling. "That was so sweet...." "Not that much actually." Happy said. "Hey guys? Don't mean to stop the story time but... We're here." Gray said as everyone turned and saw a opening to a cave in the mountains. "Everyone ready?" Natsu said as everyone nodded and walked in. There was a stair way and it lead down to... A labyrinth?

Walk ways twisted and turned as some areas were covered with stone. "Whoa..." Jaden muttered as he blinked. Then a voice was heard behind Natsu that said, "it's time for the fun to begin!!!" He bit off the ropes and had contact to everyone as he teleported them all in the center in one second and the next vanished. "Hehehehehe!!!"

"Damnit!!!" Natsu shouted as he punched a wall of the labyrinth and echoed. "Everyone split up, we're bound to find one of the sins." Erza said as she got her sword out. "Ah ah ah..." A voice chanted near the team. "What? Who is that?!" Jaden said as Natsu used his fire to light the area. In the shadows Trevor was there as he walked to the team. His hood was on as he had his head down. "Trevor!!" Jaden cheered as he ran to Trevor. He rose his left hand as he then smacked Jaden, the impact of his body against a wall made it crash and collapse.

"What the hell's your problem Trevor?!" Natsu yelled as Trevor looked up as his eyes were dull and in an instant he was behind Natsu, grabbed his neck and judo flipped him over his shoulder, throwing him to the ground. Trevor ripped off his left jacket sleeve and held his shadow hand up. "Shadow arm form 2." His arm became sharp and slightly transparent. "What's wrong with him?!" Lucy said as Trevor darted to her and the others. He slashed at all of them until Natsu grabbed Trevor's wrist. "Trevor it's us!!" Trevor didn't reply, and then punched Natsu in the face. Trevor then turned to Jaden who staggered to get up as he began crying. "Trevor... What happened to you...?" Trevor then tackled Jaden to ground, preparing to stab Jaden with his shadow arm. "N-no... Please!! It's your friend!! Jaden!!!" Trevor ignored the screams as he got ready. "PLEASE REMEMBER!!!!" Jadens' eyes shut as seconds later, he slowly opened them.

Natsu had Trevor by the neck and was glaring at him. "It's not him... Show yourself." In the shadows Envy walked to them grinning and laughing. "Encore encore!! Bravo!!!" He began clapping as Jaden got to his feet. "What did you think? Enjoy the little fight?? I have to admit, I had loads of fun fighting you with my assistant!!" Everyone stared at Envy as Jaden was crying. "You.... Bastard!!!" Jaden turned into his chimera form as he lashed out in Envy and ripped the strings off, freeing Trevor. "I'll make you go through as much pain as you put him through!!!" Envy was getting scars all over until he grabbed the paws. "Hm.... You'll do just fine." He teleported away and reappeared again. Trevor was helped standing up thanks to Natsu. "Where did you take him...?" Trevor muttered. "You wanna know? I'll give you hint, 'the beast'." Trevor's eyes widened as he began growling. "How could you?.... He's still a kid!!" "Who's 'the beast'?" Wendy asked scared. "It's Sloth..." Trevor said.

Everyone's eyes widened as Envy laughed. "It'll be a great fight!!" "You..." Trevor tried to walk to Envy as he grabbed his side collapsing. "Aww!! Wittle babwy can't stand up?" "I'll fight him." Lucy said, stepping forward with her keys ready. "Are you sure Lucy?" Trevor said turning to her as she nodded. "I'm the only one who can cut his strings and summon the spirits too. I'll be fine." "Ok... Everyone, we're in the center, so everyone go a direction. Natsu, follow me." "Why?" Natsu said getting Trevor back up. "Wherever Pride is, so is Wrath." Trevor said putting his shadows on his wounds. Everyone nodded and separated. Natsu, Trevor, and Happy went north, Erza went west, Wendy and Carla went southern east, and Gray went northern west. "So... The celestial wizard of Fairy Tail vs the human puppeteer? This'll be a doozy!" Envy shouted as he began laughing.

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