Back at the Guild

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"....." Cana stayed silent and was sober ever since Trevor left. "Did I see that right before though? Gildarts picked up Cana and took her away. "I think we all had a delusion... Hey guys!! I found something about the 'seven deadly sins'... We need to get a hold of the others." Levi said. Warren nodded and used his magic. "Guys, this is Warren!! We got some news!!" Warren said as he contacted team Natsu. "What is it Warren?" Natsu answered. "Levi found some information about who you're going up against." Levi began talking to them, "it says here that the seven deadly sins are immortal. They can only be stopped by them killing one another or for them to accept death." "That'll be tough..." Lucy said. "But they all have flaws. Sloth usually is lazy and looks for the simple way out. Envy is fueled by hatred and if you tell something about what someone else would have that he'd want. Like wanting to 'own' Lucy's chest." That made Lucy embarrassed. "The others Levi?" She asked. "Right sorry. Wrath despises peace and the more combat, the angrier he gets. Lust once he or she finds someone they find interest in, they'll do anything to get to them. Gluttony means to want something in large LARGE amounts. Pride only cares about him and is very defensive about his pride... Hehe... Finally, Greed wants stuff, practically everything. Make a bribe and trick him." Levi said. "Got it." Erza said. "Say Trevor hasn't have any say in this... What's up with him?" "....... They took him and," Jaden said growling. "I'm going to make them pay!!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the Sins hideout~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Everyone was training until Greed walked up to Wrath. "Eldest.." He said. "I felt my gold stopped... They're following it." "Really?... Sigh... Who should go there....?" Wrath said sitting on his throne. "Cmon!! I just this new puppet!!!" Envy said throwing his arms into the air that then went to Trevor,his motions being mimicked by Trevor who had that blank look. "Hm.... Gluttony?" Wrath said as Gluttony walked up to him, chewing on a small finger bone. "Yeah boss?" He said. "Remember those people we fought in the train?" Wrath asked as Gluttony nodded. "They want to stop us... Try and kill them and you get to eat the  kitties. Deal?" Gluttony grinned as his teeth became sharp. "Aye ai boss." He chomped on the bone and munched it up. "Bye everyone!" He waved as he teleported away.
~~~~~~ back with team Natsu~~~~~~
"Don't worry Jaden, we'll save him." Gray said. "Thanks for the information Levy." Lucy said as the communication spell broke away. "Guys I see some mountains over there!! Maybe that's where they are holding Trevor!!" Jaden said smiling. Gluttony suddenly appeared in front of them. "Hi you six... And cat food!" He chimed happily. Carla and Happy hid behind their dragon slayers again. "Ahhhh!!! Boney guy!!!" Happy said as Gluttony looked irritated. "I'm not boney!! I'm on a diet!!" "You bastard.... You took my friend away!!" Jaden was going to punch Gluttony but he punched Jaden in the stomach. "Ack!" Jaden staggered backwards as he felt as if he was hit with a barrel. "Although I look anorexic, my strength is very powerful..." Gluttony grinned as he made a come-at-me hand gesture. "So bring it on fairies... I'm becoming famished from my little exercise we had earlier."

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