Erza vs Greed

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Erza held onto her katana and was ready for Greed to attack her. He had two golden swords as he stared her down. ".... You don't remember do you?" Greed said as Erza looked confused slightly. "Remember what???" Greed rolled his visible eye as he sighed. "If you beat me, I'll tell you." Erza gulped softly as in an instant Greed attacked Erza from both sides. Erza ducked and sweep-kicked his feet, causing him to fall. Greed began to stand back up but Erza began attacking. He had lost both his katanas as he grabbed her blade between his hands. "What do you people need Trevor for?!" She shouted as Greed kneed her. "Simple... He can be able to summon any book of Zeref at any given time."


Gluttony ran to Wendy and Carla with sharpened teeth. "Sky dragon roar!" Wendy did her roar as Gluttony was slammed into the wall due to the strength of the roar. He staggered up and ran faster to them and grew claws, slicing up a bit of her clothes. "Aaaaaahhh!!!!" Wendy backed away quickly as Carla lifted her up. "I've got you Wendy!" She nodded as she flew to Gluttony. "Sky dragon wing attack!!!" Gluttony coughed up blood as he staggered up. "Sky dragon roar!!" He was thrown to the wall. He crawled up and was staggering. "I... Must... Beat you two... Boss said I'd eat anything I want in the continent!" His mouth watered. "You can eat the prison food! Strength increase arms!" She flew directly at Gluttony and hit him, making the collision between him and wall crack the wall. He teleported to the throne room.


Trevor and Natsu saw that one of the X's on Wraths sword vanished. Gluttony appeared in the room and collapsed. "Wendy beat Gluttony!" Natsu whooped as Trevor grinned. "Damn!" Wrath growled. "Better get it together wrath! Godly demon's roar!!" Pride began an attack that Natsu evaded. "Fire dragon brilliant flame!!" It strike Pride whose crown burnt to a crisp. "Nooooo!!! You!" He began to strike Natsu, hand around the salamanders throat as he laid a black and blue flamed blow on him with every word. "Stupid! Scarf-wearing! Pitiful! Pathetic! Wretch!!" The final blow launched Natsu across the throne room. Pride began to create a massive flame of black with blue streaks wrapped around it as he began laughing maniacally. "Demon God's Burning sun!!!" Natsu collapsed and tried to get out of the way. "Natsu!!" Trevor ran in front of Natsu and tried to shield him.


"What do you mean ANY BOOK OF ZEREF?" Erza began attaching Greed. Greed evaded as he smirked. "Rumor has it that if someone with unnatural dark magic can be able to summon a book, if it does happen... They can do it infinitely!" He began to Strike Erza with a golden weapon. "We have tried thousands of times!! Never succeeding!!!! The. Trevor Otaga came along... He had a family though so we simply..." He stabbed Erza's hand, pinning it to the ground. "Killed them and took the brat for our own. But making a Kage from scratch requires sacrifice... I offered and well, the rest is history." He began to undo his eyepatch.
His now uncovered eye made Erza wince in pity for him. His eye was scratched and had a faint red pupil that has a gash across it. When it touched the cold, bitter air it spilt a small bit of blood. His smile turned into a grin. "I gave up my sight, but can BARELY see through this one... Hurts unbelievably though when it sees light or feels anything... But I can sense people's magic wavelengths." Erza then got an idea. She then released all her magic power and took off the sword slicing at Greed's armor rapidly. The armor broke until his torso armor was rubble and shoe/leg up to the ankle armor broke. 'I can't find her magic source!! Damn!!' He then caught the blade and made the golden katana vanish, but a deep scar was on the gauntlet.
His body was like every other guy, muscular (seriously even Romeo who's a 12 or something...). The cut released a black mist barely as Greed's eyes flicked from white and faintly red to a almond brown mixed with white due to the blindness. "Please you have to help me! T-this gauntlet... It holds a demon that posses anyone who wields it!!" Erza looked startled and looked unsure.


The puppets of Envy and Leo fought as Cancer cut any strings that he could. Lucy was on the higher ground as Envy then attacked her, but missed barely. "Eeeh!! Lucy kick!!" Lucy began startled and kicked Envy into a wall, which made all strings vanish and puppets fall. "W-wow... What a... Kick... And... View...." He teleported to the throne room. Lucy blushed at his last word and covered her skirt a bit more. "Can I get a view then?" Leo suggested getting near Lucy who replied instantly with, "NO WAY!!!!" Leo and cancer vanished, returning to the celestial world.


"Explain..." Erza said getting a blade and on the ready. "This gauntlet is a demon that took my body for his own. My name is Glatha and I was kidnapped and had this thing stuck on my hand! It seems to weaken its power when you strike it but when ever you do, it'll automatically fix itse-" his eyes went fully white and faint red as he stood up. "Ah ah aaahhh!! We mustn't tell her that!" He then rammed Erza into a wall, judo flipped her to the ground, and kicked her across the room. She winced in all the pain and stood up. "So the more I strike your gauntlet, the weaker you have a grip on him?... Hm." Erza smiled lopsidedly and changed to her heavens wheel armor. She summoned 77 swords which all struck his gauntlet  until... It shattered.
The curse had been lifted as Glatha's eyes went to his white almond colour. "Y... You did it! Erza thank you!!!" He said crying tears of joy. It was just then that Erza realized. "You were from the tower of heaven weren't you?" She asked him as he looked shocked but nodded. There was a silence until all the black mist materialized to form a demon who had black wings, but a body made of pure gold. "Damn!!! Damn damn damn damn damn!!! This isn't over Scarlet wizard!!! Once when all other sin meet with Wrath, this world will have an army of demons!!!" He began laughing manically and vanished.

There was silence in the room with the only sound being air seething into the room. "I don't want to do this.... But I don't think I have a choice..." Jaden said dead serious as Sloth roared so loud it was blood curdling.

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