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Have you ever asked yourself "Should I do it?" Or do something that you wished you hadn't done it? Or even just done something wrong?

Well, I'm here to tell you one thing... ONE thing only...

Life guides you in the direction you're heading towards for a reason.

Whatever that reason may be, wether good or bad, upwards or downwards, or even for what seems to be for no reason, Life always has a good side that we should all embrace.


It all started out as a bursting heated day that kept most indoors. The date was June 4, 2092. The final day of my freshman year. How'd I think of my school... Well, I guess you could say that it went fine. I mean... I didn't really have any problems... Well.... Except for the fact that I was on THE LIST.

The List... Well, was a list. Well, obviously it wasn't a board. No no no... Its actually a bad thing to be on ONE of the Lists. The List I was on...

Had to be that single bad List.

I remember vividly the day that I was inducted onto the List. Well, I won't go deep into detail, but all I will say about the List is that it's where people are puton by the Student Government when someone defies their "Ideal Average".

And their "Ideal Average"... Was terrorizing the lower classmen.


Weeeeeeeeeeeeeell... Its also a list for their favorite "Targets"...

If you're on that list, then you are a goner.


-7 a.m.-

I heard the annoying beeping sound of the miniscule alarm clock at the time I desired it to be. I rose myself so that I was sitting upright.

I twisted my neck around to obtain a glimpse of my black alarm clock.

It read 7:00 am. CRAP!!! Is all that went right through my head. I'm late!

Well, I had to leave at 6:30, but for some reason woke up at 7 am. But enough of the chit chat.

I flung my covers off quickly, dramatically raising my arms to grab a new set of clothes.

I grabbed my blue blouse that had a mini design of peonies that wrapped around the blouse and a pair of blue capris that had some tears at the knees.

I grasped my bag and bolted down the hallway, receiving some yelps from Trevor, my black and white dog.

"Make sure you feed Trevor!" I heard my mom shouted as I skipped down the stairs.

"Okay Mom!" I shouted back.

I stared at the dog, who just whined at me, eyes pleading for me to give him food.

I sighed, walked into the kitchen and crouch med down to open a black cabinet.

I scooped up some food, and dumped it into Trevor's bowl. He barked with glee, and put his snout into the bowl, munching on food.

I raced out the door, backpack in hand, and a piece of toast in my mouth.

Several minutes later, I reached my school, Winston West High School. I checked my watch, I sighed in relief. I still had 10 minutes to spare.

I panted quickly, my eyes scanning the surrounding area to see if the coast was clear for any of my "Student Government Officials".

I sighed with relief. None of them were anywhere in sight.

I walked to class, breathing heavily due to a day of no trash-talking or demands.

I walked into class and made it into my seat as the bell rang. Great, a day of doing nothing.

I sat in my first period class, which was Math, but since it was the last day of school, I don't have a single care in the world. Because we were doing nothing except sign yearbooks and talk about summer vacation.

But, as I said before, I'm on The List, so I apparently had none. Well, unless you count Oliver, but he's more of a brother.

You see, Oliver was a boy whom of which I have known since, well... Forever. We met when our moms brought us to a get together with each other. And since our moms were best friends in high school, they thought it would be nice to have their firstborns to be best friends as well.

Though, sadly and oddly, he's been avoiding me recently. And I kinda want to know why. He isn't returning any of my calls and texts.

And whenever I try to talk to him in person, he shys away and tells me that he has to do something, or he just flat out avoids. I feel as though it has something to do with what happened a month ago.

And, just to be fair, I'm not about to say what happened just yet. I walked over to my desk and sat down. I sit at the far back corner typically because that is where "People like me" sit.

I sighed, and pulled out a book and plugged in the headphones and I started to read.

In the corner of my eyesight, I saw Oliver. He sat one desk to my right and was one desk closer. He sat down and was chatting away with Travis Jayne, one of the nicer student government officials.

I really don't interact with Travis all that much, and right before I got the guts to try and talk to Oliver, the bell rang. I sighed. That meant that I'd have to wait until lunch to try again.


Okay, now it's lunch and I decide to sit outside... Again.

I waited so that there was nobody looking and bolted towards the Oak tree. I was almost there when SMACK!!!

It turns out I wasn't the only one who wanted to go to the tree.

I just ran into my good old friend Oliver.

"Oh, uh..." he started, "I'm sorry I guess..." he held out a hand to help me up.

"It's alright. I should've been looking where I was going." I responded.

We stayed silent as we walked and sat underneath the tree. There was an awkward feeling that had us in its grasp but I wasn't about to say anything.

Well, not yet anyways.

"So Ollie," I started, facing my body towards him, "Why do you never talk to me anymore? You never seem to want to be my friend."

He took a minute. And then took a deep breath. But he stayed silent.

"You know," I continued, " Its considered to be polite when someone talks to you to respond back." He still stayed silent.

I clenched my fists tighter. "Did I do something wrong? I'll fix it. Is it about what happened several months ago?" I bit my tongue at those words. Tears welled up and streaked down my cheeks.

"I-I-I'm sorry. I should've never had done that to my friend. I never should've. What I did should never be forgiven. I should've never had done that without your permission." Oliver stated.

I held my head in my arms. I sighed slowly, "I told you that you shouldn't worry about it," I stated, "And besides, you're my best friend. We help each other out." I stood up.

"Its time to head to class..." Oliver said.

I nodded and held out my hand as a sign of friendship.

He smiled and took my hand. And we walked together just like that- Hand-In-Hand.

And I'm here to tell you all about it.

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