The key that fits my heart

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Hi my name is Isabella I'm one of those girls who are cute and sporty.

So tons of boys like me and not the popular girls.

I mean every boy in the whole school likes me.

Boys say weird things about me too.Gross!!!

It's embarrassing when someone whistles at me.

well let's get back to the story.

One day I went to school.This boy named "Tyler"he said"hay hot babe".

My cheeks turned red like a rose.

Then my ex-boyfriend on the football team pushed him,and Tyler's lunch

got on him.My ex-Harry said"Are u ok".I said"yeah".

After school Harry walked right next to me.Harry said"u know I still care

about u and I changed alot and I still love you.Harry said"can we get back together again? I said"WHAT?!? Are you crazy?!?

He said"I promise you I did change.I just don't want boys hurting you making you fill weird.I said"fine,but if I see you with another girl then we are never ever getting back together again ok.

He said" the middle of the night Harry climb up to my window,and knocked on my window.It scared me so I went down stairs and grabbed a

knife and I went back to my room. I opened up my blinds and Harry was right there and I almost stabbed him.I said"what are you doing here so late.He said"I wanted to stay with you .my parents are at a friend's house and it is so lonely there so can I stay with you? I said"fine.I said"where are you going to sleep? He said"with you.I said"NOOO!!!

He said"why not?Because. If my parents see you,and me in the bed they will freak out.Harry said"then let's got to my house.fine I said.

then I fell asleep in his car and he carried me in his house.

He put me on his bed.I started to cuddle with him.

Then he turned tords me and touched my cheek.

And he kissed me. He took off his shirt.he kissed me more.


I woke up,and I looked at his clock and we wore late for school.

I woke Harry up.He woke up and smiled at me.

I said"we are late for school".He said"WHAT!!!!!!

He got out of the bed quick.So I got out.Then I said"I don't want to go to school because of the boys. Harry said"will just stay here then.

I looked in the kitchen and it was huge I mean it was gigantic.

it had a lot of food.I took some cereal.Then I went in the living

and watched t.v. and cuddled with Harry on the couch.

I said"Harry I love you.He said"I love you to.

Harry.Yes I think I'm.............what Isabella?He said I think I'm pregnant!

WHAT?!?!?!?! how do u know your pregnant? I got a call from the doctor this morning and said I was pregnant! I didn't know it was going to get this far Harry.and I'm only 17!!! I........don't know what to say Isabell.

One year later

Ahhh!!!! it hurttttttttsssssss!!!!!!!!

a few minutes later

she's so cute.I love u Harry I love u to.

what should we name her? I think...............Marissa.

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