School Day

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"Hey nerd what's the answer for question 5?"

I wasn't surprised to hear that question be asked of me. I looked over at the jock sitting next to me. I roll my eyes and sighed. "If you actually studied you'd know the answer to that question" I said in an irritated growl. The entire class period was constantly interrupted by my classmate asking for the answers to this assignment. It was starting to anger me which is rare because I have a lot of patience. The ringing of the school bell saved me as I quickly packed up my things and got up from my desk. Only to be stopped by the jock next to me when he grabbed my arm and made me face him. "I'm going to get those answers one way or another nerd" he hissed as he let my arm go roughly. I grunted and rubbed my arm a bit. His strong grip did somewhat hurt somewhat. I sighed as I made my way to the locker not surprised to be pushed around my other students in the crowed hallway. Once I made it to my locker I sighed as I opened it and switched out my books for the ones I needed for my next class. As I closed my locker door I was startled by a voice calling for me.

"Hey Sockhead!"

I looked over to see my bestfriend Eddy running over to me with Ed not far behind. A smile came across my face as I was approached by them. "So got any plans for the school dance?" Eddy said when he was in front of me nudging me playfully and winking. I knew what he meant by that and I knew my answer just as fast. "I told you Eddy I'm not going" A frown appeared on my friend's face quickly followed by an eye roll. "Come on Sockhead have some fun for once in your life" he said as he put his arm around me and started dragging me to the cafeteria for lunch. "Yeah Double D fun is good for you" Ed chimed in with his usual grin. I sighed once again "Eddy I have projects that I ha-"
"Come on Double D its just one night. Besides knowing you, you'd have those projects done in a day or an hour even. Lighten up for once you're only in highschool once" Eddy said cutting me off. While what he said about the projects was true in a way I still didn't want to go. I'm not one for social activities like that. "Eddy even if I did want to go I still need a date" I said that in hopes of stopping this conversation. "You can come with me" as soon as those words left Eddy's mouth we both froze and stared at each other. His face though mostly blank did show embarrassment and a light blush on his cheeks. "I thoughtful Eddy. I'll think about that" I said awkwardly feeling my face heat up. He just laughed and nudged me. "I was just kidding Double D" Despite him saying that I couldn't help feeling like he was being serious about that. "Ed hungry!" My thoughts were cut short when I heard Ed scream that out as soon as we made it into the cafeteria. Eddy sighed "Go to our table Double D while me and Ed some grub. I'm starving" Eddy said going into the line with Ed following close behind. I made my way to our table. Like always its empty. I never understood why nobody sat at the table me and my friends sit at, I guess its because no body wants to be near the outcasts. I sighed and sat down at the chair I always sit in taking out my packed lunch from my bag. As I was taking out the food I felt like I was being watched. It was like a burning . I looked up and saw the school bully Kevin quickly turn around in his chair. Was he...was he staring at me? I shook my head laughing at the thought. Kevin hates me so staring at me wouldn't be something he would do. Unless he wants to beat me up that is. I sighed not too excited about that last thought.


Man can school get any more boring. I thought to myself as I tapped my pencil on the desk. I just wanted to get out of this stupid class. I glanced at the clock and smiled as I heard the bell ring, perfect. I get up fix my head and swing my backpack around my shoulder. As I walked out the classroom I wasn't surprised to see my best friend Nat waiting for me. "Hello Kev. You gonna ask that cutie pie out today?" he says as I walk up to him. I playfully punched his arm while blushing a bit "Dude not so loud its supposed to be a secret" I say looking around a bit to see if anyone has heard. He chuckles "That a no?" I look him in the eyes as we make our way to lunch. "I don't know if I'm ready man" He scoffs "The school dance is a week away and you haven't even talked to that cutie yet" I roll my eyes at his statement. "I'm just...waiting for the right time" He playfully pushes me "You've been saying that for the past week. Admit it you're scared" I stopped in my tracks and looked him straight in the eyes. "I'm not scared!" He gives out a small chuckle. "Then why haven't you asked Double Cutie out?" I sighed again and continued to walk. "I'm just..." "Ohhh I get it you're afraid to get rejected" Nat said with a mischievous tone. I didn't respond but he was correct. "Hey look there he is" Nat whispered to me. I looked up and saw him at his locker changing his books. Boy did he look cute today. Nat nudged me while giggling and started pulling towards the cafeteria. "Soon" I mumbled hoping it was to myself. "Sure" Nat said in a sarcastic tone. I rolled my eyes and playfully punched him again making us both laugh a bit. As we entered the cafeteria I saw Naz wave at me from our table. A smile came on my face as me and Nat went to join her. "So did you do it?" Naz asked in a sweet tone with a big smile on her face. "Nah Kev here is still to chicken to do it" Nat said rubbing my head. I pushed him and fixed my hat. "I'm not scared I'm..." "Shy?" Naz said in an understanding tone. I looked at her and nodded. "Don't be you're like the hottest guy in school. He's bound to say yes." Naz says obviously trying to build my confidence up. "Yeah but...if he says no" I said while sitting down at my seat. "I mean I did bully him a lot" "Boys do that when they're into someone" Nat chimes in happily. I roll my eyes and smile. "What would I do without you Nat" Nat suddenly perks up and smiles "Cutie Pie alert, cutie pie alert! Its double the cute today!" I turned around and saw him it wasn't hard to recognize him because of that beanie he always wears on his head. He making his way to his table and I couldn't help but watch him. "Play it cool Romeo" Naz says in a playful tone. I looked back at her with a playful death look before turning back around to look at Edd. He did look twice as cute today. I blushed a bit as he sat down somehow not noticing me staring at him. I knew I was being creepy at this point but I just couldn't get my eyes off of him. He was taking out his lunch when suddenly he looks up. Instantly I turned around hoping he didn't catch me. "Smooth real smooth" Nat said with a smug look and his arms crossed while Naz sat there giggling at me. "Did he see me?" I said blushing a bit. Nat looked over and smiled "I think so but he's shaking his head while smiling meaning me must be laughing at the thought of you staring at him. So you must be in the clear." He said looking at me. I let out a sigh of relief. "Good" Naz looks at me smiling "You better hurry and tell him you like him soon." Nat nodded in agreement. I sighed and looked down at the table they were right I needed to stop being a creep and tell him. "How though?" "Be romantic, like maybe write a poem or something." Nat said shrugging. Naz looks at me then glances at Edd. "However you feel like man" I looked at Nat then glanced back at Edd. "You know I think I'll take your advice Nat. I'll write a poem."

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