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I thought I'm strong
But you proved me wrong
You are the one Who taught me how to love
Now I learned how to live without your love
You killed my soul without weapons
Without a drop of blood
Even without your knowledge.....
I don't want to show you the love of mine
Coz it's too late...
I have to move on
I have to survive
Moreover I have to keep hiding my love which will never be mine...
closing her diary.... she wiped out her tears and felt asleep...

        "Zuha....Zuha...wake's already's time for fajr...wake up idiot.."
"What?...5:30 oh no...jazakallahu khair for waking me up always jamee"  rubbing her eyes she hugged her cousin behind her back then she closed her diary and put it inside the drawyer...she never let anyone read her diary...none of her family member knows about her secret diary which is all written about her secret love.....
**ya Allah please make me strong** by reading this dua she fold her prayer mat...with the hope nd smile she went to ready for her sister's marriage
Zuha is living in a joint family with her uncles and aunts. Today is the big day for everyone in her family. Her cousin sister Humaira is going to get married with her cousin Zaid.

   Zuha was staring at the names which is hanging on the stage...the stage was decorated by flowers and lights. With the sounds of giggles and laughters...Everyone in the mansion were enjoying the marriage ceremony except she...yeah...Zuha is dying inside...
She can't see his name with someone else....... but she has to...
She has to bear the pain
She has to control her emotions
And the most horrible thing is she has to smile even though her heart is dying...even though her mind switched off every lights to find a way to live....She closed her eyes for a second and open it slowly burrying thousands of emotions inside her...stretched her lips to smile...with a heavy heart she moved on...

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