Chapter- 13

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Sameer's P.O.V:
Even though I assured myself that I  handled the situation well, I was too timid to face my mother.

A business man, who had a good communication skill now became a tongueless fellow. A man, who had a knack for compromising people, now became an inability to face his own mother.

It's been two days, since my mom talk to me. She never been like this, and I have never knew that she could live without talking to me ...he thought

"Sameer?" Zahir called him.

Sameer turned back to look at Zahir, who was seated on the couch "What"

"Dude. Please, stop this. You're looking like a ghost. What the hell are you seriously thinking about " he continued "lemme solve your problem"

Sameer narrowed his brow "You don't understand" he declared.

"Oh really, then who else could understand you better than me, uh?"

"Zahir I'm tired yaar. I don't know what to do" he frowned. " mother is so angry about that lift incident. And Zuha, I'm worried about her. I put her in a chaos. I don't understand what I'm even doing. I myself have shattered my name, my fame into pieces" he massaged his temple.

He drag a chair and placed it in front of Sameer and he took a seat"Sameer? Can I tell you something?" He asked
"You are going in a right way. Your life would be shattered only if you shake your head at your mother says to marry your cousin. It will ruin her life too. But now you took a stand for the right. Moreover, You like Zuha isn't it? Then you don't need to be upset for having your name on the magazine. You love her man, if she loves you back, then you don't need to cover this up"

"You are right. But Zuha doesn't love me"

"She will. You have to wait"

"I would love to. But what if-"

"Uh" Zahir cut him off  " No more buts and ifs just go for it"

"Okay, what we gonna do now?"

"I have a plan. We gonna meet Jameela"


"Zuha's cousin. I have already talked to her. She said everything was okay there but Zuha is too upset. Jameela wants you and Zuha to meet in person. What do you think" asked Zahir.

"Zahir, you know what? You're the best"

"I know" Zahir grinned.


When I was about to enter the restaurant my heart beats as hell. Sameer don't spoil the chance. Be nice to her. These are the things I remind myself once again I was getting closer to the table where the two girls were seated. The only solace was Zahir was there with me.

There she was. She was standing yards away. Both the girls were arguing something.

"My heart yet to learn how to love a stranger" she said.

"But, I'm not a stranger. Do I?" I asked.
"I had a meeting sorry for the delay" I said after a minute.

When I saw her face, the words which I organized on my mind began to fade. Lack of words, with the fast beating heart, I simply starred at her. She is more beautiful to my eyes than ever. It might be her angry face which made me fall for her again and again.

A girl with a smiling face may attracts men. But a beautiful girl who having too much attitude will drive men crazy. Her eyes flickered with anger but my mind didn't stopped me to looking into it.

The rest of the words she said and the things happened around me seems it was happening in a different world.

I came to sense only after Zahir patted my back. But Zuha was yards away from me. She looked back when she was about to open the entrance door. She have an eyes which does something to me in a way that no one else could understand     I smiled.



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