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BONUS CHAPTER! Keep using The Key!

It's important to just keep writing no matter how badly you may feel about not getting enough readers. The worst thing to do is get so annoyed that you stop writing. I've been down that road and stopped, and I sure resent now the months that I lost because I thought I wasn't doing well. I was! I just didn't realize it. I was getting hundreds of reads. But I wanted thousands. But I did not know yet how to do it. I thought if I just wrote a fantastic book the readers would come banging on the door and read it.

Well, not if I didn't get out there and make myself known and the book SEEN.

I had to learn that part, and I did by following and watching other successful writers. They were always following new readers. That's how they got those readers to read their books! They were clicking around everywhere connecting themselves to everyone like the program intends you to do. You don't have to chat and socialize and be besties with everyone. It's fun, but who has the time? This is the digital age. Electronic! That electronic connection you make is worth a thousand chats. It gets your book connected to those readers and eventually, maybe even that very day, they'll see it on their pages somewhere. And once they see it, they can read it.

Don't underestimate the power of The Key To Unlock Wattpad.

There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of Wattpad writers who self-publish, often on Amazon/Kindle, where there is little or no cost, or one of the many other epub venues. These writers build a following on Wattpad and through other sites like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and they have a ready audience to buy their books when they self-pub. There are many avenues to success today in publishing, and Wattpad can help you along each and every one.

And if you don't care about becoming a literary sensation or a hardcopy success? What if you are one of the many who just want to write your books and have them read by a reasonable amount of the reading public who access Wattpad? Well, you are already doing that if you've been here long enough to have two-three books posted and you are racking up respectable amounts of reads - you've already made it!

Don't let yourself feel that you are not doing well enough. If people all over the world are reading your books, voting for them, commenting, and maybe PM'ing you to chat about them, you are doing really well. You would not be able to get that kind of attention on your own without a site like Wattpad, so it is already helping you along the road to achieving your goals.

And what if you are not yet successful on Wattpad and have very few reads? A newbie just learning the ropes? Give yourself time. It does take some time to get noticed. Re-read this book often and read all the other How-To-Do-It-On-Wattpad books available via the search feature. There are so many good hints and techniques in all the books. It's a mistake to think that they can't help you. Knowing The Key to how to get readers is important, but there are many other things you can learn to enhance your Wattpad experience. You'll learn in time, just like all the others do. Soon you'll be on your own way to doing something extraordinary or just plain fabulously ordinary, with Wattpad's help, and absolutely become the writer you know you can be,

Just keep calm and write, use The Key to get readers, read other Watty how-to books, and learn to believe that you too can be a great success on Wattpad. And why should you believe that? Because it is true. So many others have done it before you!


Thanks for reading! Next chapter - HUNGER PAINS.

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