Part 4

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"Do you trust me?" Adrien asked me.
"Of cou-"
I was picked off of my feet and was being carried across the rooftops of Paris before I could finish my statement. "Be careful kitty" I said, closing my eyes tight and burying my face into his chest.

"Don't worry princess, I won't drop you" He said as I felt him stop. I opened my eyes to find out that we had stopped on my balcony. I lifted my window up and slid in as a red light shone over me and I turned back to my civilian self. I turned just in time to catch a small glimpse of a green light and Chat turned into Adrien. I couldn't stop myself from smiling, and I saw he was smiling too.

"Ok, your not gonna like this, but can we not tell anyone were dating yet?" I asked without looking at him.

"Why? Do you not want anyone to know that your with a lame person like me?" Adrien asked with a smirk.

"No! Your amazing," I said with a blush. "I just don't want people to know yet"


I heard a cat meow come from my back pocket. Adrien smirk deviously as he mimicked my ring tone and my face flushed red. Great, now he know about my cat ring tone. Slowly, I swiped the answer button on my phone and heard yells from none other than Alya.
I regretfully put my phone to my ear and and yelled "Alya! Please shut up for one second!" And instantly heard silence from her. "What is wrong?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Get over here quick!"

"I'm busy right now!"


"Alya, not right now!"

"Fine, then I guess I won't tell you about my love life that you have always been asking me about" Alya said with confidence in her tone. She knew I would come after telling me that because every time she helps me with Adrien, I always ask her about who she likes - which I have a pretty good idea of who it is - and she will never tell me anything.

"Fine" I sighed in defeat. "I'll be over in about 5" I said and quickly hung up, not giving her a chance to squeal in my ear and make me go def. I looked at Adrien with guilt, knowing he wasn't gonna like what I was gonna say next.

"Adrien," I said kindly.

"Go help your bestie" He said with a sincere smile.

"I'm hoping a certain cat will visit later while Alya is sleeping" I said with a smirk as I grabbed my bag and walked down my stairs. As we walked out of the bakery doors and parted different ways, I heard Chat say " you are paw-sitively right".
The puns never stop.
I knocked lightly on the door and it swung open with a certain red head on the other side. She pulled me inside and we both sat on her small couch.

"Ok, so first off, did my plan work?" She asked. I shot her a confused look.

"What plan?" I asked slowly.

She giggled before explaining. "I told Nino to stay home and I stayed home as well today so that you and Adrien could hang out, so are you guys dating now?"

"Um, well, uh, w-we hung out, but we're n-not dating" I stuttered. "So," I continued, trying to change the subject. "What did you want to tell me?"

"Well, you guessed it right, I like Nino, and while we were 'sick' today, he asked to hang out with him tomorrow!" Alya exclaimed.

"Omg that's awesome!" I squealed.

"I know!" She squealed. "But, it's gonna be so awkward! I don't know what to say to him, I don't even know if this is a date or just a hangout I-"

"Alya!" I interrupted her. "You are the master at this, your the one who's been helping me with Adrien this whole time, and your amazing so there's no way he doesn't like you!"

"That doesn't help!" Alya whined.

"Just be yourself" I said reassuringly.

"That still doesn't help!" She whined again.

"Fine, I have another plan" I said with a smirk.

"Oh! Tell me!" Alya exclaimed once she noticed my wicked smile.

"I can't, just trust me" I replied. "Or should I say us" I whispered to myself as Alya stood up.

"What was that?" She said as she threw a bag of chips at me.

"Oh, um, n-nothing" I stuttered. As Alya turned on the tv, I grabbed my phone.

Me: hey kitty, come over soon, we need to talk

Adrien (bae): ok, I'll leave now purr-incess😻

I groaned at the pun, which of course caught Alya's attention. "Who you texting?" She asked while leaving over my shoulder trying to look at my phone.

"Oh, um, my mom, telling her that I'm staying here" I replied before glancing over at the clock. "It's getting late, we should go to bed"

"Ok, goodnight Mar"

"Goodnight Al" I said with a smile as ideas swarmed around in my head.
I heard a light tap on Alya's window, which of course was my favorite little kitty. "Alya" I said, making sure she was asleep before carefully opening the window and letting the little cat in.

"What did you want pur-incess?" Chat said with a smirk.

"Now that the princess has found her prince, I want to help a certain friend of mine find her prince" I replied, gesturing to Alya.

"Who does she like?" Chat asked.

"You don't already know?" I asked. He slowly nodded his head no. "Wow, no wonder you couldn't find out my identity, you can't even see who Alya likes, it's so obvious!"

"You couldn't figure out who I was either" Chat argued.

"Whatever, well lucky for us, she likes your bestie, Nino" I replied.

"So, do you have a plan" He asked.

"Well," I started to explain my plan.
So... is this good?
Also I will be updating another chapter soon, sometime this week.

Also didn't check for mistakes so, please tell me if you see one

Is this a good chapter, do you like it, should I continue?

Ilysssssssm- Lizzy

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