Chapter 13: Back At The House Where Blaze And Amanda Were Taken...

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Everyone was frantic and running around trying to figure out where Andy and Roselina's hide out was but they had no updates and couldn't figure it out.

*Sandy's POV*

"How could they take my cousin?" I asked.

"We don't know that question yet, Sandy baby" Klaus said while hugging Sandy.

"The enemies...Why were they after Blaze in the first place?" I asked

"Sandy, they already said that Blaze's father made a mistake and left them" Zane said.


"I'm sorry, Tyler. I'm only worried about what's gonna happen to Blaze and Amanda" I said.

"You don't think that none of us are worried about what's gonna happen?" Tyler asked.

"I'm sure we all are worried about there wellbeing but we also have to worry about ourselves, because we don't know what's going to happen to them or to us" Kyra said.

We have been sitting here all day and haven't found out anything yet. For all we know Blaze and Amanda could be dead and we all could be next. Maybe they were given choice, either to join them or die. When Andy and Roselina and their guards came, I could kind of read Andy's mind a little bit but he was trying to block me out of his mind. I'm guessing it was so because I wouldn't know where their hideout is.

*Klaus's POV*

I held Sandy in my arms thinking it would calm her down a little bit, it did calm her down a bit but she was still shaking with worry.

"What was Andy thinking in his head, Sandy?" I asked.

"Um something about if they came with them willingly they would give them a choice" Sandy said into my ear.

"What kind of choice were they given?" I asked.

"Something about Blaze and Amanda joining them or they die" She whispered.

Even though Sandy was whispering, everyone seemed to hear her clearly. They all stared at Sandy and I with pure terror in their eyes. I can see the future but I don't know how this slipped past me without me knowing about it. Andy didn't have the power to mess with my future telling ability, I knew this because even if he TRIED I would sense it.

Andy was my best friend from my childhood but he turned evil when his parents died. He blamed Blaze and himself for his parents deaths. Blaze didn't cause the death of his parents but Blaze's father was apart of it but it was an accident.

It wasn't done on purpose, Reese (Blaze's father) was Andy's other best friend but soon after graduation Reese betrayed Andy. Andy was always playing tough guy and always was arrogant. After Andy's parents were killed he stuck to himself and didn't talk to others for a few months.

Andy pushed me away and I haven't talk to him since then. I was evil but then I turned good because of Sandy. My mate changed my ways for the better and I loved her for it. She meant more to me than anyone else in the world.

*Zane's POV*  

I was frustrated because the information I started to collect was all a dead end. Andy really covered his tracks and it pissed me off. My nephew and his mate were in trouble but in truth there was nothing more I could do. I knew Andy just as much as Klaus did, I knew Andy had power and authority over anything and everything.

Andy was king of the underworld, nobody had the authority to overthrow him. Everyone was scared of him except for Klaus and I and maybe even Blaze and Amanda and everybody else in this house right now. I look towards my wife and she still held that terrified facial expression because of what Sandy told us about what Andy was thinking.

*Kyra's POV*  

I stared in horror at Sandy and then I snapped out of it and started to cry uncontrollably. No matter who held me, I couldn't stop crying even if I tried.

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