Chapter 17: Royals...

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*Aiden's POV*

I lay in my bed and I rolled over onto my other side and was met with a hard chest. I opened my eyes and saw Keith and he was awake and looking at me with a lot of love in his eyes. For a second he had love in his eyes and then they turned pitch black.

'Are you just gonna lay there all day or are you gonna fuck me, Aiden?' Keith said in my thoughts.

'I don't know. What would you like me to do to you?' I asked him in his thoughts.

'What I want is for you to get your ass up and fuck me' Keith commanded in my thoughts with a chuckle.

I roll off the bed and he rolls off the bed as well, he leaned over the end of the bed and turning onto his stomach. We were still naked and I grabbed the lube and squirted it on to my dick and on his ass crack where his hole is, I teased his hole until it opened up wide enough for my dick to go in. I slowly slid my dick into his ass hole, I pumped in and out for about an hour and I started to cum so hard and I squirted my load inside him.

He moaned all the while I fucked him and it turned me on. He always moaned huskily and I always found it sexy and hot.

*Blaze's POV*

Amanda and my room was right next to Aiden's room. I hear two men moaning and at that second I could tell Aiden was either bisexual or gay. I didn't mind that he was bi or gay. The moaning only got louder and I wish these rooms were sound proof.

The rooms weren't sound proof though and you could hear everything that was going on around you. Amanda didn't seem to mind the noise but it kind of irritated me when I was trying to sleep. I got out of bed and got dressed, I opened the door and I walked out of our room and down the hallway. It was 9:00 in the morning and I usually slept until 10:30 am but today I couldn't sleep at all.

I reached the 'cafeteria', I called it the cafeteria because thats kind of what it looked like I guess. Everyone was awake as usual when I get up but something had changed...something was different. I searched everybody's mind to see what was going on but then everyone's head turned towards me. I didn't understand what was going on but I walked to the kitchen area and asked the staff if they would make 4 pancakes, 2 pancakes for me and 2 pancakes for my mate Amanda.

"Yes sir Blaze" a lady said.

"Okay well thats weird" I said underneath my breath.

Usually I was not treated with such respect before and that confused me as to why they would have started now. Maybe Aiden was liking me more like maybe as a friend of sorts. Maybe he told everyone to be nicer to me and Amanda.

"Why did you call me 'Sir Blaze'?" I asked the lady.

"Master Aiden said that if we didn't he was going to fire us if we didn't treat you and your girl like royal" the lady told me.

That still confused me so I decided to walk to Aiden's room and of course I heard moans as usual. Without knocking I walked in and they looked up from what they were doing and stood up with hard ons, I stood there and couldn't help but stare at their dicks and I just chuckled.

"Aiden...good morning" I said as I bowed to him.

"Good morning Sir Blaze" Keith and Aiden both said at the same time.

"Aiden...I have a question for you" I said.

"Okay go on then" Aiden said.

"Why are people calling me Sir Blaze? I'm not royal and just the other day everyone never treated me or Amanda with respect so I ask you this...why now?" I asked Aiden.

"Everyone is going to call you Sir Blaze and everyone is to call your mate Miss Amanda, from now on" Aiden said.

"Okay but why?" I asked again.

Aiden was getting frustrated with me and my questions. I could see it in his eyes.

"Because Sir Blaze I got to know you a little bit over the last week and I like you. Your a great man that deserves respect. As the your mate she is brilliant and well behaved and didn't cause much of an issue for the rest of us" Aiden explained.

"Okay Aiden I understand and thank you for doing this for me and my mate Amanda" I said with a chuckle.

I walked out of the room and they resumed from where they left off and I let out a soft chuckle. Amanda walked out of our room and I walked to her and kissed her on the lips.

"Good Morning Baby" I said chuckling and with a big smile on my face.

"Good Morning and why are you laughing and smiling like that?" Amanda asked.

"We just got promoted to royals here in a sense" I said.

Amanda had a confused look on her face.

"What do you mean, Blaze" Amanda asked.

"You'll see princess you'll see" I said with a chuckle.

We walked to the 'cafeteria' and everyone stared at us as we walked hand in hand. Everyone stood up and the girls curtsied and the males bowed to us. Amanda looked at me with a huge smile on her face.

"We are Royals now baby" I said as I lifted her up into my arms and spun around with a smile playing on my lips and then in that instant I kissed her and she kissed me back and everyone in the room applauded. 

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