Chapter 7: Blaze's Secret...

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Blaze has a secret that nobody knows. This secret could get him killed if he wasn't careful. Blaze had enemies but nobody know he was trouble. Blaze was a bad boy but he hid behind a mask of an innocent guy. He was the king of school and everyone knew that and it scared them to the core of their bones.  

He was the Devil's son but he was also a quarter of werewolf and a quarter of vampire as well. This was rare, it only happened once in a 9,000 years. Don't ask anyone how it happens because its a new creation. God didn't create him like he created the others. His dad was in fact Tyler Desty and His mother was in fact Chasity Cullen but he was born a much different being that no one met before.

Although Blaze was the Devils son he was only part evil. He did have some good in him. God and the Devil both created him at the very second he was born into this world. Blaze...he knew this but didn't tell his parents nor his friends or cousin or even his girlfriend Amanda, he didn't want to endanger the people he loved. 

He didn't know what or who his enemies where because they hid in the shadows. At night time that is why he never went out of the house because he knew they were out there, watching him, watching his every move.

*Amanda's POV*

I knew Blaze had a secret and it was only a matter of time before I found it out. I didn't know why he was keeping things from me but I'm strong and I could handle anything. I knew Blaze loved me but why didn't he trust me with his secret.

I looked at Blaze and he was studying my face. He could read my mind so he knew what I was thinking. He wasn't confirming my thoughts nor was he denying my thoughts either. He looked away and thats when I questioned him.

"What are you hiding from me, Blaze?" I asked in a calm voice.

"Nothing" he lied.

"Look I know your lying, why wont you tell me what your secret is?" I asked.

"I don't want to tell you because I don't want you or anyone else to get hurt and I know that once you know what I really am, you WILL run and you WILL be scared of me. I don't want to lose you. I need you" he said when we looked me into the eyes.

"I wont run and I wont be scared of you. Your face is what makes me smile and what makes me want to get out of bed in the morning" I said.

He looked at me once more and then he told me his secret.

"I'm the devils son, Tyler isn't my real father. My mother had an affair and she didn't know he was the devil. This man that is the devil, he looks like any other man on this earth. She fell in love with him. Bad men were after him but my mother Chasity never knew that. Chasity told Tyler that he himself got her pregnant, she never told him that she had an affair. Tyler would have hated her and she couldn't bare that and the pain that would lead to" he said.

"I'm also part werewolf, part vampire and part devil and those bad men that were after my father aren't after him anymore, they are after me and they told me that if I told any one, it would risk exposure and that they would kill me" he added. 

I stared blankly at Blaze trying to comprehend the information he had told me about himself. Did he scare me? No. Did I want to run from him? No. Did I love him? Yes.

He was my mate and I wouldn't let anything hurt him.


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