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Julio would check on Esmerald occasionally and eventually brought her food. Esmerald wanted to protest, but if she were to survive, she would have to regain her strength. She didn't put up much of a fight. Julio gave her privacy when she ate, and he picked up her plate and returned to the kitchen to clean the dishes. Both sides were quiet until darkness arrived. Esmerald was still in bed reading one of the many books given to her by Julio; to her luck, they were in English. There was a knock on the door, and Julio immediately entered. "Good evening; I came here to take you to your bath."

"Excuse me?"

"Well, you need to clean yourself since you probably haven't bathed since yesterday. Don't worry. I prepared the tub for you and have what you need to bathe. I also have some night clothing for you ready." He went to her and motioned out his hands. "I will help you get to the bathroom."

The young woman looked at his hands and contemplated whether to trust him. Esmerald analyzed him; there was no hesitation or indication of a lie. She also felt there was no choice but to trust him since she felt sweaty. "Fine, but if you try anything, I won't be afraid to fight back."

Julio chuckled as he helped her stand from the bed. "Don't worry; I won't try anything that will make you uncomfortable."

"You already have."

The two slowly walked to the bathroom, two doors down the hall. As Julio said, a tub filled with warm water and rose petals was filled. On the side of the bathtub, there were shampoos, conditioners, and other bottles. The bathroom walls had small paintings of green hills, vineyards, and tiny houses. There was a small toilet, a mirror on the wall, a sink, and a shower on the opposite end of the bathtub. "I left you clothes here, including a bra and underwear. I was able to get your stuff from the hotel sent here. However, once you're better, we will shop in the city. Once you're done, call me so I can take you back to your room."

With that, Julio walked out of the bathroom, leaving Esmerald alone. Once everything was quiet, Esmerald removed her clothes and got into the tub; the warm water soothed her body immediately as the scent of roses hit her nose. A sigh escaped her lips as she sat in the tube with the warm water touching her body. She closed her eyes and thought more about her situation; it was strange. Part of her accepted her position, but another side refused to stay in her current condition.

She then thought about her father and wondered if he was worried about her. Father and daughter had a close relationship, and she promised her father that she would call him occasionally when she was in Sardinia. That was when Esmerald remembered she didn't have her phone. 

Was it possible that Julio had it?

If her father didn't receive her calls, it would lead to suspicion. Esmerald opened her eyes as she felt her heart beating with excitement. "My dad can be my hope! If he notices that I don't call him often, he could call the police or come to find me! There is hope yet!"

Meanwhile, in New Zealand, in a small light beige house. An older man was on his phone, pacing around. "Sorry, but this mailbox is full. Call again later. Goodbye." The other line of the phone hung up.

"Damn it; she's not answering." The older man repeatedly paced as he thought about his daughter, Esmerald. His phone rang, and he saw that it was his best friend.

"Jacob, anything from your daughter?"

"No, nothing! I tried calling the tour agency, but they're not answering."

The man on the other line was silent. "Something is going on. Esmerald always calls you."

The man named Jacob let out a nervous sigh. "I know; that's why I'm worried."

"Try emailing the tour agency. If they don't respond, then we'll go to them. Just relax, Jacob. Esmerald is a tough cookie; she can handle herself. Just tell me the update, and we'll go together."

Both men hung up.

Jacob then looked at a picture near his desk. It was a picture of him, his deceased wife, and Esmerald when she was a baby. Jacob remembered how his wife never wanted to speak about Sardinia and never wanted to visit her homeland. He thought it strange, but he felt his wife had a bad relationship with her family.

Now that his daughter is not answering her calls, Jacob thinks his wife kept a secret. Jacob refuses to give up. He will get his answers, one way or another.

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