The kidnapping

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Hi my name is Julie and I am 13. My parents are leaving for 2 years to go around the world. I dont like traveling so I am staying home... I still have to go to school but on the last day I hate when I walk home alone since my friends all moved away and I used to ride home with Isabella but she moved to.
Summer has starded,I am walking home alone in the middle of now are.
I live in Elizabeth witch is no where and I have no neighbors only a aboden house up about 2 miles.
As I was wondering around like I do when I come home I saw a van drive by up to the abandon house. I wanted to follow but I knew I wasn't supposed to but I did anyways.
Once I got to the house I saw 2 men pull out a woman with a bag over her head, they brong her inside the house. About thIs time I thought it was a good time to leave, I started walking away but a hand grabbed my arm he he said
"Where do you think your going" I looked behind me and it was a tall man with brown hair and Nose ring. He pulled me inside and he said
"Boys We have an intuder"
The boys all looked at me and they said
"Sit her down, she already knows to much"
I didn't want to say anything so I stayed quite. .. as I sat next to the girl I noticed that the girl looked familiar... She was my mom's boss.
"Mia" I whispered she look at me and said
"Julie, what are you doing hear"
"I was eavesdropping and they cought me"
"Wheres the money" a man said Ponting a gun at Mia"
"I told you I dont have it she does"
"And where does she live"
"Down the street"
"You mean the house 2 miles down."
"But thats my house"I said as I barged in the conversation
"Oh it is"said the boss"then we dont need you no more" and he pointed the gun at mia and shot. I screamed and grabbed her but the boss grabbed both of my arms and tied them behind my back.
"I cant believe you did that" I said crying
They didn't say anything back all they did was pulled me down to the floor and grabbed my feet and tied those and the blindfolded me. They cloraformed me and I went out.

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