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When Jungkook had opened his eyes Tae was next to him. The elder was curled up against him with his head resting on his chest, hair fallen on his forehead, cheek squished against Kook's chest.

Jungkook hadn't been prepared to wake up to something so sweet. His heart jumped at the sight.

Knowing that this wasn't exactly how Taehyung would want Seokjin to see him, the prince checks the time. Apparently he had only been asleep for about twenty minutes.

It was best for him to go.

After struggling for a few extra minutes, he managed to unwrap Tae from his body, putting several pillows to where his body once laid. Taehyung moved and started hugging the hell out of those pillows.

Jungkook silently tiptoed out of the room, closing it behind him and walked down the hall.

He checked his phone, there were a few missed calls from Yoongi and Geong Min.

He dialed Yoongi's number first, the phone clicked after three rings. "Hyung, you called?"

Yoongi sounded like he was running, his words a few gasps. "No time to explain. Get to the safe room, now." Yoongi hung up on him.

Jungkook blink at the sudden order. The royal safe room was all the way in the west wing. He had been planning to visit his hyung at the kitchen, but if he had to go to the west wing then he would have to turn back.

The kitchen was closer though. It was literally round the next corner.

He heard footsteps, fast footsteps, they echoed in the hallway, sounding louder and louder. He couldn't see well but someone crashed into him, he glanced forward as the person kept running. It was a female soldier.

There were more footsteps, yelling, and when he looked back at the female soldier she had something in her hand.

He could barely see it from where he stood, she was too far away to get a clear view.

She pulls at something in her hands and then she tossed what ever was in her hand and ran.

The object on the floor was round, it looked like a ball and Jungkook's eyes widened as he saw several soldiers running straight towards it.

"Grenade!" He shouted from the top of his lungs, turning around and running away from it. But it was too late.

It went off.

Jungkook felt his body being yanked and slammed against the wall from the impact. The ceiling was crashing down, his ears rang, he could barely breathe from all the dust that was getting into his lungs.

He had a coughing fit before he stood. Every bone in his body ached from the crash against the wall.  He looked around. The grenade had set off close to the candidate rooms.

From where he stood he could see, see the large hole in the ground that prevent the soldiers from getting to the other side.

He cursed as he felt the ground shake again. Another grenade. Closer to the rooms this time. 

His legs moved on their own. He ran towards the hall, jumping down into the debris. When he lands his legs crumple under him as he collapses onto the dirt, knees hitting rocks and palms getting cut as he as catches himself.

He can hear people yelling. Without giving his pain a second thought he begins climbing up the columns of shattered glass and concrete that once was the a part of the palace.

Several soldiers made it to the other side before he did. One reached out to help him up on the other side, Major Song.

"You need to get to the safe room, your highness," Major Song yelled at him. There was a lot of yelling, a lot of sounds of feet scurrying away.

"What wing did the second grenade go off in?" He shouted back, ignoring the major's order.

As soon as the number left the Major's lips, Jungkook ran, the Major called after him but he ran, ignoring the throbbing in his knees as he pushed forward.

It was Kim Taehyung's wing. Kim Taehyung's room was at the end of the wing, right where the hallway started.

It was the perfect place to set off an explosion.

His legs pushed till he reached the wing, the end of the hall, he almost slipped when his feet stopped moving.

He could see something slick at the entrance, running under the door. He didn't want to think about what it was. He couldn't think about what it was because damn it on the other side of that door was where he had left Taehyung sleeping peacefully before this mayhem occurred.

Jungkook pushes through without thinking about it. He moved the blocks of concrete and debris away, his muscles burning at the sensation of grabbing ones that even he knew were too heavy for him. But he lifted them anyway.

Once the door was cleared, he banged his body against the door. He didn't know the code, so he would have to slam the door down.

He kicked and slammed even threw himself from a distance till it finally opened and he stormed inside.

"Taehyung!" He called entering the room. The ceiling had fallen in, there was dust and pieces of the room everywhere. It was dark. He couldn't see a thing. "Kim Taehyung!" He shouted again, desperately.

"Yeah?!" Someone screamed back.

Relief hit the prince hard. Taehyung was alive.

He tried to let his eyes adjust to the darkness. He stepped forward, crouching under fallen pillars and following the direction that he heard the voice in.

"Are you okay?!" Jungkook yelled out.

"Yeah, I'm fine!"

"Where are you?!"

"On the bed!"

Okay, he could do this. He knew where the bed was, or at least the direction that it was in. He moved till he felt the soft mattress under his palm.

Then he felt the elder's warm hand.

"Can you move?" The Prince asks, his hand touching the boy's hand, his arms, shoulders, making sure he's in one piece.

"Yeah, the door was barricaded from the outside, so I couldn't get out. I decided to come back to the bed since it was still sturdy enough."

"Thank God," he whispered, his voice still shaking, he grabbed the male's face and began searching for scratches or bruising or large amounts of bleeding. "I was worried. I was so worried."

"Breathe," the elder told him. "Its over. I'm okay. You're okay. I know it was scary but its over-"

Jungkook pulled him in. Smashing his lips against his own. It was quick and he didn't know why he did it, but he did it.

When he pulled away, Taehyung was staring at him with wide eyes, mouth slightly opened in shock.

The young prince immediately regretted his actions. "I'm so sorry!" He said, "I didn't mean to! I just-"

"Let's get out of here," the blonde said, getting up from the bed. He looked flustered, disoriented, and downright out of it.

Jungkook muttered a low "right" and guided the elder boy to the royal safe room.

Now Jungkook watched as the blonde was now in the arms of his big brother. Yoongi had left to search for Jung Hoseok.

Taehyung was avoiding him. He was sticking to Seokjin like glue, avoiding the prince as best as he could.

"You alright?" Seokjin asked the blonde. Taehyung hadn't let go of his arm for the past hour.

Taehyung nodded. He didn't want to talk about it. Like really didn't. The freaking prince of Korea kissed him.

Not only that, they slept in the same bed.

Tae gripped his brother's arm even tighter. Seokjin ruffled his hair.

The King walked over to handing them each a water bottle. "Sorry about the space," he whispered to them, an actual apologetic look on his face, "We haven't enlarged this room because we really don't have much of these sort of attacks." He looks at Seokjin. "Hope this doesn't scare you away."

Taehyung watched his brother glow red, "I'm fine," he whispered shyly.

It was weird. Watching these two flirt right in front of him. He didn't think much of it before but now it was kind of dawning on him.

Seokjin marrying the King meant Seokjin would live in the palace.

Meanwhile Tae would go back to his empty home. He doubted he would be allowed frequent visits. The government was a bit strict with those kind of things.

He would be alone.

But he knew better than to ruin what Seokjin had at the moment. His brother lived his whole life taking care of him. Never once sleeping over, nor going out if it wasn't for school.

Taehyung had been selfish long enough.

"General Min, I'm afraid to say we lost her. She's long gone from the palace." The walkie talkie clicked.

Yoongi cursed at that. He was so having the worst day today.

Stupid Jung Hoseok.

First he's the one that causes this mess now he's only one unaccounted for amongst the candidates.

Its been a few hours and the general was sure that he had checked all the wings already.

The palace was divided by several wings and hallways. He had checked all but the west wing. The west wing, however, was for the royal family and their main servants and staff.

He checked every room. Nothing.

He knew checking this wing was useless.

Yoo-kyung would have to be an idiot to go into the west wing to escape, there were too many soldiers guarding, also her throwing grenades there would immediately deem her a traitor since it was a real threat to the royal family.

Unless she wanted a little revenge on a certain general before leaving.

And there was only one place left to check in the west wing was...

He wouldn't.

Would he?

He reached his office. Several things were on the ground, books, files, papers, his computer -thank lord he still had a one year guarantee on that- cabinets, drawers and-

Jung Hoseok.

"This is General Min. I'm currently in my office at the west wing. I need a doctor over here, now!" He yells into the reciever.

Major Song answers right away. "My wife is on her way, Sir!"

He sighed and loosens his grip on the communicator.

His gaze falls to the red haired male laying on the ground. His breathing was ragged, almost as if he were wheezing.

Yoongi bends down, there was blood flowing from the male's head, must've gotten hit with something that fell.

He scanned Hoseok's body for any other signs of injury.

He clearly remembered that this candidate's file said that he was a dance major. Any physical harm to him would completely crush his abilities to graduate in that field.

Nothing seemed to be out of order, but he'd let the doctor determine that.

He looked around, out of all the places why would he decide to hide in his office? Had he not made it far when he left the office?

The red haired male stirred next to him, groaning.

"Shh. Don't move around too much," Yoongi told him, "Your head had quite the injury. Doctor's on her way. Though before you start saying anything other than your head hurts, I just want to say I haven't touched you."

Hoseok mumbled something under his breath.


"This is the last time I go back to apologize to you, you asshole."

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