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They were halfway through breakfast when Choi Jun-hong started telling tales of his date with the King. 

Apparently Jun-hong had requested a date at a theme park. The King had taken him to Lotte World. 

"He was really sweet," the silver haired candidate told the others, "He listened to everything I said as if I was the only one in the world. Really makes you feel special, you know?"

Little murmurs went down the table. Taehyung stole a glance at Seokjin, the pink haired candidate was pushing a piece of brocoli around his plate with his chopsticks, appearing gloom.

Tae pursed his lips. He knew his brother was glum because the King was out on dates with the other candidates. Yesterday he took candidate number three: Choi Jun-hong, today's date was candidate number seven: Jin Hyo-sang.

There was still a long way to go before he got to Jin.

"Did he touch you?" someone asked from across the table. Taehyung was about to throw his spoon to that person's face as soon as he saw his brother's lip quiver.

"He didn't," Jun-hong replied, looking a bit disappointed, "but on the really scary rides I made sure to get really close and pretend to be freaked out of my mind so that I could stick close to him."

"Nice," someone said, high fiveing him.

At that point Jin stood up from his seat, earning confused looks from several of the candidates. "Sorry," he muttered, "I'm not that hungry. Excuse me." He left the room.

Jimin and Hoseok, who finally joined them yesterday, gave Tae a look. The blonde sighed and stood up, his friends following suit.

"Is he alright?" Jimin asked as they walked after the elder. 

Tae shrugged, not really wanting to mention any of the details.

"Taehyung!" he heard someone call.

The three of them stopped in their tracks as they recognized the Prince's voice.

Dressed in some casual jeans and white t-shirt and timberlands, Jungkook walked over to them, looking shy as he noticed that the blonde wasn't alone.

Tae cocked a brow at him, "Yes?"

The prince awkwardly scratched his neck looking at the other two present males. Jimin caught on quickly.

"Tae, we'll go on ahead," he said, pulling Hoseok by the arm and leaving the two males alone, much to the blonde's displeasure.

It wasn't that he particularly hated the Prince. It was simply that he knew that the kid was crushing on him and Tae didn't want to lead him on. He was cute, yes, but he was also underage. He was sure that it was nothing more than a simple puppy crush.

He made a mistake last time by allowing him in his bed. The kid was now clinging to him every chance he got.

Crossing his arms, he turned to the prince. "Yes, your majesty?" he said in a somewhat sarcastic tone.

The boy looked down at his feet, "Um, I was wondering if...if you'd um..." he started blushing red, "If you'd like to take a stroll with me?"

"A stroll?" the blonde asked drolly.

The Prince nodded, "Yes. Around the garden?"

Was he really asking for a stroll around the garden? Was this kid in the right century?

He decided to mess with him a bit.

"Listen here, your majesty," Tae began, sighing, "I don't know what era you're currently living in but at this day and age no one goes on a stroll around the garden for a date."

If possible, Jungkook blushed harder, "A-a date? Um I-"

"These days guys our age play video games." Jungkook looked up, eyes so wide in shock that even Tae had to admit that it was cute. He smiled at the young prince, "Know where we can find some video games?"

"M-my room," the prince replied shyly, "but are you sure you can-"

Tae cut him off, "We're free today," he shrugged, "they said we're free to do what we want today and I want to play video games."

"Okay," the younger agreed nervously, "Let's play video games."

Jin sat in the candidate's waiting room. He knew it was stupid of him to feel so jealous. This was a competition. All the thirty men present were competing for the King's hand. 

The television was on. Seokjin couldn't find the remote and the only thing on was the live recording of Namjoon's date with Jin Hyo-sang.

Clutching his chest, the pink haired male tried to hold back his tears. Namjoon looked like he was genuinely enjoying the date. His laughter came from the screen and echoed into the room. It hurt when said laughter was because of another man. 

There was nothing that sounded better than to just stop watching, but he couldn't look away.

Seokjin wasn't confident. Not in himself. He didn't think he could be a proper match for the King. 

Closing his eyes, he remembered the King's lips on his. They had been soft and warm, his hands gently cupping his face.

It was silly, to think about his small moments with Namjoon. The way he hugged him,  kissed him, looked at him. It made feel...special?

It was dumb because in the beginning he didn't even care. He had just wanted to stay because of the money they received for surviving another week. But in came Kim Namjoon with his stupid dimples, gentle hands, mesmerizing voice and actually made him feel like he was special and beautiful and wanted....

He was already in too deep.

What if he ends up liking another? 

The pain returned in his chest. His eyes stung once again. If that happened he would be crushed. He's already learned to be wanted, would he have to go back to how everything was before?

"Yah, Kim Seokjin. Are you okay?"

Jin opened his eyes, tears involuntarily streaming down his cheek.

Min Yoongi was suddenly in front of him. Seokjin immediately started wiping the tears from his face.

"S-sorry," he said, using his shirt to clear the tears and boogers, "I was just lost in thought."

The general eyed him for a bit, noticing the tears, the wrinkled shirt, and the television with Namjoon's stupid happy face on in HD. 

Yoongi wasn't good at consoling people. If anything, he tended to make it worse. He couldn't handle crying men. Especially a heart broken one. 

Yet his feet had moved on their own when he had been passing by and saw the male crying silently. Alone.

"He really likes you, you know." The words escaped him before he could stop them. His whole mind was telling him to just nod and walk away, yet for some stupid reason, he couldn't. Maybe its because his best friend really loved the man before him, and he had some sort of unwritten duty to protect what Namjoon cherished. "I'd even dare say, he loves you."

Hiccups started mixing in with Seokjin's words, "B-but he didn't even," -hiccup- "visit me," -hiccup- "yesterday. I waited and he never," -hiccup- "showed up."

Yoongi stared at him in silence for a bit before he walked over to the snacks table and grabbed a bottle of water. "Drink," he ordered, handing the bottle over to the crying male. 

The male did as he was told.

As a General in the palace, Yoongi had access to video footage from all over the palace. Last night he had noticed the pink haired candidate alone in the kitchen. Watched him wait for hours even after he had finished cooking.

It had been sad to watch.

"Maybe he doesn't," -hiccup- "like me anymore."

"Didn't know you were the clingy type," Yoongi commented, taking a seat in a nearby chair.

"I didn't know I was either. Stupid Kim Namjoon."

The general's lips twitched at that. "Tell you what, Kim Seokjin," he began, grabbing the male's attention, "If he doesn't come to you tonight, then I'll drag his body to you by force."

"There's no point if its by force," Seokjin sighed, "It would mean that he didn't want to see me to begin with."

Yoongi personally didn't care. 

A yawn escaped the King's lips as he approached the palace. Another uninteresting day had passed.

It had been his second date. A new candidate. It had been boring, tiring, and slightly uneventful, but Namjoon couldn't make it seem that way. He had to appear genuinely interested at all times.

"Yah! Joon-ah!" Yoongi suddenly appeared in front of him, arms crossed, eyes narrowed.

"Hey, Yoongi. What's with the face?"

The general walked with him, his sour look never leaving his face. "Are you going to see Kim Seokjin?"

"Perhaps tomorrow," he replied, yawning. "I had a long day today. That guy today was really talkative, it was hard to keep up."

Yoongi didn't say anything, just gave a very curt nod. Namjoon couldn't help but to feel that the elder had something else to say. "What?" he asked.

"Nothing," the general shrugged, "just thinking that that attitude of yours is the reason you can't have nice things."

He was taken aback by that. "Excuse me?"

There was a moment of silence and this made Namjoon look up, the general didn't say anything else, he just turned his back on him and began walking away.

He followed after, "Yah! Min Yoongi!"

Yoongi just kept walking, Namjoon kept following him until the general came to a complete and sudden stop, making the King crash into his back. Finally, his friend turned to look at him.

Signaling to the room with his head, Yoongi gave him his usual bored look. "You've been neglecting your man, Your Highness. I suggest that it's time you do something about that."

Joon poked his head into the room. Jin was asleep at the kitchen table. His head resting in his arms, his hair falling on his face and his chest lightly rising up and down from his soft snores.

"Your man's like a stupid puppy," Yoongi said nonchalantly, "You didn't visit him yesterday so he's been depressed, waited for you till two in the morning and you never came. Guess he was willing to wait again today."

Approaching him slowly, Namjoon couldn't help to notice a plastic covered bowl in front of his sleeping angel. He got a closer look. The tray was covered with clear plastic wrap and had a note on it, he took the note to read it.

A smile slowly made its way to Namjoon's lips. It was such a simple act, yet it made his heart thump. He couldn't be any luckier than to love a man so thoughtful. He looked down at the bowl.

Kalguksu. Seokjin had made him Kalguksu.

 "Mind leaving us alone, Yoongi?" The general didn't hesitate to leave.

After warming the dish up in the microwave, Namjoon took a seat, the warm bowl in front of him. He took his time eating it, savoring the taste that was made by the man sleeping soundly in front of him. 

It was so good.

Finishing up and putting the empty bowl in the sink, he walked back to the sleeping beauty, placing a hand on his shoulder and lightly shaking him. "Jin," he whispered softly, "Jin. Baby, wake up."

Seokjin stirred a bit, eyelids slightly parting. His eyes tried to focus, that sweet voice echoing in his ears. "Joonie?" he mumbled in a slurred manner, not fully awake.

Namjoon smiled at him. "Hey baby, did you miss me?" Seokjin just nodded his head slowly. The King chuckled softly. "Come on, let's get you to bed."

Placing one arm under his knees and the other under his armpit, Namjoon heaved the tired male bridal style into his arms.

The walked to Seokjin's room was quiet. It was late in the night so everyone seemed to be sleeping. He took his time walking, wanting to admire Jin's sleeping face whilst doing so. Eventually the elder male shifted in his arms and wrapped his arms around Namjoon's neck, resting his head on the King's chest.

It was adorable.

The room wasn't locked. The lights were turned off but there was a slight crack indicating that the door was open. He put his back to the door and pushed it open. The room was empty. It made Namjoon wonder where Taehyung was. 

Putting that thought off for later, he went and set Seokjin on the bed. Softly, so that he wouldn't wake him. 

But Jin wouldn't let go of his neck. 

Namjoon patted one of his arms, "Seokjin, I need you to let go of me."

"No." Seokjin whined.

"Seokjin, I-"

"No." He lifted his legs and wrapped them around Namjoon's waist, pulling him down a bit. "Don't leave. Please don't leave."

Namjoon decided he wouldn't.

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