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"Damn it," Yoongi hisses when he sees one of his men down. One of the soldiers that changed positions with him right before the gun was fired. He stopped dancing, the other soldiers freezing as well. He could hear someone in his ear pieces questioning what happened, why they stopped, the music having been too loud for any of them to hear the gunshot.

He turns to the soldier down. Shot right in the head, no movement left in him. And the whole time he sees the body he has some clueless bastard shouting at him through the earpiece. He yanks it off, tells his soldiers to get down as he sees the sparks of bullets hitting the stage. 

They scurry as he runs to the left of the stage. He was about to shout orders, telling everyone to move, to start evacuating—

The blast hit his ears before the stage started shaking. Before he could even register what happened, chunks of metal started falling from the sky.

Music no longer played through the speakers, instead the screams erupting from the crowd pierced his ears. Yoongi cursed as he ran.

They attacked while he had been distracted. Fuck. Whoever was doing this actually waited till he wasn't watching to fucking attack them. "Grab the candidates!" he barks to his soldiers.

He runs to a staff member, taking a walkie talkie from him and moving the dial to the appropriate frequency.

"General!" someone calls out to him. Song Joong ki. Thank god.

"Song, your men are in charge of the civilians!" he shouts. "Get everybody out!" He looks to the staff around him, dozens of people dressed in black frozen in place. "Everybody get fucking moving! Head for the exits, leave everything behind! Just get out!"

They drop their things and run. Yoongi stands amidst the chaos, calculating, planning his next move. 

First thing was first. 

He runs. Not towards an exit nor towards the dressing rooms, he runs towards the crumbling stage. He needed to identify where the members of the royal family were. Jungkook and Namjoon had to have been near the stage, since their performance was suppose to be right after Yoongi's. There should be other soldiers there so they could be escorted out fast.

But Geong Min, where the fuck was Geong Min?

He pushes himself through the debris, jumping from the stage and running towards the front of house.

The sound engineers were trapped as thirty five thousand people behind them struggled, pushing and shoving, to make it up the stairs and through the exits. Yoongi makes his way over to them.

 "Connect me to the princess's channel," the general orders.

They do their job, connecting one of the mics to the channel appropriately labelled. Yoongi grabs the mic and places the headset on. "Geong Min," he shouts into the mic. The princess had had on a lav mic, she could respond back if she was okay. "Geong Min, where the hell are you?"

He waits. He signals the engineers to leave. Their safety was more important than his. He stays behind, calling out to the princess till he hears the static fade.

"I'm okay," her voice comes though. Yoongi sighs in relief. "I'm out. Joong ki found me while evacuating."

Good. He could trust Joong Ki with the princess. "Don't leave his side, Geong Min. I'm going to look for—"

The ground rumbles again. Yoongi steadies himself, yanks his head up in time to see the smoke coming from behind the stage.

"Shit." He throws the headset off of him. That blast came from the waiting rooms. Wasting no time, his feet move. 

By now the majority of citizens have successfully evacuated, he knew it was right to leave that job to Joong Ki. However he wished he had someone he could trust with the people inside the backstage area, but at this point everyone was a suspect.

He had verified the staff and soldiers on duty today himself. Everyone's background check had checked out. But after finding out from the last attack that ex-general Han and his daughter Han Yoo-kyungwere rebels, Yoo-kyung being one of his tops soldiers, he doubted everyone.

Especially right now. 

To have planted bombs on the stage meant that the rebels had been inside all along, also that they have been waiting. Waiting for an opening.

It could be anyone, but specifically someone with ease to move around freely without anyone questioning them.

But where were they? What do they accomplish by coming here and disrupting an event with so many witnesses?

The backstage was covered in debris and rubble. Some of the exits were cut off by large chunks of concrete. Soldiers shouted orders as some candidates fled through the few available exits, crew members following after them.

Good, the place was being cleared out. Now all he had to do was find—


Yoongi stopped at the voice. Turned.  "The hell you two doing here?" the general exclaims as he sees Namjoon and Jungkook approaching him. "You two were supposed to be the first to evacuate!"

"How can I just go without knowing if everyone is safe?" Namjoon says. His clothes are covered in dust, his hair looking greyish from it as well.

"Stubborn bastard," Yoongi grumbles under his breath, he looks at the prince. "And you? What's your excuse?"

Jungkook gives him a sheepish grin. "I couldn't just leave either."

The general groans. Of course he had to serve a king and prince that were so fucking selfless that they didn't even think of their own lives. Of course.

"Civilians are evacuated," Yoongi informs briefly. "Geong Min is with Song. Candidates and staff seem to be all out as well. I think you two can leave now."

The two royals looked unsure. Yoongi wanted just to knock both of them out and drag them out of the place but knew better than doing so. He opened his mouth to tell them to get their butts moving but a commotion at the exit gets their attention.

"What are you doing?!" he hears someone shout. "You have to get out!"

"Let go of me! I have to go back!" Yoongi glances back. Some soldiers are pushing a candidate back, instructing him to leave. "Hyung! My hyung isn't out here!" the deep voice shouts. "Jin-Hyung and Jimin are still in there!"

It takes a moment for the words to register in Yoongi's head. As soon as they do, there's another bang, another shake of the earth, another fall of concrete, metal and dust. He turns on his feet.

Namjoon is already gone.

As soon as he saw the blast, Seokjin shot up to his feet, yanking the needle out of his arm and throwing it aside.

"We have to get out of here," he says to Jimin as he puts his shoes on and grabs Jimin's.

"We should wait for a staff member to come," Jimin protests. He winces in pain as Seokjin places his shoes on him, slipping them on and tying them.

Seokjin ignores him, eyes glued to the TV while his fingers move. The broadcast stopped . "Can you walk?" he asks. Jimin shakes his head. "Well then you're lucky you're tiny," he says before he pushes Jimin up and turns to kneel down. 

He hooks his arms around the younger's legs, pressing his back to Jimin's chest. "I'll try to be gentle," Seokjin says, taking into consideration Jimin's condition. "Wrap your arms around me, try to hold on as tight as you can."

Jimin does as he's told. Seokjin doesn't miss the way he grunts in pain. Once settled, he straightens his legs and heads to the door.

He doesn't recognize the hallway that they're in. He bites his lip, bouncing on his heels.

"The stage is to the right," Jimin says as if reading his mind. "Exit must be to the left."

So he goes left.

His legs were moving automatically. Everything was getting fuzzy, he could only hear his heartbeat pounding inside his head and his breathing that sounded way louder than it was supposed to. He barely registers when the hallway staggers.

"Hyung!" Jimin shouts in his ear.

Seokjin's body moves. He reaches back, grabs Jimin and pulls at his clothes, getting him off his back and bringing him forward. He pushes both their bodies against the wall, Seokjin's bigger body towering over Jimin's.

The ground breaks, debris falls. Seokjin hisses as he feels something hit his back, but he remains there, using his body to keep anything from falling on Jimin.

He huffs when the ground steadies again. Glancing back, he sees the huge hole by their feet. Had they been any further back they would've been crushed or had fallen in along with everything else.

The hole was huge, Seokjin didn't understand how the ground under their feet was still stable. The problem was they were trapped. The small amount of floor that they stood didn't continue on, their paths were broken on both sides.

"Damn," he says, before turning to the younger. "Are you okay, Jiminie?"

Jimin's face is pale. Seokjin can't even imagine the pain he must be going through. The smaller boy just nods but Jin can see the beads of sweat falling from his forehead. The only reason he was still on his feet was because Seokjin was holding him up by the waist.

"Hyung, did you get hit?" Jimin's small voice asks. His eyes are glassy, Seokjin isn't sure if its from him being hurt or if he's just scared.

"A bit, but I'm okay," Seokjin reassures. "Don't know how we're getting out of this one though," he laughs.

Jimin remains quiet.

Seokjin takes in a deep breath. He looks towards their previous destination. He could see their path had been blocked by rubble. They could try getting to that side and crawl over the rubble, but Seokjin was sure his back was bleeding and could no longer carry Jimin on it.

He glanced up, gazing at the hole in the ceiling. There was no way to even get up there and going into the hole on the ground wasn't an option, if the place crashed again they'd be crushed in an instant.

Which meant the only option was going back to the right and heading for the stage. He calculated the distance they'd have to jump. It wasn't too long but Seokjin couldn't jump that carrying Jimin. And Jimin was barely even able to move, much less jump on his own.

He sighed, before he fixed his eyes on Jimin's, the rim of the younger's blue contacts evident from how close they were.

"Jiminie. I'm going to have to throw you to the other side." Jimin's eyes go wide. "Its going to hurt, a lot. But I need you to trust me. Once you're on the other side, I'm going to try to jump."

The hesitation was evident on the silver haired boy's face. Seokjin saw him gulp, also felt Jimin's arms come around his waist shakily. "Okay, hyung," he whispers, clutching at Seokjin's shirt.

Honestly, Seokjin doesn't trust himself with this. But he needed to do it. On this small piece of floor, they were vulnerable, if another explosion occurred, they'd have nowhere to run from the falling debris.

Maybe it was the rush of adrenaline through his veins or maybe it was because there was no other way out, but Seokjin mustered up all the strength he would as he lifted Jimin up and turned to get a good angle.

As hard as you can, he told himself. It was better to throw too hard then to not throw hard enough.

His knees bent and with all the strength he could muster, his body almost going on autopilot for this, he threw him.

Jimin crashed on the other side with a yelp and a hiss. Seokjin thanked the thick jacket the younger wore for making the fall a bit more tolerable.

"You okay?!" Seokjin shouts.

The younger male pushes himself up, wincing as he does so. "I'm okay," he says, biting his lip. "Hyung please hurry."

Seokjin nods. The rush of adrenaline still there but uncertainty suddenly  hitting him.

He takes in deep breathes, takes a few steps back, bends his knees.

He counts in his head, breathing in and out with every number.

One, two

On the count of three the third bomb went off. He had jumped but then he felt something hit his head, felt his stomach rise as his body fell. 

He crashed into the fallen stones.

"Jin-hyung!" Jimin shouts. "Jin-hyung!"

The pain hits him hard. Seokjin gasps out as he finally decides to take a breath in. The wound on his head throbs, his vision is going blurry as Jimin's sobs start fading from his ears.

Little black dots start invading his line of vision.

"Seokjin!" he could hear faintly. "Seokjin!"

Namjoon's muffled voice came from above.  Seokjin would recognized that voice anywhere. He blinks, trying to focus, focus on Namjoon's voice. Focusing on the blur several feet above him that he was sure was Namjoon's body.

"Seokjin, I'm going to go get you, please hold on!"

The elder wants to laugh, wanting to point out that there was nothing to 'hold on' to. But when his vision clears and he sees Namjoon looking for a way to come down his heart panics.

"No!" he shouts, making Namjoon stop. "Namjoon, don't come down here!" He couldn't risk it. Even every second here was dangerous. "Just— just take Jimin out of here!"

"What?" Namjoon says incredulously. "No, I'm getting you out, just— just hold on damn it!"

"Kim Namjoon, you listen to me right now!" Seokjin's voice resonates. Namjoon stops again. 

Seokjin's trying hard to control his breathing, trying hard to hold back the sting in his eyes. He pushes himself up, trying hard not to flinch from the agony that was clearly his body telling him he shouldn't move.

"Look, I'm fine," he says, lying through his teeth. "I can get up on my own. But Jimin needs help getting out and I trust you to do it while I look around for an exit."

From above, Namjoon frowns. He glances at Jimin, the boy is frozen in place, tears just rolling down his eyes as he hiccups.

"Can you see an opening down there?" Namjoon shouts down, "Some hole or something that can get you out?"

"Namjoon-ah," Jin whines, "stop worrying. I can get out."

Namjoon presses his lips together into a thin line. Something about this seemed very wrong. Maybe Seokjin senses his uncertainty because he speaks again.

"If you come down here it could get worse," Seokjin insists, "Please Joon-ah, just take Jimin first."

The king's resolve is cracking. "I don't like this Jin," he whispers, still loud enough for the other to hear.

"I'll find a way." He sounds so certain.

Namjoon stands on his feet, his eyes still on Jin's figure. There's a lump at his throat and the words just leave his mouth without a reason.

"You know I love you, right?"

Seokjin closes his eyes, takes in a deep breath before he opens them again and gives Joon a radiant smile. "I love you too." He waves him off. "Go."

He turns on his heels, goes and gets on his knees to bring Jimin up, hauling one of his arm over his shoulder and holding the smaller male by the waist. "I'm sorry," Jimin keeps whispering over and over.

They start walking.

It's okay, he says to himself. Yoongi probably chased after him, as soon as they run into each other he'll hand Jimin over to him and run back to Seokjin.

He doesn't get far before the next bomb goes off somewhere.

The ground shakes again, Namjoon stands his ground. It nothing too terrible compared to others that have been closer, only unstable ground would collapse under this rumble...


He yanks his body to look behind him. He hears someone calling him, footsteps running towards him. Namjoon's feet are planted on the ground.

"Namjoon, what the hell?!" Yoongi says, appearing next to him.

Then he reacts. Namjoon tosses Jimin over to Yoongi, the other catching him, and then Joon runs.

He runs as if his life depended on it. Because his life did depend on it.

And once he makes it back, he freezes, sees the chunks of concrete and metal and glass all on top of what once a large hole.

The hole where he had last seen Jin.

Namjoon screams Jin's name.

Author's Note

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