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The drive back to college was a silent one. No one spoke, 'cause their minds were too busy. One with heartbreaking memories, while the other with full of questions.

Roshni's Pov

What's happening around me... I feel so connected to this place.. And Gayatri... That name seems so familiar. Did I know her.. but how, she passed away five years before my birth. Then how. ...

Roshni pressed her forehead . As she looked to the next seat, she found him; completely lost.

Vicky.. what happened to you... Whenever I say about Gayatri, why you feel so tensed...or rather...hurt.
But, whatever be it, I feel so calm around you. I know, whenever I am in a problem, you will come for me , as always.

Roshni diverted her vision to the window. The same time, he looked back at her reading all in her mind. The forest premises reminded her of each events that took place in her life after coming to Munnar.
Everytime when she is around the forest, one thing is common. Vicky.

But how Vicky... How can you sense the danger around me. First day when I was lost in the forest, you were the one who guided me. Then , that truck accident. I was nearly dead. How you emerged from somewhere just like that ..how..  And yesterday, yesterday too, you came to save me. How Vicky.. are you spying on me or.. do you have any special abilities..

She looked back at him, who seemed a bit relaxed now.

Who are you Vicky... An angel who came for me.. or something else, which I ever can understand....

The car hit sudden break. Roshni moved a bit forward due to sudden stop.
"What happened Vicky... Why you stopped the car like that..?"

"We reached college Roshni. Now get out. "

The same rude Vicky is back it seems.
She looked around and found the college premises. She looked at the watch. "Vicky.. how does we reached so fast.. I mean.. it's nearly five minutes I guess "

"Not five, fifteen. It's been fifteen minutes. Your guess is wrong."


"What else, you were so lost in your imaginary world. So you won't recognize the time until it's too late. "

Vicky said, as he was pointing to something else, which she couldn't understand. She nodded her head and opened the door.


Roshni stopped hearing his voice.

"Now follow your promise. You won't ever go back to the forest. Understood.."

R "But.. but why Vicky..? What's the-"

"Won't you understand... It's dangerous. Forest is full of wild animals, especially wolves. Even your hair won't be left if they caught you. "

"Wolves.... Is that so... Then why are you always around the forest? Won't they had you, because you are Victor Grover..ha..?"

"Roshni I live there. My house, resides almost in the middle of forest. I know the place well. Every time when I am the way to home, I will find you somewhere near the forest. First on that very day you came here. Then after that fresher's party. And then yesterday too. Be happy I had some work in office last night. Else I wouldn't be able to get you last night, and you must have turned the food for wild animals..."

Roshni opened her mouth in surprise.
"You reside near the forest...?"
Oh God.! What was I thinking about this man. It's his home there. And I doubted in him as spying and being supernatural. Very bad roshni..very bad.

"Are you deaf or acting so..? No get out of my car. I have something important to do before the break ends. "

Roshni got out of the car , not before thanking him.
As he saw her leaving, he leaned over the seat.

Vicky's Pov

I can read your mind Roshni. I can read you, your feelings, your questions, everything. And it's necessary for me to keep the secret of my life away from you. I can't even let a slight doubt about me.

You are too innocent Roshni. You won't be able to overcome the problems around you. So I will keep you away from them always. I will be always standing as wall before you. But how will I save you from yourself.. from your own thoughts and doubts.

I hope, I really hope you will stop your investigation here. I hope you never go back to the forest. I hope you stay away from my past..


Roshni walked through the corridor to her class. She skipped lunch, as her mind was not in a state to have something.

Roshni turned back and found Riya shooting daggers at her.
"Riya... What happened.. you seems....angry.."

"Shut up!! You ditched me!"

"What.. me ? When..."

"Today morning. You left me alone in that stupid Chemistry class. You know what happened.. as you were not present to wake me up when I doze off,  today I slept peacefully in the class. And that professor caught me."

"Oh... Then..  did he throw you out of the class.?" , Roshni giggled.

"I would be happy if he said 'Get Out' . But he didn't. Instead he asked me to read the whole chapter aloud infront of the whole class. " , Riya crossed her arms, with an angry face.

Roshni tried hard to control her laugh. Riya was too much cute when she was angry. "It's okay Riya. Leave it."

"Yeah. By the way, where were you..?"

"Ah.. nothing Riya. I had some urgent work. Leave it na."

"Yeah okay... Come let's go and have something . I am starving."

"Ah.. Riya.. I am not hungry. But it's okay. I will accompany you. Come.."

Riya and Roshni walked away.
Vicky came from behind the pillar where they stood.

'I just want to be happy like this always. And I am ready to do anything for that. First and foremost, you should stay away from me. I know you won't. But I will. "

"Hey Vicky... " , Kabir came tapping his shoulders.
"Thank God I found you. Come with me to Canteen na please. Come come"


abir dragged him to cafeteria.
Watching Riya and Roshni already seated, Kabir went near their table and took respective seats.

Roshni and Vicky shared a glance, but he looked around later.

"Vicky... I am going to have pineapple juice. Shall I order you the same.?"

'I am allergic to pineapple. Let me go for mango.'
Roshni's mind echoed suddenly.
"Kabir... Vicky is allergic to pineapple."
Vicky suddenly looked at her in surprise.
" You order for mango. He loves mango juice."
Roshni looked at him. He was staring her with wide eyes.
He was fine with anything now, as every food item has nothing to do with him. After all Vampires won't eat human food. But, she was right. He was allergic once upon a time...when he was not a living corpse...when he was alive .

Kabir and Riya too shared glances.
"Ooooo" , they exclamed together. Kabir stood to order. Riya followed as she need some cold drinks too.

"How come you know I am allergic to pineapple?"
He asked out of surprise.

"You told me right, that day in cafe--"
Roshni said in a flow, but soon realized she has never went to Cafe with him. Never.
She looked at him with the same surprise as his.
"I don't know Vicky. I think I heard you... Or I remember you told me once ... But I... I really don't know.."

Roshni started to sweat. Something was flashing in her mind. She pressed her temples. Vicky understood her plight. He kept his hand over hers on table.
"Don't stress Roshni. Yeah I remember I told you once about my allergy."
He lied.
She looked at him. She knew he was lying.

How are you guyzzz!!!
Hoping all are safe and sound.
Stay home Stay safe
Annujam 😘😘 😘

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