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It was almost 7 pm when Roshni got inside the public library.  Darkness has already engulfed the place , along with less amount of snow fall.
"Excuse me sir, I wanted to use the system once."

"Sorry ma'am, it's already the closing time. Please come tomorrow."

"Sir please.. just five minutes. I will take the print out and go. Please ... It's urgent.." , she pleaded the maximum.
The urgency was clearly evident in her face, which made the librarian allow her few minutes.

Without wasting much time, she opened the system and searched for the old newspaper which contained the fire broke out in forest. Soon she found it. Maybe today God was with her. Finally she is going to find something about Gayatri.

"Ma'am, please come out. We are getting late."
The librarian screamed from the other side. She pressed the print button and stood up from the seat.
After getting the print out, she folded it and kept inside her bag without giving a glance at it.


Roshni was late today. Even the last bus left infront of her eyes. In a hope of getting a rickshaw or taxi, she decided to walk. The empty narrow roads along the forest, the darkness and the cold climate, everything was making her a bit scary deep down. Plus, she wasn't allowed to go by this forest path alone at this hour; Vicky strictly prohibited that more than once. But he was right, every time something or the other happened to her at this place, especially when she was alone. And her angel, Victor , has always been there to save her. A mere thought about him made her smile, but soon vanished thinking about the conflict she had with him that evening.

Few minutes later, she came out of thoughts. Suddenly she felt a strong presence behind. She stopped her path and looked back. Empty. Brushing it off, she walked again. Maybe the loneliness was scaring her.
After some more time, she heard a scream from the forest. She stopped her path listened carefully. The scream came again and it was a girl.

"Somebody help.... Please... I am trapped in fire... Somebody help.."

Roshni felt a strong feeling in heart. Was it fear or something else. Didn't knew. The scream was hearing again. Collecting guts somehow, she decided to go into the forest and check out. Maybe someone is in danger. She could help.

She ran into the forest. Surrounded by huge trees, she felt lost. The voice of the girl was the only thing that can tell her the path. Wandering for sometime finally she reached infront the old warehouse of Grover's. The same place that comes in her dreams, the same place where Gayatri took her last breath.  But the warehouse was normal. The screams vanished. Was it her hallucination or actual voice. Whatever be it a sudden fear gripped her heart.

"Vicky..." , His name came out from her mouth unintentionally.


Victor opened his eyes hearing Roshni's voice. Was she calling him. What if she is in some trouble. He closed his eyes and concentrated, trying to track her through his powers. He could see her lost in forest near the warehouse. Opening his eyes, he dialed her number.

Roshni startled for a moment hearing her own ringtone. A sudden relief , she felt after seeing the caller ID.
"H...he...ello Vicky..."

"Roshni..where are you.. are you okay.."

"I... in forest... somebody was screaming.. and--" ,
Roshni stopped seeing a shadow behind her.

"Roshni.. are you there.. hello.."

"Vic... Somebody is behind.. I...I am...." , Words didn't came out.  As the shadow neared , she turned behind . A  tall well built man with face covered, stood behind her holding a knife.

Roshni stepped behind as her stepped forward. As he advanced his knife towards her, she ran inside opening the door and stopped by the wall of the warehouse. He raised the knife to stab her. Roshni covered her face with her hands with a loud scream.

With a lightning speed, Vicky came from nowhere and blocked him holding the knife.
Roshni opened her eyes feeling nothing harmed her. She saw Vicky standing infront of her catching the knife's sharpened part. Blood was oozing out from his hand.

"Vicky.." , She hugged him from behind grabbing his black coat tightly.

"Leave..." , Vicky said in an authoritive voice.
The attacker stepped two steps back and ran away.

Victor turned towards her. "Roshni are you okay...?" . A tight hug was the answer she gave. She was scared. Hot tears were brimming out from her eyes. "It's okay Roshni. You are safe.." . He cupped her face and she nodded. Everything is fine when I am in your arms, she thought.

"Roshni, just wait here for a moment. Let me see has he left or not.."


"Don't worry.. I won't let anything happen to you."
He left as she kept looking at his disappearing figure.

How can you Vicky.. Whenever I am in some problem, you are there to give me a hand, to pull me out of it. If it's not love.. then what is it...


Vicky reached infront of the attacker in less than a second.
"Remove this mask Jeh, I know it's you."

Jeh took out the covering with an evil smirk. "Not bad brother. You found me so easily."

"I can even recognize your scent Jeh. Not a big deal. "

"Oh yeah. How can I forget the strong power of Vampires to identify the scent. Stupid me...", Jeh hit himself playfully.

"Stay away Jeh. Stay away from her.  Don't think I will let you go every time. ", Vicky said stressing each word.

"Not so soon Victor. The game is just begun. I am leaving now. But.. beware, I am right behind you, until your failure."
Jeh changed into a wolf and disappeared into the forest.

Vicky looked at his wounded hand . He rubbed over the wound with the other hand and it vanished.


Roshni looked around the warehouse. Almost completely burnt. Fire is something she is always scared of. She couldn't even imagine how Gayatri suffered that pain.
There were ancient furnitures and utensils in minimum amount. Also some portraits probably of the family. Among them one medium sized portrait caught her eyes. She neared to it. The portrait was of some girl, probably in her mid twenties.
What strike her eyes was the name written at the bottom left corner- Gayatri Grover.

Curiosity took over her fear. The face was completely covered with dust. Roshni wiped the portrait with her hands revealing the face of Gayatri.
Dusting it off, she received the biggest shock of her life.

Roshni took a step backwards in terror. She touched her own face, trying to understand what's happening. Gayatri had the same face as her's. Roshni took the print outs she collected from library. Searching madly between those papers , she finally found the news along with the picture of Gayatri.
Lots of emotions rushed in. Fear, Anxiety , grief, surprise and what not.
The papers fell from her hands and she moved behind , colliding to a hard chest.

Roshni looked behind to find Vicky standing infront of her.
"Vi...Vic.ky.. this..  Who are you..?"

Fast update 😛

What you think, will Roshni find the truth of Victor??
Comment. 😁

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