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Recap : Roshni undergoes through a small accident in Grover house, which makes her to stay there. Vicky takes her to the library, where she finds the mysterious book; but Vicky refuse to give her that. Roshni feels angry and a change in her behaviour happens.

Two days later, midnight.
Roshni sat on the bed thinking continuously about the book she found on library. Why was Vicky so stubborn not to give her that book. Something is there in it. She gently stepped down. Her fracture was curing faster than usual.

Roshni took baby steps to the library without anybody's notice. Getting inside , she looked all over the library before going to the fantasy section.
She found the book in the uppermost section which was much above her height. She looked around and found a small ladder which could help her reach the book. Roshni climbed up the ladder and took the book.
Seraphina , she read. Gently she returned to ground and kept the ladder where it was.

Roshni was about to leave when she saw an old album on the first rack. She bent to take it and left the library without taking much time.
Reaching her room, she kept Seraphina inside the wardrobe and sat on the bed with the album.
With a smile she opened it and found some old photos. She saw a photo of Clare and Chand with a small baby in their arms, probably Vicky.

"Aww, how cute Vicky looks in this. But these pictures seems too old. Quality wise, it looks like nearly a 50 year old picture. But why so.
    Maybe because the album was not preserved well."
She concluded herself.
Roshni turned over the pages and found more interesting photos. The fact that astonished her was, Clare and Chand looked the same as now. Nothing has changed. Nothing.
Meanwhile she saw the growth of Vicky on each picture. He was really cute.
After a couple of pages, she saw another picture of Gayatri with Victor (whom she thinks as his uncle).

For a moment she thought it as herself and Victor. Roshni looked at the mirror and touched her face.
" How can I be so similar to someone I don't even know. Vicky can be similar to his uncle, that's okay. But , but what about Gayatri and myself.."

Brushing off her thoughts she flipped to the next page. She saw the pictures of Gayatri in white wedding gown and Victor in black suit.

"Their wedding pictures"

Unknowingly her eyes welled up. She felt a severe pain on both head and heart. Closing the album , she kept in on the bedside and rubbed her forehead.

"What's happening, why is it hurting so much "

Roshni closed her eyes in pain. Something flashed on her mind. Nothing was clear. Pain increased and a slight squeal escaped from her.

Victor opened his eyes. He sat upright on his armchair.
"Roshni..", He rushed to her room and found her in pain.

"Roshni.. what happened."

She opened her eyes and looked at him. Suddenly something else occupied her mind. Vicky was seen was someone else. He who wore always black was in white . He who never laughed had a smile .
"Gayu.. I know I am handsome. So please don't embarrass me by staring."

Roshni didn't even blinked her eyes. Vicky shook her shoulders, and brought back to reality.
"Roshni.. where have you lost..?"

R; "Ah.. s.. sorry. I.. I was having headache."

V: "I will get you a tablet. One second."

He was about to take the tablet, he noticed the album kept on the bedside. "Where do you get this album from?"

R: "Ah.. from , from the library."

Vicky took the tablet and a glass of water. She had it and settled herself on the bed. Vicky sat beside her keeping his hand over her forehead. His palm had a strong cold sensation. It made her feel better.

R: "Vicky.. when we met for the first time..?"

V: "Why. Don't you know."

R:"I do. I mean, in my memories I saw you first in that jungle. But... don't know why... Something is missing. Why do I feel we know each other for long." .

Vicky kept silence. He patted her to sleep. After making sure she is slept, he kissed her forehead and left to his room taking the album.

He sat on the armchair besides the fireplace. Vicky opened the album. Going through the images, he revisited his past.

"Everything was so good. Then why, why did our lives fall apart. Why you are so far from me Why did everything wither, why don't you remember anything? Was my love so weak ; that you are so far from me, and I can't do anything about it. "

He closed the eyes leaning over the armchair.


Next day morning, Roshni stepped out of her room. She directly went to the kitchen, where she found Clare making breakfast for her.

"Good morning aunty."

Clare looked behind in surprise.
"Good morning Roshni. But what are you doing here. You should take rest right."

R: "No aunty I am fine. Actually sitting in the room makes me sick. By the way I feel alot better, as if my fracture is completely cured. No pain at all. "

C: "What.. how is that possible. It's been only 4-5 days."

R: "Exactly. I am confused too. But , may be its because the vegetable soup that you feed me forcefully everyday."

They shared a laugh.
"If that's so, I am happy. So my good girl go back to your room. I will fetch you breakfast very soon."

Like an obedient girl, she nodded and went back. The relationship between herself and Clare has grew into a strong bond. She likes to be pampered by Clare. Roshni has started to see her in a mother's place.


Vicky reached the library to keep back the album. Something made him check on the ancient book Seraphina. To his surprise , he found the place empty where he kept the book.
"Damn!!! Roshni..."


Roshni reached her room. She decided to check on the mystery book until Clare bring her breakfast.
She took the book from wardrobe and opened the first page.
The writings surprised her.
"What language is this.. I can't read this. God.." , she turned over the pages to find something. But failed. She was disappointed.

Vicky opened the door in anger. He saw her standing with the ancient book. He snatched the book from her.
"How dare you.. who gave you the permission to take this."

Roshni was scared. "Sorry.. sorry Vicky .  I , I couldn't control my curiosity. But this book.. I can't understand the language. How could you read it."

Vicky turned opposite.

R:"Vicky please.. I.. I really want to know. Can you please help me. I swear I won't take touch this book again without your permission. Please."

"Ofcourse Roshni.", Chand stood at the doorstep. Roshni and Vicky looked at him. "I assure you Vicky will narrate you the story of Seraphina on day. It's something you should read. Isn't it Vicky."

He went out from the room taking the book with him.
Chand stayed back. "That's okay Roshni. He behaves odd sometimes. By the way, how are you feeling?"

R: "Thanks uncle. I am good. Really feeling better."

C: "Oh that's good to hear. I will call the doctor for your check up. Fine.?"

She nodded with s smile. Chand made an exit from her room. Roshni stood thinking about Vicky. How can she cool him down.


Roshni reached Vicky's doorstep. She peeped inside and found him at the balcony.

R: "Vicky.. I..I am sorry."

He didn't responded.

R: "I didn't knew you will be so offended. Sorry na. Please.. talk to me atleast."

R: "Anyways the book had some creepy language and I can't read it. You could have told me earlier. If so..I won't.."

V:"Shh!! Stop your blabber"

R: "But Vicky.. I was just--"

Vicky turned to her in a swift motion, making her jerk and twist her angle.

"Roshni... Are you okay.."

She sat down grabbing her feet.  Vicky helped her to get up and made her sit on bed.
"I..I am sorry.. it wasn't deliberate."

R: "Shhh.. Shut up. What is your problem actually. First of all you don't listen to me. Then you did not give me that book. You knew that I do not understand that language. You could have told me. But no, you don't. Above all those when I am apologizing , you broke my leg. "

V: "Come on... I said sorry na."

R: "Sorry.. was that a sorry even. You don't mean it at all."

Vicky took a breath and asked , "Okay.. tell me what should I do to apologise."

Roshni smirked. "promise.. you will do anything right.."

Vicky nodded.

"Okay.. So, Mr.Grover, stand in your knees, grab you ears and say sorry."

V: "Excuse me..?"

R:"No you are not excused. Say sorry fast ."

V: "That's too rubbish and I won't. "

Vicky left the room leaving her alone. Roshni sat with a pout.
"Huh!! Mr. Victor Grover... You didn't even said a sorry. Idiot."

Vicky stood at the doorstep hearing her mumble. He smiled a bit and turned to her. Roshni noticed him.
He grabbed his ears and murmured sorry in a cute way. An instant smile came on her face.

Didn't cross-check. Ignore the small mistakes.

Anyways happiee new year everyone. Let all of you have a very happy , healthy and prosperous year ahead!!
Love you all ❤️❤️❤️

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