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It was late night, Roshni stirred in sleep. She could see a forest, and in the middle an old house. She heard a voice of scream from there,  a girl's ofcourse . The house was in the middle of fire. And the scream grew loud. Surprisingly, the sound seemed so similar to hers. Later she could see herself in the house, crying for help.


A male voice came. She looked through the small window and found someone nearing.

"Help... Please...help.."

He came there running. But the house was fully on fire, blocking his way.


Roshni opened her eyes. She sat on the bed taking heavy breaths.
'Whats happening with me... Why is this name haunting me like this...'

Very soon, she heard a scream again.

'Am I imagining or... I should find out..'

She took her phone and went towards the window. Getting out of hostel in midnight was not easy. So she decided to jump through the window.

The forest was very near to hostel. She walked towards the empty path.

' Don't ever come back to this forest' , Vicky's words , which he said the very first day she met him, echoed in her mind.

'What if it's not safe.. ? Should I go back...? No.. I want to find the solution for this mess. And my heart says, I can find it in this forest.'

Gathering courage, she walked in. Don't know where...her mind was leading the path. She has never been here except once. But this place seems so familiar. She reached nearly middle of the forest. With fog blocking her way, she managed to find the glimpse of a building.

Shivering in cold, she stepped forward. Roshni stopped as she reached right infront of the half burnt building.
"This is the same building I saw in my dream. How is that possible..."

As she took another step forward, a sudden headache hit her. Roshni grabbed her head tight. Something flashed infront of her eyes. Glimpse of that dream, she being trapped in fire, everything flashed through her brain.
Her head was spinning. She started to cry due to the insufferable pain. Within no time, she lost her balance. She fainted.

Vicky's hand held her waist before she falls down. By the time she was unconscious.
"Why did you came here Roshni... I told you not to. It's not safe. Why you compelled me to come here....to this dreadful place...where I lost everything.... everything.." 

He glanced at the building. He could still remember her screams. His memories flashed infront of his eyes.
Gayatri crying for help. He stuck outside helpless. He was never so helpless...never.

Vicky brushed off his thoughts and took her in his arms. He walked back to her hostel.


Next morning, the early rays entered through the open window. Disturbed with the light, she opened her eyes gently. Soon she recognized her surroundings, her room. With a jerk, Roshni sat on her bed.

'How did I end up here. I was... I was at the forest... Near...near that old house. And..  I.. felt dizzy...But how I reached here...Was I dreaming.. Oh God..'

Life was playing a mysterious game with her. Growing confusions day by day made her mind go crazy. Taking a deep breath , she composed herself and got out of the bed.

Classroom was filled with lots of gossips and funny stuffs. Riya and Tanu were arguing over Kabir as usual. Away from these noises, Roshni sat alone in the front bench. She was lost. Wondering over last night incidents and from the day she stepped in munnar, her life was upside down.

Vicky entered the class and found her drowned in somewhere. He knew the reason. Her mind must be filled with questions, that he couldn't answer. But he should stop her from searching those answers.
He neared towards her.

"Roshni..", She was too lost to hear him. He tapped her shoulders for attention. " I have something serious to tell you. Meet me near the ground now"

He went out. 'Why he seems so serious... BTW when is not serious' ,she rolled her eyes.
She stood up and followed him.

Reaching the ground, she found him leaning on the wall at the corner. Without wasting time, she went to him.

R- "Vicky.. What happened.. all ok?"

He stood straight and grabbed her shoulders. Taking a turn he made her lean over the wall.

R- "Vicky.. leave...what's your problem..?"

V- " I should be the one asking this. What's your problem.. why were you roaming around the forest at midnight... Haven't I told you it's not safe..?"

He was furious. She was scared ofcourse. But something stuck her head.

"What... I went to forest last night.. That means, I was not dreaming..
     So you were the one who took me to hostel right?"

V- " yeah, I found you unconscious in the forest. And took you back."

R- "But... What were you doing there.."

V- "none of your business"

Expected answer, she thought.

"Now listen to me... You won't ever go back to that place.. understood?"
His grip loosened. She removed his hand .

"No Vicky. Sorry, but I will go there. Because that place contains all the answers I need. And I will find it "

V- "Stop this nonsense Roshni. What you want... What is so much important for you than your life.."

"My life..", she smiled sarcastically. "Vicky must be you forgot. I am an orphan. Nobody cares for my existence. Even if I die, I am sure, no one will lose anything.."

"Shut up Roshni!!" , He again grabbed her shoulders. "Shut up..... I do care. I do care for your safety. I do care your existence. I do care about you."

He looked straight to her eyes, reaching her heart directly. She was lost in his light grey eyes. Has anybody said this to her ever . No, he was the first one. Maybe last too. Unknowingly her eyes teared up.
"Why do you care so much Vicky... I have nothing to give you back.."

"It's not of giving back Roshni. I just want you safe and sound. I want you happy. And I am ready to do anything for that. "

This was her weak point. A little bit of care and love. That's what she always yearned for. Now getting it from someone like him, she felt blessed. She hugged him tightly and broke down.

"I can't be happy Vicky. I am getting mad day by day. Nightmares are haunting me like anything. You know I haven't slept a day after coming to this city. Each time I close my eyes, I can see somebody in danger.. I can hear screams, and.. that name... Gayatri... It's not leaving me at all. "
Don't know what made her broke so miserably infront of him. He was hearing her attentively. What if she really is his Gayatri. What if it's their past haunting her.

She withdrew herself from him.
"Vicky..  I don't know why...but I feel I will get something to relieve in that forest. You know what, yesterday night, I don't know what guided me there, but I saw myself burning in that fire. I saw Vicky.... I saw...
       Please Vicky.. I want to go there once. Please.. please..."

Hugging him again, Roshni cried.  She felt really safe with him . 'Look Vicky, in your arms I feel everything is right. I feel so safe and content. What is this.' Her words didn't slipped from her mouth. But he could read them.
He was in the same state. Roshni being in his arms, everything seems perfect.  What's happening with his 'once ended' life.

How are you guys!!
So... Hmm... Nothing much to blabber.🤪
Stay safe.

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