Chapter 1: The Encounter

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|Chapter 1: The Encounter|
Date: |September 19, 2014, a couple days after Oliver Queen's return to Starling City|

Media above is what Oliver is wearing after he gets Nathan back to his hideout.

I blink open my eyes when I realize that I've been out. Two days, two fucking days, and I haven't heard shit from Sully. Fuck, why now? Why did this have to happen now? I tighten the blue scarf around my neck, tightening the gear attached to me. With a heavy sigh, I shift into my hybrid wolf form, my fur getting wet as rain falls around me. As I run, I realize that there's security everywhere. Shaking my head, I keep running, then shift back in human form, walking up towards a place where I thought was safe until two years earlier.

Queen Consolidated, a company run by Robert Queen, until he died on the Queen's Gambit, which was a cruise ship. The cruise ship sank, and a lot of people's lives were taken. Except for the son of Robert and Moira Queen, Oliver Queen. Two years ago, a war ravaged through this once proud city, if it was a country, it would be a different scenario. Maybe. Then, after five years of being stranded on the island called Lian Yu, which is Mandarin for Purgatory, he's returned home to Starling City. Walter Steele, who married the widowed Mrs. Moira Queen, is now the owner of the company. For some reason, I don't trust her. Not at all. I don't know why, I just do. If there's a reason why, I can't tell.

I blink my eyes as I shift into human form, seeing Oliver walking with his mother, Moira Queen, and little sister, Thea Queen. Keeping the blue scarf taut around my neck, I keep walking. I try to stay unnoticeable by the Queens, even though they don't recognize me, nor have they met me before. Once I'm far enough away from them, I shift into my hybrid wolf form, my tail flicking behind me. I gotta be careful.

Before I can move, another wolf blocks my path. He sniffs the air before looking at my auburn and chocolate fur. He snarls, baring his teeth.

"An Omega?" He says, flicking his tail at me. "Here? There hasn't been an Omega in Starling City since Oliver Queen's return." I snarl.

"Who are you?" My tail flicks again as I ask this. The other wolf blinks his eyes, then his tail flicks.

"Can't give you my name, kid," he says. "Sorry." I blink my eyes, confused. The fuck?

"What are you trying to say?" I ask, as I shift back to my human form. The wolf shifts into his human form, being an Australian man.

"I can't give you my name, it could jeopardize everything." I bare my teeth. I leap for him, only for me to curl in on myself, as the wolf jumps for me, and tries to claw my belly. I duck, biting hard on his neck, then pinning him on his side, snarling, my mouth filled with his blood.

"Now, your name." I hiss. He bares his teeth, and lets his hind paws kick at my belly, hard. I howl in pain, twisting around, trying to protect my belly. Why am I doing this, you ask? Well to tell you the truth.....I'm pregnant. I have a pup growing inside me. I can't tell anyone who the father is, though. It could put myself and the pup in dire peril. I don't want that.

"You're dead!" I yell, leaping for the man. I growl, but he kicks me hard in the face, my muzzle spitting blood. I shift back into human form, same time as he does, until I end up on my back, the man on top of me. He pulls out a blade from his side pocket, aiming it for my face, and I grab his wrists, so he doesn't stab me. I growl, gritting my teeth together. Before I can do anything, an arrow comes flying, hitting the man hard in the bicep, making him howl in pain, and jump off me. I pant, looking at him, a hand on my belly. Once I feel a kick against my belly, I sigh in relief. The pup is still alive. That was too close. He could've killed the pup. I turn to the figure who shot the arrow into the man. He looks at me, a dark green hood covering his face. I can only see his blue eyes from here.

"Who are you?" I ask. "And the man who attacked me, who is he?" The man looks at me, and says in a deep, distorted voice,

"Just call me Arrow. I'm the one who saved your life. The man who attacked you, let's just say he's someone from my past, someone I didn't expect to see in Starling City." I blink my eyes at him, then I end up passing out, something I thought I'd never do.

When I open my eyes, I realize that I'm somewhere else, somewhere I don't want to be. I try to move, then I feel hands push me on my chest, down on my back.

"Can I let someone examine you?" A voice that sounds so familiar says to me. I blink my eyes, then I look around.

"W-where am I?" I ask, looking around some more. The man looks at me. He has dark blue eyes, and dirty blonde hair. It's so dark, it looks brown, like mine. He looks at me.

"You're at my base of operations," he says. "Also, is someone tracking you?" I blink. Tracking? The fuck? I don't know why someone would track me of all people.

"Why would someone track me?" I ask again. He blinks his blue eyes at my own, then says,

"I don't know. Can I let someone examine you, please? Any abnormalities at all?" I curl my hand over my belly.

"It's not an abnormality," I growl. "I'm pregnant. The father won't acknowledge the pup." The man blinks his eyes at me again.

"You're an Omega?" He asks. I nod. He sighs.

"I see." He looks at me for a second, and I sit up.

"Is my pup alright?" I ask, worried. The man blinks softly.

"Yes, it's fine." He says. I sigh, putting a hand to my belly.

"Who are you?" I ask him. He looks at me, then says,

"My name is Oliver Queen." I gasp.

"Holy shit." Oliver chuckles. He walks up to me, until I snarl, getting up, and putting a hand over my belly. Oliver looks at me like I've gone nuts. He blinks his eyes, then places a hand on my jaw, cupping it, then tilting my head up so I'm looking him in the eyes.

"What?" I ask, blinking my blue eyes. He stares at me for the longest time, then lets me go, sighing.

"Sorry," he says. "You remind me of someone I met on the island I was on five years ago." I blink. I know what he's talking about. He's talking about Lian Yu, aka Purgatory.

"Lian Yu," I mumble. He looks at me, and nods.

"Yes. How did you know the name of the island, Mr...." oh shit, I forgot. He doesn't know who I am.

"Drake." I say. Oliver nods.

"Well then, Drake. Do you know what happened on the island five years ago?" I blink. That's a question I didn't expect him to ask me.

"Why would you ask me that?" I say. He growls, showing his fangs, his eyes red.

"Just answer the damn question, Drake." I blink my eyes at him, then sigh.

"Yes, I was on the island of Lian Yu five years ago. Plane crash. My friend, I don't think he made it out. I hope he did, though." Oliver blinks his eyes softly, looking down.

"I'm sorry," he says. "I hope you find your friend, Drake." I nod. I hope I find Sully. That's the last time he does something incredibly stupid that almost gets me killed. Seriously, I don't know what the hell I'm doing here in Starling. My mission is to find Sully. I look up at Oliver, just as the door opens, and a dark-skinned man in a suit walks in. I curl in, my motherly instincts kicking in. The man looks at me, then at Oliver.

"I knew I'd find you here at some point," he says. "Looks like being in the Marines paid off. Mr. Queen, hello. And you?" He turns to me, and I'm hesitant to say my name.

"Drake," I say. "Just call me Drake." He nods and says,

"Diggle, John Diggle, I used to be in the Marines before becoming a bodyguard to Mr. Queen." He looks at him. Oliver sighs.

"Dig's right. He is my bodyguard now." I can't help but silently laugh. I shake my head softly. Oliver looks at me, then walks up to me.

"Is the pup doing okay?" He asks. I nod.

"Yeah, it's doing fine. Even after all the shit I've gone through since five years ago." I answer him. Oliver nods again, then runs a hand over my shirt. His touch sends sparks through my body, my mouth dry and a loss for words. He leans in, but doesn't kiss me. Instead, his lips just seem to brush against mine. But he doesn't actually lock lips with mine. My heart races again. He turns to the man who calls himself John Diggle.

"Diggle, can you stay and watch Mr. Drake, please? I'm going to get him something to eat." I hear him say to John. Diggle nods.

"Of course, Mr. Queen." Oliver nods, then walks away. I decide to sit and wait. Diggle then gestures to my belly.

"May I ask who the father is?" He asks. I stiffen. I turn to him. My hand goes for my belly protectively.

"I can't tell you. Sorry." I say quickly. Diggle raises an eyebrow. I growl.

"Is it Oliver?" He asks. "It's okay, you can trust me. I won't tell him." I blink my eyes, stiffening again. Finally, I sigh.

"You caught me," I say. "Yes, I think Oliver might be the father." Diggle nods. He then walks away as Oliver walks back in. My heart races again, and my nose seems to twitch, and I hear something.

'Mate.' I blink my eyes, looking at Oliver. That was my Omega side calling out to me. Unbelievable. Oliver looks at me, as I smell something else, a scent that calms me, calms me completely. It smells like wood pine, and peppermint.

"You're sniffing me, Drake." Oliver says, a chuckle escaping him. He turns to Diggle, the man nodding his head and leaving the room. I blush, looking at him. Crap, I didn't mean for that to happen. I curl in on myself again, putting a hand on my belly.

"I need to find my friend." I say. Oliver and Diggle look at each other, then at me.

"You need to train first," Diggle says. "Whoever is tracking you, they know what's going on, they know everything." They know about me, about Sully, maybe that's why I can't find him is because he's been captured. Oliver shakes his head, and his voice rattles me.

"No, he can't train. He's pregnant, John, and an Omega. If your first name is Drake, then what's your last name?" He turns to me as he asks this.

"Drake isn't my first name," I answer him. "It's my last. My first name is Nathan." Oliver nods. The way he looks at me is unlike any other Alpha, though. That's the problem with Alphas, they always claim what's theirs. They always do, and I hate it. I hate that I'm an Omega, and I have to submit, heed to every order of any Alpha. Little do I know, the man in front of me is more than just an Alpha. He's the King. The King of Starling City and the Pack he rules. Not that I'm complaining. I have no right to complain. I hum low, getting up on my feet. Oliver walks up to me, crossing his arms.

"If you don't mind me asking, Nate, if I can call you that, how far along are you?" I nod, and answer him clear as day,

"I'm twenty weeks pregnant. I should be showing by now pretty soon after the twenty-first week or so." Oliver nods. I look at him, watching him closely. Can I trust this man? I'm not too sure. Diggle takes the plate that Oliver had in his hand, and by the smell, I can tell what it is: grilled cheese, with bacon on the inside. The bread obviously is wheat. I sniff at it, my mouth watering. Oliver chuckles.

"Eat it, Nathan," he says to me. "It's okay." I look at him, my eyes narrowed. Taking the grilled cheese sandwich, I turn it around, before I bite into it, the flavors of cheese and bacon filling my mouth. I've never felt so hungry before, not until now. Holy shit. Oliver and Diggle watch me eat.

"He seems fine, considering what he went through," Diggle says. Oliver nods, watching me. "I can't imagine anyone kidnapping him, though." Oliver looks at him.

"Maybe that's why he's here, because he was captured. Wherever he lives, it's no longer his home now." I look at them. Can this be true? I'm never going back home to Sully? Gods, I need to find him, and fast. I don't have a lot of time left. Because of my pregnancy, tears fill my eyes. Oliver notices this, and walks up to me.

"Nathan," he says. "Are you okay?" I turn to him, my eyes watering. I shake my head, as I start to cry. Damn my hormones right now. Oliver shushes me, wrapping his arms around me. I bury my head in his shoulder. For some reason, I feel safe with him, a lot safer than I felt in years, since Sully took me off the streets in Cartagena when I was a kid. Trembling, I stay there in Oliver's arms, abandoning the grilled cheese sandwich completely. Diggle takes the sandwich, and places it in the microwave. I watch as the cheese in the sandwich starts to melt. I hum low, as Oliver nuzzles me.

"Nathan," he says softly yet sternly. "This is an order from an Alpha to an Omega. Come to bed with me. I won't try anything, considering you're already pregnant." I nod, curling a hand around my belly. I feel like I can trust Oliver. Diggle takes the grilled cheese sandwich out, and places it in front of me. I eat it fairly quickly, being sure that the cheese won't affect my pregnancy, which it shouldn't. I know it won't do any harm to the pup I'm carrying. Once I'm done eating, I put the plate up, only for Diggle to take it upstairs. I raise an eyebrow.

"What's upstairs?" I ask Oliver, turning to him. Oliver turns to look at me, then answers,

"We're in the basement of my bar here in Starling City, known as Verdant. I have a place where you can stay the night with no interruptions." I blink my eyes, curling a hand around my belly protectively. Oliver places his hand over mine, and our eyes lock.

"What are you trying to do?" I ask him, my eyes narrowed in suspicion. Oliver lifts his hand, looking at me.

"I just wanted to see if the pup was doing fine," he says to me. "That's all, Nathan." I nod, sniffing.

"How can I be sure I can trust you with mine and my baby's life?" I ask him. Oliver folds his arms.

"That's a good question," he says to me. "Well, I'll think of something, but first, duty calls." He heads upstairs, Diggle on his heels. A blonde woman walks up to me, her glasses hanging a little bit off her nose. She's wearing a white skirt, followed by a pretty green blouse.

"My name is Felicity Smoak," she says. "I am a Beta, who just so happens to be working with Oliver and John." I nod to her.

"Nathan Drake," I say softly. Felicity nods. She pushes her glasses up, smiling. "Your boss sounds like a good guy." She laughs.

"I don't think so," she says. "Oliver has been through a lot since the island." I nod. I knew he would bring it up to her. A Beta like her, obviously. Felicity's heels clack against the ground, as she walks towards a computer. Blinking my eyes, I watch her carefully.

"You were on the island with Oliver too, weren't you?" She asks me. I blink my eyes at her. What kind of a question is that? I sigh.

"I guess so."

"Okay, then tell me, Mr. Drake, what happened on the island of Lian Yu?" When she asks this, I don't know why, but for some reason, my head starts to hurt, throb more likely. Grunting, I clench the side of my head as a memory comes to mind:

|Lian Yu, 5 Years Ago|
|Normal POV|

Nathan Drake looks around at the crashed wreckage of the plane that he and Sully were in before they had crashed. The wings are busted, but the parachutes look to be in pristine condition, even though he and Sully never once thought about using them before the plane wreck. The entire back of the plane is gone, but the front is in flames. Nathan moves so that he doesn't end up getting caught in the flames. He coughs, as he steps out, wiping his dirty hands on his crisp white button-up that's half-tucked in his jeans, and unbuttoned near the collar.

As he looks around, he notices that there are a bunch of trees on the island, giving it more of a forest look. But other than that, it looks like people have been to this island before, courtesy of arrows and such on the ground, bodies too. Nathan cringes, then rubs his arms, getting a bit cold. He wished he'd brought a jacket with him before he left, but damn if he didn't want one now. It kinda reminds him of the time he was lost in the Rub' al Khali desert looking for Iram of the Pillars. Back then, he was hot during the day, and cold throughout the night. Now, on this uncharted island, he doesn't know what the temperature will be.

Blinking his eyes, he looks around a bit more, until he spots three people in the distance: two males, and a female. He listens carefully, until a scent off of one of the males hits him hard. He's an Alpha. Shaking his head, Nathan walks forward, stepping on a twig, and gaining the trio's attention. The blonde long-haired male who is the Alpha and American, turns his head towards him.

"Who are you?" He asks. "Are you with Fyers?" Nathan blinks his eyes. He's never heard that name before, nor is it recognizable in the very least. He shakes his head.

"No," he answers him. "I'm not. The name Fyers doesn't ring any bells at all." The other man says in a thick Australian accent,

"Kid, he's telling the truth. He has no reason to lie." The Alpha turns to the other male, then to the female. She has raven hair, which is long and messy.

"Shado, can you?" He asks. The female, now known to Nathan as Shado, nods her head, then walks up to Nathan. The scent of Omega hits him, and he relaxes.

"You're an Omega, too?" He asks her. Shado nods.

"That's right. This is Slade, and Oliver." She introduces the two Alphas with her. "Slade is my mate." The Australian Alpha, now known to Nathan as Slade, walks up to Shado, and kisses her jaw. She purrs, then nuzzles the Alpha.

"We have to go," he says. "Fyers' boat leaves soon, and we need to hurry." Nathan nods, biting his lip softly yet nervously. He shakes gently, Oliver noticing this, and placing a hand on the Omega's shoulder.

"You okay?" He asks. Nathan nods, looking at him.

"I'll be fine," he answers. "Just a bit nervous about this Fyers dude." Oliver nods.

"Don't worry about it," he says. "Fyers may be an Alpha, but he's a bit of a dick." Nathan chuckles.

That night, the four of them are in front of a small fire that burns. Oliver every now and then will glance at Nathan, taking in the view of the male at his side. Nathan hums, as he watches over the flames. Shado and Slade end up falling asleep, as Oliver and Nathan stay up. Oliver scoots closer to Nathan.

"I smelled Omega scent on you," he says. "You're an Omega, right?" Nathan nods.

"Yes, that's right. You're an Alpha. I noticed that in your scent." Oliver nods, impressed by the Omega. He moves in slightly, letting his hand reach for his neck, gripping it gently. Nathan shudders, gasping softly. Oliver pulls his hand away.

"Sorry," he says. "Did I hurt you?" Nathan shakes his head. He touches the same spot that Oliver touched, humming.

"You didn't hurt me, it's just.....I'm a little sensitive there," he says. "Nothing to worry about, really." Oliver hums, then gets up.

"Can we talk away from them?" He gestures to the sleeping Shado and Slade. Nathan nods, and gets up as well, following him. Once they're near the water, and away from them, Oliver turns to Nathan, his heart racing. The Omega blinks his blue eyes.

"Well?" Nathan asks. "What did you want to talk about?" Oliver takes his hands.

"I don't know how I'm gonna be able to say this, and not make it corny, but I think I like you." He confesses. Nathan chuckles, but when he sees the serious look in Oliver's eyes, he realizes he's not joking.

"You're not kidding?" He asks. Oliver shakes his head. "Wait, wait, hold on a second, okay? I need to wrap my head around this for a moment." He moves away from the Alpha, and Oliver lets him. He won't make a move unless it's consensual from the Omega. That's how his mother raised him. Nathan finally looks at him after a couple of minutes, taking in Oliver's complexion. The messy blonde hair, the bulging biceps from beneath the tight black shirt from training with Shado, and many, many more. For some reason, he finds himself staring at the Alpha, lost in dirty thoughts. Oliver finally chuckles, snapping him out of his lewd stupor.

"You done checking me out?" Oliver asks, grinning. Nathan blushes. Damn, he'd noticed. The Alpha chuckles, and moves closer to the Omega, his lips pursed, as he takes a hand, and places it on the back of Nathan's head. He runs his fingers through his brown hair. Nathan just looks at him, speechless, wanting to say something, but notices the look in Oliver's eyes. Need, want, and lust fills his blue eyes. Nathan reaches for his shirt, taking it off. Oliver does the same, looking the Omega in the eyes, before he leans in, kissing him hard. He pulls him in, as the kiss gets heated. Nathan moans softly in pleasure.

"Mmm....Ollie...." Nathan mumbles, kissing the Alpha hard, running his fingers through the long blonde locks of hair. Oliver's fingers trace circles and other shapes up his back, spine and shoulder blades, starting a flame in Nathan's belly, that only grows bigger with each caress, each shape drawn into his back and spine. Nathan shivers once more, as Oliver pulls away from the kiss.

"Let's take this somewhere else," he says. "Somewhere we won't be interrupted." Nathan nods, liking the idea. He wants him to Bite him, Mark him as his Mate. The Primal need filling both their bones at once is enough for both Alpha and Omega. Oliver pulls him by the arm, leading him to a secluded part of the large island. A rumble sounds in Oliver's throat as he leads the other man to the secluded area of the island. He even put his hands over his eyes, and let him be in front while he led him to where he was going.

"Where are you taking me?" He asks, chuckling. Oliver smiles.

"You'll see." He says to the man. Oliver then stops, then lifts his hands from Nathan's eyes. "You can open them now." He says cheerfully. Nathan's eyes flutter open, and he gasps.

In front of him is a gorgeous lake, decorated with a waterfall, smelling of jasmine and lilies. Water lilies float along the water, and the moon shines down over the water's surface, giving the lake a serene and sensual mood and vibe. Nathan walks up to the edge.

"How did you find this place?" He asks, incredulous. "I'm surprised this place isn't packed with Alphas, Betas and Omegas right now." Oliver chuckles.

"This is the only other water source on the island, besides the rivers that run here, and the ocean that surrounds it. What do you think, Nathan?" Nathan smiles. He turns to Oliver, as the Alpha takes his hand.

"This place is amazing, Oliver," he answers him. "It's gorgeous, really." Oliver chuckles, wrapping his arms around the Omega, resting his chin on his shoulder.

"Nathan, have you taken any Suppressants?" He asks him, his breath ghosting against his Scent Gland. Nathan shivers. He tilts his head back some.

"No," he says. "I haven't. Not since I crash landed here, and Sully went missing." Oliver nods.

"Then, may I ask.....have you.....?" His voice trails off. Nathan nods, understanding what the Alpha's saying.

"I have. It started yesterday. My Heat. It'll take a while before it fully hits, though." Oliver cups the Omega's cheek, and they lock eyes. The fire that has ignited in Nathan's belly continues to grow, lust replacing whatever is in his eyes right now. Oliver growls softly. He wants to Mate him, his Rut is close, he can feel it.

"Nate," he says to him. "My Rut has started. I can't hold myself back from you. you, Nathan Drake." Nathan's breath hitches in his throat, as he looks into Oliver's eyes, which have gone red in arousal. He leans in, until his lips are inches away from Nathan's.

"I.....I love you too, Oliver Queen." Nathan says softly, before he leans in, and kisses the Alpha, his body trembling in Heat and arousal. Oliver's eyes flash red, the Alpha in him taking over. He growls low, opening the Omega's mouth with his tongue then shoving it into the canal of his mouth, licking the roof of it, and the bottom with his tongue, until he feels Nathan's tongue mix and intertwine with his. He is shocked, really, but nonetheless, impressed. Oliver then buries his nose into the Omega's scent Gland, as Nathan growls in pleasure. Oliver smells Nathan's Heat scent, and he breathes it in, growling.

"Omega," he says, his eyes flashing red. Nathan arches, his chest pushing into Oliver's. He gasps, shuddering. Oliver hooks his fingers in the Omega's shirt, looking into his eyes, wanting permission. Nathan nods, and Oliver removes the shirt. He then removes his own, revealing a hairless chest, and the V in his hips, his pants hanging dangerously low. Nathan growls, then goes for the Alpha's pants, but Oliver stops him with a grip on the back of his neck, making the male whimper.

"O-Ollie..." Nathan shudders. "Alpha.~" As soon as the word spills from his mouth, Oliver's eyes flash, and he growls, before pushing Nathan on his back, kissing him deeply, rubbing his skin, running his fingers through his hair, and over his skin, tracing his ribs, chest and thighs, down towards his cock. Once he reaches it, and grabs it, a lustful growl escapes from Nathan's throat, and the Omega arches his back. The Heat that's taken over the Omega is strong, hitting Oliver's nostrils hard. He sucks in a breath, his own cock hardening in his pants. He swiftly strips of his pants and boxers, before showing his fingers to Nathan.

"Suck." He demands. Nathan purrs, his glowing golden eyes filled with lust, as he sucks on the Alpha's fingers seductively, making Oliver's cock twitch. The Alpha purrs. He then pulls out his fingers, and inserts one into Nathan, making the Omega wince. He groans in pleasure, his body trembling. Oliver then inserts two more fingers, separately, so he doesn't hurt Nathan. Nathan stares at him with glowing golden orbs.

"Alpha, please," he says, shaking. Oliver purrs. "Please, Oliver." The Alpha kisses the inside of the Omega's thighs, reaching towards his cock. He takes it down his throat, making Nathan arch his back and groan in pleasure. He bucks his hips up against Oliver's mouth, his fingers running through the locks of hair of the Alpha. Oliver growls, his mouth still wrapped around the Omega's length, sucking on the head, then going back down on the shaft, towards his balls, then back up again, making the Omega groan.

"You gonna cum for me?" Oliver asks, letting go of Nathan for a second, as his cock twitches in between his legs. Nathan nods, arching his back, whimpering. Oliver keeps going, until Nathan screams out his release.

"Good boy," Oliver says, letting go of Nathan, then runs a hand over his skin. He grips the Omega's shoulders, then pulls him up by his hand to his feet, then leading him to the water. They both waltz in, the water cascading over their hips. Nathan's hips are a bit wider than Oliver's, due to him being an Omega. Oliver looks at his Omega, then pulls him by his hips until their bodies are flush against each other. Nathan chuckles, as Oliver Scent Marks him, burying his nose into the crook of his Omega's throat, neck and shoulder. Nathan arches his back, closing his eyes, fluttering them shut. His eyelashes brush against his lower eyelids, as the Alpha nips his neck.

"Mate with me, Nathan," he whispers, purring. "Please, my Omega. We shall Hunt, then we shall make love on the bodies of our Prey." Nathan purrs, as Oliver nibbles his neck, then pulls away, pushing the Omega into the side of the rock. He then climbs out of the water, not caring that he's still naked. Nathan chuckles, following the Alpha. He caresses the side of his neck, then Oliver pulls him in, the water dripping down, followed by slick, Nathan's slick, running down the Omega's legs.

"You're in Heat, Nate," Oliver whispers. "Need my help?" The Omega turns to him, eyes glowing golden.

"Mate," he says. "Please. Need your Knot, Alpha. Please." Oliver's eyes glow red, and he snarls. He pulls his Omega up to his feet, then they both run off, Oliver giving Chase to Nathan. This is a Mating Ritual, a Ritual that can't be undone by any Alpha or Omega, except for those that are Bonded Mates, like Oliver and Nathan.

"Keep running, Nate," the Alpha says. "Scent out the Prey first, then ambush it. Lead it towards me, then I'll make the kill." Nathan nods, racing ahead. He then hears something, and he turns his head, seeing a deer. The Scent hits him hard, and he looks at Oliver. The Alpha nods, then races to the other side. He slinks his way through the underbrush, then pops his head out, giving the signal to the Omega. Nathan nods, then races forward, running on his hands and feet, his teeth bared. The Omega trips the deer, making it fall. Before the fawn can move, Oliver appears, eyes red, snarling, then sinks his teeth into the fawn's throat. Nathan purrs, as he sinks his teeth as well into the deer's hide, tasting the meat within. Blood coats the Omega's lips.

"I wanna try something, if you're willing," he says. "Are you?" Nathan nods, lying on his back, ignoring the fact his mouth is still stained with deer blood. Oliver takes the heart of the deer, holding it in his palm, before biting into it, the blood squirting from the arteries. He then dips his hand into the blood, then runs it across Nathan's chest, shoulders, legs and back, until his body is covered in the deer blood. Nathan purrs, and does the same to Oliver, his cock hardening once more. They both eat at the heart, liver, and other organs of the deer.

Once they've finished with their meal, still covered in blood, Oliver purrs in Nathan's ear,

"Mate with me." Nathan kisses him, his slick still running down his bloody legs, as Oliver pushes into him. Nathan breaks the kiss, groaning. His Heat takes over, his eyes glowing golden. Oliver sighs, his Alpha cock pushing deep into his Omega until it's hitting his womb. Nathan moans in pleasure, his claws digging into the ground beneath him.

"Fuck, Ollie," Nathan purrs. "Move, baby." Oliver moves his hips, his skin slapping against Nathan's, as the Omega moans beneath him, screaming in pleasure. Nathan's claws dig into his Alpha's shoulders, as Oliver pulls out, flips him over, then pushes back into him again, hitting his womb with his cock. He strokes Nathan's cock in time as his thrusts. He thrusts his hips faster, Nathan moaning and screaming in pleasure.

"Oh, fuck, Ollie," Nathan moans. "Alpha, your Knot feels so good.~" Oliver purrs, running his fingers over the bare skin on his shoulder.

"Want me to Mark you, baby?~" the Alpha asks, moving his hips faster once more. Nathan nods, shivering once more. Oliver feels a burst of pride and love fill him from the inside out, as he Howls, sinking his fangs deep into his Omega's shoulder, his Rut having taken over completely. Once he does this, Nathan, who's close to releasing, cums, his body shivering and trembling. He screams out his Mate's name, as Oliver Marks him with a Mating Bite, and cums as well, his seed hitting the Omega's womb, and filling him up.

|Present day|
|General POV|
|Arrow's Hideout|

Nathan grunts as he's pulled to his feet. He catches sight of the Alpha at his side.

"Oliver?" He asks. The Alpha nods. His blue eyes are filled with worry.

"Are you okay?" He asks him. Nathan nods, curling a hand on his belly.

"Oliver, there's something I have to say to you." Oliver turns to the Omega.

"What is it?" He asks. Nathan sucks in a breath.

"I never told you who the father of my pup is, nor did I say who the Alpha I Mated with was." Oliver lifts an eyebrow in interest.

"Who is it?" He asks. Nathan sucks in another breath, before saying,

"It's you, Oliver. You're the father to this pup, and the Alpha I Mated with."

Dun dun dun! Suspense, people! Tell me what you think! This is my longest fanfic I've ever done! Tell me what you want to see next. Will Oliver acknowledge Nathan as his Mate and accept the pup he's carrying as his? Or will Oliver push Nathan away, after all that he's been through since the island? Please comment on what you want to see.

Word Count: 5,895

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