Chap.2: The King's Downfall.....

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Toshiko's POV:
The next day after practice, we're off to play our volleyball match where my team were ready and prepared for today's game. I sat besides the coach to watch them especially my brother. The team that we're playing against is Yukigaoka Junior High.

However once we got to the stadium, I didn't expect Yukigaoka to have such young kids. They look like they're in elementary school. However they're all pretty cute and they even blushed when they noticed me which I get that a lot when I come to watch volleyball matches. Not to be rude or anything, but damn how are they going to beat them?

Before the game starts, the teammates I went to the bathroom. However once I got out of the girls' bathroom, I walked down the hallway while listening to DNA by BTS.

(Swiped the pic to listen to the music^)

While listening to BTS, I stopped when I saw a couple of my teammates talking to some orange haired boy.

They're not making fun of the little guy aren't they? I'm going to kick their ass.

I thought as I walked up to them but stopped when I saw my brother telling them off.

"Oi quite fooling around and get back to the court now!"

"Y-Yes senpai!"

The teammates rushed back to the court and he out a sigh as he crossed his arms.

"And you too Toshiko."

He stated as I peered out from the corner shocking the orange haired boy.

"Wah! Y-You're that girl!"


I spun my head to him as he flinches when he saw me. He then chuckled nervously and smiled awkwardly at me.

"Ummm uhhhh...GOTTA GO!"

He then ran back to the court as I tilt my head curiously at him.

"What's his deal?"

I asked curiously as I noticed my brother glaring at the orange haired cinnamon roll for some reason.

Kageyama's POV:
He better not have a crush on my sister!

"Kageyama the game's about to start."

"Wha? Oh right, come on Toshiko."


As I grab on to Toshiko's hand, we walked back to the court as brother and sister.

Toshiko's POV:
Once we got back from the bathroom, the game has already started as I watched my brother and his team compete against Yukigaoka.

And things are getting tense since my brother and his team are stronger than before, but I feel bad for the little cinnamon roll since his team is having a hard time over there.


The ginger haired boy attempted to slam the ball but fails which causes onii-san to ridicule him.

"Are you kidding me? Why would a pipsqueak like you play something like this?"

He harshly insulted him which I frowned at his harsh remark towards the little cinnamon roll, but he refuses to give in as Kageyama's team is ready for the next serve. However something happened when the referee throws the ball to Yukigaoka. I saw something unexpected.....


"Yeah man, damn! I didn't expect that from a shorty like him!"

While our team are babbling about the cinnamon roll's first move, I became shocked when I saw a glimpse of the short cinnamon roll dashed through the court like a speeding bullet.

"Wow...he's fast."

I gasped in awe with my eyes gleaming in fascination. Kageyama however gets irritated and yells at his teammates like he usually does.

"Hey stop gawking and keep serving the ball!"

He barked at them with all of them rolled their eyes and reluctantly did what he told them to do. I sighed at how typical my brother is.

Geez even after cinnamon roll did an amazing shot, he still acts like a jerk to his teammates?

"He's going to regret this later...."

I sighed unfortunately as I watched the match where the real game has just began. As the game goes by, our already won, but I feel bad for the cinnamon roll's team losing.

Right after the game is over, my brother and I were talking outside where I questioned him about his motives for volleyball.

"Onii-san, was it necessary to yell at your teammates like that?"

I asked curiously.

"What? I'm just being honest, those guys weren't paying attention!"

Kageyama bluntly stated, but I sighed and shook my head at my brother's brashness.

"Be careful what you say oni-san, the more you yell at them, the more hate you're going to get. And you're going to regret it."

I bluntly assured him but deep down I cared for Kageyama and I don't want him to end up regretting his decisions.

Unfortunately that cake true because the team got sick of him and benched him. However that's not all, he even got rejected by Shiratorizawa and he decides to go to Karasuno High. On the other hand, I pass my exam for Shiratorizawa, but I declined the offer and went to the same school as my brother cuz why not?

Right after we left Kitagawa junior high, my brother and I walked out way to Karasuno High where things are getting a bit tiring when Kageyama and I are bantering while walking our way to Karasuno.



I asked curiously with a deadpan look

"Why are you attending the same school as me?"

Kageyama asked curiously.

"Because I want to be with you Oni-san and I care for you because you always do stupid things."

I bluntly stated as a tick mark forms on his forehead and glanced at me with a glare.

"Since when did I do stupid things like that?"

He irritably asked.

"You mean due to the fact that you failed your exam for Shiratorizawa? Yeah let's go with that."

I bluntly remarked as he twitches at my snarky blunt remark but turns away from me.

"Tch whatever! Just do whatever you want!"

He coldly spat as I formed a peace sign for victory with a stoic expression.

Once we got to Karasuno High, we got to the gym where I played volleyball with my brother. I don't mind playing with my brother since Kageyama got me into liking volleyball in the first place. I'm not really a sports fan but I don't mind watching my brother play as a manager.

While we're playing volleyball, something sudden happen when we heard a loud shout across the gym.


We then turned to see a young short guy with ginger hair and brown eyes. I widen my eyes to recognized the cinnamon roll from my brother's last match with him.

"You're that cinnamon roll boy."

I spoke in a demure tone with a blank expression shocking the ginger haired boy when he noticed me.

"Y-You're here too?!"

He stuttered with a surprise look as I glanced at my brother to see Kageyama glaring at the little cinnamon roll.

Oh boy, this is going to be a pain....

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