10|The Gift

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Kelly LeVonne

It's been over a week since that embarrassing encounter but it hasn't made me think of Theodore any less. Although, these days it hasn't been as frequent since I have found myself overwhelmingly busy.

A few days ago, I had returned from work to hear from my mother that she wanted to throw a huge end of summer party as it was now the month of September. In my opinion, it was totally and absolutely irrelevant but to my mother, this was the most important thing in her life right about now. The house was now constantly filled with workers flitting in and out with equipments and decorations, it was honestly ridiculous.

The dress code was flexible which meant I could wear anything. This made me relieved as with the stress going on at work and Greg the Jerk's non stop stupid advances I was on my wits end and wouldn't consider a night in a tight fitted evening dress fun at all. Neither will going shopping so I decided I would search for something from my closet.

A few days ago, my ever adventurous elder  brother finally returned from God knows where so at least I knew at this party no one will be paying any attention to me, even better.

As soon as I return from work, I find myself hightailing it to the hot tub and relaxing from the stress of this week. Once done, I get dressed and go down to find Tate and Callen in the kitchen with my mother.

"Hey guys." I greet as I walk to the large fridge to get something to drink.

Mom is at the stove which is a highly rare occurrence.

"Where are the maids?" I ask her.

"Mom chased them away." Callen answers for her popping something into his mouth. Tate gave me a smile which I returned.

"How are you?" I asked him. Since he returned with Callen I hadn't seen him at all. Tate, just like us was born into an aristocratic family. The Kent family owned one of the biggest luxury car dealing companies in the world and with Tate being the only child in his family, he had a lot of pressure and high expectations pending. Last I heard, he had agreed with his father that he will take over the company but only when he comes back from his world adventure tour of which I have no idea how long that is supposed to be. So, every other day, he and Callen are jetting off to one country or the other and being called by the media "the bad boys of Westgate" for their shenanigans.

Callen had promised my father the same but my dad was less concerned. He felt that he was still fit and able to control the company effectively, and he had me so he was a lot more lenient with Callen than Tate's father was to him.

"I'm good." Tate replies with a smile. "And how are you, Kel-bear?" He asks with that ridiculous nickname that I o' so hate.

I roll my eyes at him before going to walk away. "Hold it."

I hear his loud laugher behind me.

"Oh, Kelly." Mum calls from the stove.

"Yes, Mum?" I answer.

"That came in for you earlier." She points at a black box that is laid on the edge of the kitchen island.

I quickly walk to it, curious as to what could be in it. I see the box is wrapped in a gold bow and has a note attached to it.

I apologize for the other day.

This is all that is written in the note but I feel as if my heart was beating a mile an hour from those few words which I didn't fail to notice were written personally if the inked cursive handwriting was anything to go by.

I wanted to scream. There I was this past week beating myself up about the piano incident, hating that I didn't apologize meanwhile he was probably doing the same to himself.

I ripped the box open quickly to see a dress. Something told me not to open that here so with the box tightly in my grasp, I ran out of the kitchen.

"Dinner will be served soon." I hear mom yell after me but I couldn't be bothered by that now.

On getting to my room, I open the box to see a beautiful blood red dress. A beautiful, fucking revealing, blood red dress. The dress is knee length at the back but higher at the front no doubt to show my thighs. The middle of the sides have ropes around it letting me know immediately that I can't wear a bra with that dress and the back is really low but the bust is tight fitting. The front is a deep plunging V neckline and the hands are tiny spaghetti straps. I'm guessing he wants me to wear this tomorrow. I can already imagine the look on my mother's face if she sees me wearing this 'scraplike' dress. And then I noticed another note in the box.

Indulge me, x.


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Mid week update because I have some amazing readers for real.

What do you think is Theodore's motive for sending Kelly this gift, if he has any?

Also, I just published a new book, 'The Personal Affair'. It is about an office romance and a secret affair, please I will greatly appreciate if you give it a try.

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