Prologue: The day a king fell (short)

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Years ago a legend was born  in the world. The tale of a legendary pirate by the name of Gold Roger. A legend that would change the world and usher in a era of Pirates.   Upon a pirate ship a man  was seen sleeping in his quarters peacefully until he was woken up by a crewmate. The man yawned  before walking out with a smile upon his face.

???: Ah Good morning  what's the news today Tom?

Tom:  We'll be reaching a new island very soon


Roger: That's just great and I see the paper has some rather great news aswell! I can't believe that he's gotten quite the bounty on his head hahaha!

Roger walked  over and gazed upon the  clear and shining seas.

Roger: I must saw this  ship is quite remarkable my fish man friend! I know I say it often but it's just that glorious!

Tom: I've told you before Roger for one known to all as King of the Pirates You should have a ship worthy of such title and made with gusto!

Roger: Your work shows my friend!

As they soon arrived at the island Roger and his crew left their ship when they noticed a ship familiar ship. Roger grinned and continued on to the nearest bar without a care.  Entering the bar and sitting down Roger's right hand spoke.

Rayleigh:  So Roger what's next after this huh?

Roger: Not a clue Rayleigh but not doubt this island has great mysteries for us to find!

Rayleigh sighed with a smile drinking his booze.

Rayleigh: Typical of you..Well  i'm game anyways!

Roger laughed and drank before he turned with a realization.

Roger: That reminds me! I hear you're wife has given birth to a son!  I congratulate you

Kozuki Oden!

Oden:*grins* It is truly  joyous  news Roger! However I heard i'm not the only one with such news!

Roger   and Oden  patted each other on the back laughing.  For Roger too had been trying to have a child with the love of his life

Portgas D Rouge a woman from a small village the Pirate had met in his travels. Roger had found himself time after time coming to see Rouge and so their love would blossom.

Roger: Maybe some day I shall have to introduce you to him when he grows up my friend!

Oden: Heh it'll be a honor!

Hearing a noise outside Roger  left the bar;seeing 5 men flying pass him. Turning to the man responsible roger smirked.

Roger: I was wondering when i'd run into ya

Newgate...Or do ya prefer the name Whitebeard now?

Whitebeard: Heh's been awhile since we last met.

Roger: Agreed I saw in the paper  you've gained quite a bounty on your head?

Whitebeard: And what If I did?

Roger saw Whitebeard pulling out his giant spear with a smirk. Doing the same with his blade Roger spoke back.

Roger: Let's see if your worth it shall we?!

Running off towards a forest area The two rivals began to clash causing the island to shake. Whitebeard swung his arm at Roger who jumped over it then swung his sword. Spinning his spear Whitebeard blocked the strike  creating sparks. The two jumped back still smirking each other. Each attack the two titans of Pirates threw at each other was met with equal force.   Surrounding their blade's with a bizarre invisible armor the two  swung at each other smiling at each other.

Roger: Not bad at all!

Whitebeard: The feeling is mutual! 

After the 2 soon ended their fight in a draw the 2  and their crews were seen drinking and partying together. For hours they went on until Whitebeard spoke.

Whitebeard: Hey Roger...I have a question.

Roger: Yeah?

Whitebeard:  Do you ever think about the future?.....The generation that'll come once we have died? What ideals do you think they'd risk their lives to fight for?

Roger:...I have and I don't really care. The way I see it to live a life as a pirate means only one thing..

Whitebeard: Oh yeah and that  is?

Roger:Freedom...Newgate To be a pirate is to be more free than others..A life of adventure not  held down by the shackles of oppression. Whenever I die I will do so as I always have. Smiling knowing the freedom I had enjoyed with the people I cherish. My crew, my darling  Rouge,and you my greatest friend!

Whitebeard smiled at Roger's answer feeling content with it. For Whitebeard this moment no this Era was to be cherished. However like all good things it too would have to come to a end.  

The marines would finally catch Roger years later.  Brought to the platform he would die on Roger smiled before the crowd roared out to him about his treasure.


Civilian 2 :YEAH!

Roger: So you all want my treasure?......

Staring up at the crowd who waited in baited breath Roger spoke once more.

Roger: You can have it!....All of my treasures.....I've gathered it all together in one place! Now all you have to do is find it!

With those final words Roger's death would change the very course of history and shape the next Era. This caused thousands to raise their own flag in hopes of gathering the famed treasure that would come to be known as the One Piece. This  tale is about one such man who would gather a crew that would come to shake the world

To it's very core and raise a flag that would carry Roger's legacy 

To be continued

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