Chapter 1: The Grove of Mystery

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(Has cursing)
☆Sky's POV☆
It happened once again, the assassin Mystic M and the thief Troller killed and stole another batch of gold right from under our nose. Damit they are good at their jobs. This has been happening speradically throughout the whole year. Me and my generals have been getting so stressed about that whole guild, thats right, a guild. It's a guild where only the best thieves and assassins go to gain money. I guess this why the other Kingdoms say I should get an oracle. Oracles are people who have the ability to see into the future without any conflict and some could know which people are soulmate. I sigh, going towards my throne room to hear the peoples problems. They're all probably about love, all my subjects have trouble with this concept. I run into my two generals Ty and Brice, the lovers, and start to talk about these problems. "I wish we knew someone who is able to determine who's soulmate is who." General Ty said rounding the corner. Just as we did though we ran into one of my soldiers who looked like he had gotten bad news. "King Sky, we have gotten word that there is a witch in the Mysterious Grove we had just discovered. What are your orders." I thought for a moment, thinking if I wanted to kill the witch. Then an idea sprang into my mind. "No, me and most of my generals will go to this witch. If they are bad then we will kill them, but if they are good we might have a solution to our problems." The soldier saluted and went off to find many of my generals. In the end I was able to find Ian, Jerome, Simon, Jason, and Nick. Ross was busy with making medication for the kingdom and Barney was training his troops. So really it was only 8 out of my 10 generals. We heard that animals go crazy in the Grove so we decided to not take the horses. As we got out of the castle I began to wonder how this mission will go.
(Look its the mystical mysterious time skip. Oooooohhh ○▪○)
As we neared the middle of the Grove we all heard a person (Jerome said a girl) singing a unique song. We quickly but quietly went over to where we heard the singing. We saw a girl with hair the color of a sunset with light blue at the end and a purple kimono. Her hair was super long and some of it was tied up to the side. Her eyes looked like the galaxy Itself. She looked quite young in my eyes, like 14 or 13ish, and was smiling softly. We notice that she seemed to be in the front yard of a old but seemingly cozy house. I give my friends/generals the sign to wait for my signal. I carefully but calmly walk over to the girl and say, "Hi there, who might you be and is this your house?" She quickly turned around and gasped. She had the look of fear in her eyes. "U-um what might you be doing here. A-and this h-house is m-mine." I smile at her and say, "My kingdom got word that a witch lived here and we have a few issues so I came here to ask for your help. I heard witches can do many things and I wish for you to be the kingdom's Oracle." She looked at me with shocked eyes and asked, "Isn't having a witch as a Oracle seen as a disgrace?" I smile and say, "No it isn't seen as a disgrace, its just never been done before. So is that a yes or are you still thinking about it?" She looks up then back at me, "Its getting late out and I can tell the trip here was long, how about I tell you my answer in the morning. And you can rest here with your generals tonight because getting through the forest at night is impossible." Now it was my turn to look at her with shocked eyes. 'How did she know about my generals being with me?' "Sure, that would be amazing, but how did you know about my generals?" I ask, giving them the signal to come out. "Silly, I'm a witch remember, I sensed them with my magic." She said as she walks to her house. "Are you coming?" "Yes yes, wait for us."
Hoiiiii thats all your gonna get for now. I hope you really enjoyed the chapter and have to ask you all something. I have been debating on whether I should add your ocs to the story or not. So I will leave the decision up to you guys. Either way is fine with me so please tell me if you want me to add ocs. Have a maplishious day and a random week. Bu by- Tommy: CANADA WE NEED EXTREME HELP, SOMEONE STOLE ALL THE CANDY AND WE HAVE NONE LEFT. Me: OH MY POLOR BEAR, THIS IS A NIGHTMARE, WE MUST SAVE THE CANDY. Tommy: bye readers

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