XIV : Ela

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The dusk was much different in the mountain. The warm colors of the eve were more vivid, shining faintly through the thick clouds. It was as if the sun was standing right in front of Ela, slipping behind the hills. It was a promise that the day-star would shine once again, that the night was simply a brief period of slumber before the soft hues of dawn emerged afresh.

The fire was crackling softly in the placid atmosphere. The shade of a tall hill next to her cast a shadow on Ela's face as she observed the dancing flames. What am I doing here? she wondered, and sometimes she failed to answer that question of hers. When she was locked inside a bare room, staring at a blank wall and hearing Arden talk about how important sacrifices for the team are. When she argued with the crew, holding back her power and trying not to boil everyone in the melted snow. There were times she wanted to leave and go back and cease with all the nonsense.

But those were moments when the sweet taste of short-lived freedom intoxicated her. In reality, she was well aware that she would never be independent were she to return, not in the army, not trapped in a palace as a decorative noble.

Maybe the Kingfisher would give her a new purpose, a new place in the world. But she would have to wait to see that, and being dragged back to Seyal was no longer an option. Kage had made his intentions clear. No matter what she was once told about Flouorn's horrid crimes and their atrocious actions, the girl was starting to realize that a complete militia of people like her would do more harm than the enemy had ever done.

"Hey, brat!" Nora peeked out of the short tent, pointing at the blotted logs. "Put the fire out and come here already. We can't sleep knowing you're wandering out there."

Ela grimaced. "Is my presence really that soothing?"

"If that will make you go to sleep already then yes, yes it is."

The girl smothered the flames with a few handfuls of snow, patting her clothes free of the fluff and tottering towards the tent to the right. Their temporary inhabitants had been elected rather fairly; boys in one and girls in the other. Salo and Arden had already disappeared into theirs, with occasional snores, hushes and apologies following close after.

Ailyn had disappeared behind the fat flaps of fabric not long after she had finished eating; if the pungent canned fish could be considered food. Her eyes were clouded and lips curved down into a small frown, like all the other days. Maybe that day was justified. And maybe every other sulk was rationalized by the endless moments of silence that ticked by in the dull cabin. What Ela couldn't explain was the glint of hope shining through the fog blurring her expression. What was there to long for? Their eventual arrest? The time of desperation when they would have to kiss Kage's feet, hoping they wouldn't be charged with treason?

Hoping was foolish at the moment. All that mattered was doing.

Ela crawled between the two bodies in the tent. The green fabric filtered the moonlight, casting weak rays of jade on her eyes. The girl shifted her body, facing Nora. Her eyes were still open and they immediately fell on the girl as she curled her feet to her chest for some warmth.

"Have you ever been to a slumber party before?" the spy whispered.

"Well, I have been invited. Never attended one."

Nora pouted her lips. "You know, the training camps in Flouorn are like an eternal slumber party. Everyone sleeps wherever they like."

"It mustn't be the only disorganized thing in that country."

Nora gasped, bringing a hand to her chest. They might have talked freely, laughed and shared stories, but the spy remained the enemy. Ela had to constantly remind herself that. No matter how friendly she seemed, she was still a mole. Who knew what she would reveal to her commanders once she returned?

"We are disorganized? Have you even seen the chaos that prevails in your country right now? One of the Council has run away. Another has devoted all the country's resourced solely on finding her. One of their precious dual benders has been kidnapped--"

"I wasn't kidnapped. I'm a voluntary hostage."

Nora laughed, this time louder than before. "Voluntary hostage?"

"If I wanted to leave I would have done so a long time ago," Ela retorted.

"Will you please shut up and go to sleep?" Ailyn hissed, nudging the girls with her foot. "It is no time for arguing. You can bicker on our way back."

"We weren't arguing," Nora whispered. "Just having a political conversation. Does your country not teach you that discourse is necessary for reaching a consensus?"

Ailyn huffed, but before she could spit out another remark, the multiple stitched layers of the tent's entrance were pushed to the side and Salo's weary frown came into view. "You do realize we hear everything you say, right? Our tent is right next to yours."

After a moment of stunned silence, Nora's eyebrows neared together. "Your point being? Perhaps you want to join our debate?"

The boy heaved an exasperated sigh. "Just... sleep. I promise we can have this conversation in the morning."

She grinned. "You promised."

Salo already seemed to have regretted it. He left the tent, a thick silence occupying the atmosphere. Ela rolled to her side, snapping her eyes shut and trying to purge all thoughts from her mind. Some kept coming back, though. The ambush was a stubborn one. Was he serious, or did he just want to leave the mountain as soon as possible? She couldn't tell. The team hadn't even seen Karahi, and they were already descending. If Seyal was really planning an attack on the factory, how did they know? Had they left some kind of trail behind? Korin's brother was gone, but what if someone else knew about that place?

A thousand what if's filled her mind to the brim, few of which she knew the answer to. She decided to be impartial and keep them all tabled. As her consciousness ebbed, her mind went into free fall, swirling with the beautiful chaos of a dreamless slumber.


"Hmm... But won't Flouorn be done for after the Prince of Shadows gathers that magic army?" Salo pondered, yanking the grey shawl tighter around his neck and squinting his eyes at the sunlight illuminating the mountain.

"No, idiot. Seyal won't have the Kingfisher, we will."

The night had passed peacefully. Ela had woken up to the sound of birds chirping outside her tent and two certain voices raving on and on about the superiority of Flouorn and the stability of Frya respectively. Arden was staring at the skyline wearily while Ailyn huffed at most of Nora's arguments. The girl didn't know how to stop it, and she wasn't sure she wanted to. Their political blabber was her sole entertainment out in the peaks beside kicking around logs and counting the delicate snowflakes descending leisurely to the wet soil.

"Won't it eventually end up in Sillich's hands?" Arden chimed in. "One way or another, someone will be tempted by the reward and sell it to him."

"There is no reward for the artifact," reminded Ailyn.

"And there is for you. Imagine that."

The princess puffed, crossing her arms against her chest. "For your information, no prize can be put on something like this. It was stolen, and the Council will just demand it."

It was Nora's time to frown. "What happened to your plan?" she queried.

"It was postponed," the princess muttered, plucking a few loose threads from her coat. "Desperate times call for desperate measures. Sometimes you have to take risks to come closer to your goal."

Ela detected some kind of discreet warning in her words. Nora had told her about Ailyn's ambitions, and she couldn't deny they seemed absurd. Yet it was still characteristic of Ailyn, or who she once had been; determined, hopeful, driven by morality above all else. The past days had tainted that sense of justice, and the guilt for it was evident in the firm crease occupying her forehead.

It wasn't hard to figure out. When Arden announced his suspicions about the ambush, Ailyn had tried to seem distressed. She didn't do a really good job, though. A glint of anticipation had twinkled in her sea-green orbs, begging to be relieved of the burden she was carrying, to go back to her everyday life and be done with the trials she was enduring to find the artifact. She didn't seem to comprehend she had committed treason. Nothing could go back to how it once had been.

Ela couldn't help but wonder what the princess would do when she had to choose between the team and her country. Would she realize that Kage couldn't be persuaded in matters like these? Would she ignore everything he had done to her, all the times he used her for his own gain, and run back to his arms? Her brother was neither lovestruck nor stupid. Ailyn seemed to have forgotten that.

Whose side will she pick? Ela thought. And whose will I?


The team burst into the factory, generating exasperated yells and complaints from the workers. Staff only, some said, along with added Mushan swearwords. Others were smarter, keeping their mouths shut and their heads drooped down to their craft. You'll be thanking us in a moment, Ela foresaw as Arden shoved against the heavy door to the manager's office. Korin sat up, gawking at the man in stunned silence.

"Moi sayae!" he laughed nervously, scrutinizing everyone's gloomy expressions. Ela flinched at the exclamation. Are we really close enough to be considered friends? "How is Karahi? Still packed?"

"No time for that," Arden said, switching anxiously between Mushan and Seyali. He pinched the bridge of his nose with a quivering hand. "You need to evacuate the building. Tell your employees to leave. Right now."

Korin frowned. "What's wrong? Everything seems fine here."

"You don't understand!" Ela shouted, exhaling deep breaths in an attempt to calm her galloping heart. They could be here any minute. We have to leave with or without him. She glared at Arden, nodding sharply towards the exit. The man sighed and shook his head almost apologetically. "This factory is going to be ambushed. If you wish to suffer a gruesome death at least tell us where the Kingfisher is."

"Who said anything about death?"

Ela froze. She hadn't seen his face many times. But his voice was beyond memorable. It had carved itself into her brain, haunting her dreams, her thoughts, reprimanding her every action. That was his goal, to be feared and worshipped and remembered for the rest of eternity. Even when he wasn't present, he had successfully stamped every last citizen of Seyal to the point of paranoia. Don't do this, don't say that. Ela could hardly count how many times she was told that. Now she was starting to regret ignoring all those comments.

She didn't turn around, but everyone else did. Arden raised a brow, shifting his head back to face the prince. Salo and Nora quickly span around, the former with a stunned grimace painted on his face and the latter wearing an unyielding deadpan, almost challenging the man standing static at the door frame. Ailyn stared at him, gulping down her last apologies. I hope it was worth it, Ela fumed as she dug her nails into her sweaty palm, biting her lip and allowing the crimson liquid to gush out in small streams of hatred.

"How rude of me to not introduce you!" Korin beamed, pushing his chair back and walking towards the others. "The Prince of Shadows of Seyal has graced us with his presence to..."

"To examine the working conditions," Kage completed, forcing a smile on his face as he looked at the team. A silent gibe plagued his grin. "Do you have some kind of identification?" he queried innocently. "We have to make sure there are no unauthorized workers here. Many immigrants disguise themselves as employees to hide from the authorities, you should be aware."

So he wants to do this the legal way, then? Ela clenched her teeth. Drag us to Seyal and execute us in his free time?

Korin snorted. "Yes, yes, your Highness. But these sayae don't work here. They are our guests."

"It is a requirement. Or should I call in my soldiers to take control of the situation?"

"S-Soldiers?" Korin stammered, shifting his glance to his boots. "No, no. Not necessary."

"Alright, then. I'm waiting."

Silence reigned. Ela's fingernails had turned a pastel hue of pink and her head pounded dangerously. He has an army outside. How will we ever get out of this? Korin hadn't ever gotten the chance to examine Ela and Ailyn, either because they hid behind hoods like they were now or merely because they were not present. Would Korin still support them when he learned who they were? Probably not.

"That would be an unreasonable search and later seizure," Arden responded calmly. "As inhabitants of Schamaria, we have the right to resist such procedures."

How many arrests has he dodged with that stupid argument?

"Do you, now?" Kage sighed. He leaned back to glance outside the door, making a quick gesture of his hand. Soon, two arms locked around her own, twirling her around to face the prince.

He was like she remembered. Only the dark moons framing his golden eyes tainted his perfect image, making him look human for once. Ela knew he wasn't some kind of almighty deity, nor a wicked miscreant who slaughtered innocents simply to satisfy the hungry devil lying beneath his facade. He was a man who had been given power he couldn't handle. Power that left him craving more. A world where he was mortal would be a utopia.

A perfect world. One only the Kingfisher can create.

A sudden rush of power surged through her. She didn't want to hide or run away. A blond shade glowed and hovered over her palms, caressing her fingers gently.

Arden jostled against the soldier holding him, but he wouldn't budge. "Ela," he hissed, nodding his head vigorously. He wants me to do it. He wants me to fight.

"Elara," Kage repeated, a subtle warning in his tone. He extended his arm expectantly and raised his brows in two dark arches. "We have finally found you. Let's go home. Forget this ridiculous nonsense you got yourself into."

But she was beyond convincing. It hurt to ignore him because deep down she still cared. She still wanted to become closer to him, to earn his approval. Maybe giving up and returning to Seyal would make that distant dream come true. Yet she wasn't so naive. She wasn't Ailyn. Going back was no longer an option, and only a fool would hope to do so after committing treason.

The soldier seizing her had stepped back and removed his tight grip on her. There was no better time to vent all of her emotions.

With a hasty swish of her fist, the girl hurled a forceful blaze against his palm.

She halted. The soldiers halted. Everyone seemed too stunned to react. Only Kage was able to hiss a low swear, and a simple move of his other hand was enough to plunge the room into darkness.

Chaos erupted. The soldiers began screaming at each other, the clang of swords a soft prelude to the utter anarchy that was to ensue. A hand shuffled to grab Ela's shoulder, but to her surprise, it didn't dislocate it; it squeezed it and only a moment later the grip vanished.

They're getting away, she thought. Or preparing to strike once more.

She was tired of guessing. A sway of her arms was enough to pierce the darkness, casting a faint glimmer on everyone's faces. The team was spread around the room, either trying to avoid conflict or jumping right in it. Some soldiers twirled to face Ela, raising their guns swiftly and aiming them at the girl. She didn't hesitate to slump her hands towards the floor, the fire hovering in the air curving and plummeting across the metal tiles, smashing the thin windows, sending anyone at close range to their knees. The intoxicating feeling of adrenaline conquered her limbs, sending quivering shivers down her back. This is it. This is what it means to be alive.

A tall woman was the first one to attack her. She launched a blade at her stomach, probably hoping to cripple her and not do any fatal damage. Her reluctance was what betrayed her. Ela joined her fingers together in a straight line and swung her arm, slicing the air. A tight disc of heat developed before them to mirror her movements and slashed a deep wound in the woman's chest, blood gushing out in frenzied streams as she shrieked and fell on her back. The next was a water manipulator, splashing water everywhere but at her flames, then two sword wielders bumping onto each other. They just kept coming, a never-ending torrent of bodies jostling against her and trying to put her down, yet she remained standing, panting out breaths of exhaustion, embers flying and dancing around her in violent whirls.

"Ela!" she heard over the crackling of her flames as the fighter was shoved out of the window, his daggers clattering on the metal with a sad trill. "Let's go," Arden breathed as he came closer, nudging her shoulder forward. His shirt had a few rips and brushstrokes of scarlet paint were smeared on his cheek.

She didn't need further prompting. She dashed for the door, not before grabbing a horrified Ailyn from a corner where she stood stunned, observing the turmoil in terror. Nora and Salo didn't seem to be close, but all these worries dissolved from her mind as she witnessed the anarchy that was the main room.

Flames occupied most of the rags and cloths as workers run around, screaming orders and sending employees to the lake for water. It was a waste of time; a thick layer of frost covered its surface, and they were all aware of that. Yet they still tried to extinguish the fire by all means possible.

A horde of hammering footsteps echoed behind them. They are coming after us. There was no time to pity the workers. The real victims were themselves.

"Where did Kage go?" Ela shouted over the cacophony of cries and shrieks blended together.

"I didn't see him leave, but he wasn't in the office." Arden managed a strained smile. "Maybe he just ran away like the coward he is."

Ela tried to ignore the fact that in reality, they were running away from him.

A sweaty figure bumped against them, blocking their way. Ela pushed his chin back. "Korin?" she trailed off, but the yells following them forced her legs to move forward, dragging the man along by his wrist. He could barely walk, occasionally leaning forward dangerously, but they couldn't simply leave him there. He needed answers, and they needed information.

As they burst outside, Ela quickly spun around and swiped her arm up.  A chunky layer of ice was generated to cover the entrance. There were broken windows inside that could act as exits, and they needed some time to rejoin the others and escape. She turned to Arden, peeking at the blood on his cheek. "Are you hurt?"

"Nah," he waved his hand dismissively, but it was evident he was in pain. "Those creepy Ascended can't land a hit on me."

"You want to bet on that?"

A sudden wave of umbrage flew towards the man. Ailyn gasped and pushed him aside, extending her arms to summon her light. It came too late.

* * *

Alright, that took way too long.

When summer first started I was thinking something along the lines of 'yeah, I'll be able to write sooo many extra chapters now that I'm free!!' Well, that didn't happen. I have found that I'm even busier now. I have to juggle part-time, uni preparation and about a thousand stuff I got myself into on Wattpad on one hand. 

Anyway, I got some action in there.  The next chapter will have more of that ;) also, changed the text divider, I don't know why but I did.

Thank you for reading! Please consider voting and commenting, it helps me a lot  ♥ 

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