Chapter 6: Meeting The Mermaid-Merman Lance

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Keith's POV

The King's guards led Keith to a secret passage... One of the guards pulled down one of the candles that was on the wall, the wall started to slide open. Keith was surprised. "Thats really cool right, Shiro?" Keith said.

"Yeah, super cool." Shiro replied, a little distracted. He was still thinking about The King's intentions of bringing Keith here. Was it just for him to do this favor for him? Does he even want Keith? Those are the questions that went through Shiro's head at that moment.

"Shiro? Shiro! Are you alright?" Keith asked trying to get Shiro's attention by shaking him. Shiro blinked snapping out of his thoughts and back to reality.

"Mhm. I'm alright." Shiro replied. It was obvious to Keith that Shiro was lying, but Keith didn't want to pry.

"Okay. Lets go see that Mermaid." Keith replied. Shiro nodded. Keith followed the guard down the secret passages stairs. Shiro started to follow, but got stopped by a guard.

"Only Prince Keith is allowed down there." The guard said. Keith looked back to see what was holding Shiro up.

"Fine. I'll wait here." Shiro replied crossing his arms and taking a 'I'm not moving from this spot' stance.

"You do whatever you want. I don't care..." The guard replied doing exactly what Shiro did. The guard was a lot shorter than Shiro. They started to have a staring contest...

"You go on ahead, Keith. I'll wait here." Shiro said while still staring at the guard. Keith smiled at Shiro's goofy staring contest with the guard, before turning around and going down the stairs.

"So... Wheres the Mermaid?" Keith asked, his arms now crossed and looking at the guard who went down with him.

"Follow me." The guard replied short and sweet. Keith followed the guard. There was a big body of water, kinda like a hot spring except it's not hot. It was a very beautiful body of water, crystal blue water, almost like it was glowing. Wait.... It is glowing. Something surfaced above the water. Keith got a good look at it. It was the Mermaid... Or rather Merman. Keith could tell it wasn't female.

"Thats a Merman. Not a Mermaid." Keith said to the guard.

"You an expert?" The guard replied snappily.

"Whatever. I'ma go talk to it." Keith replied.

"And I'll stay here. It doesn't like us for some reason." The guard replied. Hmm I wonder why? Keith rolled his eyes and began to walk towards the body of water. The Merman saw Keith walking up and hid under the water. Keith went to the edge of the water, looking under the surface. He saw that the Merman had short brown hair and beautiful crystal blue eyes like the water.

"Hey. Come out. I won't hurt you." Keith said softly and quietly as not to scare them. The Merman surfaced the water again cautiously this time. "Can you speak?" Keith asked his first question. He was very curious.

"Y-yeah I-i can speak." The Merman spoke their voice shaking. Keith was surprised. The Merman had a beautiful voice and was soothing to Keith's ears.

"Um okay. So you can speak. Uh do you have a name?" Keith asked snapping out of his surprise.

"Yes. I have a name." The Merman replied feeling a little more comfortable with Keith.

"May I know it?" Keith asked softly. The Merman blushed a little.

"I-its Lance." The Merman replied stuttering. Lance didn't know why he was stuttering or what this feeling was. "W-whats yours?" Lance asked curiously. Why was Lance acting like this? He still didn't know if he could trust the guy or not. But Lance thought Keith was beautiful and he hasn't seen anyone like him in Atlantis.

"It's Keith." Keith replied. Lance had decided to swim closer to Keith.

"That's a cute name." Lance replied flirting. Keith was surprised, caught off guard even.

"Uh-whah..." Keith stuttered. Lance saw the guard walking up behind Keith. Lance hid under the water again.

"Okay. Times up." The guard said. Keith was still flustered.

"Uh. Yeah let's go." Keith replied gaining his composure, standing up.

The guard and Keith left the secret passage. Lance surfaced again after they left. "Who is he? And why am I so curious about him?" Lance thought aloud confused as to what he was feeling. "And why did I flirt with him?" Lance continued.

To be continued....

Hope y'all like it...

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